According to the stories, the first man to stand on the peak of Rinpoche nearly died there. As he stood on the summit, basking in his accomplishment, a mighty wind gusted, blowing him off his feet and tumbling back down the mountain face. As luck would have it, he was tied to his brother, a massive burly man. As he began to fall into the blackness, the climber felt his rope go taut as his companion clung to the bare rock and stopped his fall. When both men reached the base of the mountain, the third brother wept with join and began to untie them. “What was it like up there?” he asked.
The man who had stood on the peak moved in and held his two brothers close. “It was magnificent, brothers. I have seen the land around us, and having stood over it, it is now ours. My skill was not enough to have claimed this, though. It was my brother's strength in saving me from the mountain and my brother's wisdom in tying us together that has given this land to us. From this day forward, let us lead together, for if skill, strