Flip over a table, grab due process by the throat and slam it up against the wall: Jack Bauer's back, for some reason!
Meet the world's greatest counter-terrorist agent, the one man willing to shoot the rule of law in the kneecap and shove a towel down protocol's throat so he can rip out the stomach lining of injustice.
Wait, wrong decade.
Kiefer Sutherland plays Jack Bauer, a man who somehow finds himself in the position of being the only one willing to do what it takes (usually torture a guy, which
always works) to stop the ever-escalating threat of assorted terrorism based attacks. Over and over and over again. He also tends to forcefully ask people where a lot of things are.
Hyper serialized, turbo-dramatic, uncomfortably torture-tastic, Fox brought '24' to television in November 2001 with a unique "real-time" framing. Each season of the show takes place over one consecutive twenty-four hour period, with interconnecting plots weaving together in real-time. Definitely a unique conceit that leads to some great overwrought dramatic tension as Jack is
constantly racing against the clock. The show tended to mix its "Die Hard, but without any wise-cracks or levity whatsoever" action with "House of Cards" style political intrigue with a heavy dose of personal drama. The Vice President couldn't
possibly be the one behind these attacks, could he? Wrong. Well, right that one time, but then a different time wrong because it was actually the
actual President. Well, there were also some other bad guys pulling
his strings, too. Ridiculous twists and a constant escalation of who was
really behind the evil schemes became a hallmark of the show, along with a brazen and sometimes shocking willingness to knock off main characters.
Now after four years of being off the air, '24' is back on
MONDAY, MAY 5th for a 12 hour mini-series event! There had been lots of talk about making a '24' movie after the show went off the air, but it looks like this is what we're getting instead. Although its only 12 hours, apparently
Live Another Day is going to remain true to the real-time format but with the possibility of jumping forward in case there's an hour or two here and there where the only thing happening is Kim Bauer being chased by a random cougar.
Let's talk about the ridiculousness of past seasons out in the open, but start spoiling current episodes when the show starts.
What was everybody's favorite twist? What was the most shocking character death? What was your favorite of Jack's
270 confirmed on screen kills? Is Tony Almeida gonna come back to upgrade his quadruple-cross heel turn into some sort of octo-cross? Will we find out what on earth is going on with Chloe's hair in all the
Live Another Day promotional material? Will Jack kill somebody whilst sliding across the ground this season?
so excite bike
Which a lot of shows could use, really.
During a recent background-noise re-watch of the show, I couldn't help noticing just how much filler there was, especially in the earlier seasons. Trimming things down has the potential to do a lot of good for the pacing.
The show is definitely something of a "guilty pleasure" of mine. It is dumb and silly, but they play it so straight that it ends up being a lot of fun. There's also some serious nostalgia factored in, as I was in high school when this show came on and always got together with a group of friends every week to revel in the ridiculousness.
The other day I was re-watching a Season 7 episode. Some hitman or something (doesn't matter) chased Jack into a construction site. Jack somehow made it appear (to his pursuer and to the audience) as if he had taken refuge inside a trailer (those mobile ones that they use for "offices" on construction sites), so the bad guy busted in and started shooting up all the hiding places. Out of nowhere, cut to Jack Bauer outside in a bulldozer. Ah ha! He was in a bulldozer the whole time! He flips the trailer! Bad guy tumbles around, finally climbs out of a busted window on the "top" of the flipped trailer. Surprise, Jack's on the blade of the bulldozer now! Kick to the face!
Then I think he broke the guy's neck or something, probably.
Though I did like the first season because it started at midnight where he stayed up playing chess with his daughter then shit happens and the dude is like running on no sleep...
Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky
Oh I have no shame in my amusement for this show, and that scene in particular was funny as hell to me.
I refer to season 7 as the video-game-plot season. Because really, everything that happens in that season is just that quality of writing. If I wasn't able to make that association I probably wouldn't have cared for it at all. But it was just like METAL GEAR SERIOUSNESS all over the place, so good. Which is especially funny because I also like to think of Jack Bauer as the Solid Snake of homeland security.
The first season I saw of this show was 4, and for a while it was my favorite because I watched the show in order from then on. Then I looped back to 1 (holy crap that season sucked for the first half), and when I got to season 3 I realized it was the best.
Considering we only have 12 hours I expect AT LEAST a mole every two episodes.
All that I've seen of 24 was the first six episodes of season 1. I thought it was not for me - it just bored me to tears. Where would you suggest starting?
Kim was in the airport waiting to get on a plane to head back home, after Jack declined her generous offer of some stem-cells to maybe cure his biological weapon sickness. She very astutely notices somebody suspicious, a shady fella who appears to be following her. Good for her, she's learned to be a little paranoid; not a bad thing, when you're Jack Bauer's daughter. So she finds a nice friendly couple to socialize with, to make sure she's not alone and to ask them to keep a discrete eye on the suspicious guy. Turns out, the suspicious guy is an FBI agent that is keeping a discrete eye on Kim to make sure she's safe, at Jack's request.
Phew! Crisis adverted!
But wait! The non-assuming couple that she was using as public-cover turns out to be actual bad guys! The husband murders the FBI agent in the bathroom! They secretly record a live-streaming video of Kim, and the bad guys tell Jack that he has to turn himself in so the bad guys can extract the bio-weapon out of his stem cells and make more bio-weapon (duh), or else Kim is going to be killed! Not again! The FBI finds out about this, or something, and they put in a clandestine phone-call that alerts Kim to the danger she's in. Kim plays it cool. Backup is en route.
Airport security to the rescue! Bad Guy #1 starts shooting good guys! Bad Lady grabs Kim and puts a gun to her head! Damnit! Its okay though, Kim has a knife in her pocket and totally stabs that lady who then gets shot by security. Great job, Kim! Bad Guy #1 shoots and kills the last standing security guy and then runs away.
What does Kim do? Kim chases after him! Somehow this choice results in the guy being caught as Kim is able to identify his location in time for more backup to get there. He's trying to drive away, gets shot I guess and for some reason his car flips over and catches on fire and could explode at any second. What does Kim do? She's gotta save that laptop the guy was using to transmit the video of her, because Kim doesn't take no shit anymore!
Sure, yes, Kim gets lit on fire of course but just a little bit, and she saves the evidence and the FBI is able to use that to track Jack's location and ultimately save the day!
Stem cells!
The first half of season one definitely has some terrible pacing, although it gets a little better towards the end with a brief period of "oh my god who wrote this" when Teri Bauer gets amnesia for four hours and she and Kim get kidnapped and re-kidnapped like three times. There are some really major things that happen in Season One that are relevant in Season Two and beyond, but you could just read the Wikipedia summary of the plot and jump ahead to the Season Two if you want.
From Season 2 on, it became "Jack Bauer stops 9/11 over and over again".
Some excerpts, but the whole piece is worth a read.
Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky
Technically it was doing it's job. A little bit too well.
So then Jack decided to just check the guy's cell-phone for the call log and just get the information from that instead.
Holy shit.
They should have worn masks and not used their names in front of him, though.
I'm excited for this coming on monday! Though I'm sad I'll have to watch fox and the 800 billion american idol and that horrible fake prince harry show.
Anyway, I really dug season one, even in the beginning for the most part. (Though I recall there was some oddly gratuitous lesbian sub-subplot that was always accompanied by super-skeezy music, and some generally poor editing in general.) I didn't make it through S7 and didn't even try S8, but I'm willing to give this new one a shot, if only because there won't be anything else on TV for awhile once AoS wraps up.
But yeah after Arrow, fargo, and castle goes off the air there won't be shit for me to watch anyway. Maybe some Play off basketball... HAHAHAHAHAHA
That was actually one of the more brutal torture scenes in the show. Keep in mind though Jack was fueled with vengeance so he was just going to fuck the guy up anyway.
I remember they didn't even show Jack take out his security, just they were all dead.
Kim Bauer was annoying. BUT. She's purdy. I'm glad they tried to make her capable at one point but it feels like they gave up on the character. Especially in seasons 4 and 5.
The only bff for jack that was my favorite was Tony, because he became such a fuck up in season 4, and that was great. I mean like Jack went all beardy but he was still on the grid, Tony was in full fuck off loser mode.
We need to fix that. WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME!
Watch Hannibal, Grimm, Turn and Continuum.
that's almost all i remember about this show, aside from having to look at president logan's stupid face FAR too often
It's what'll come after Hail Hydra. Right @IcyLiquid ? <_<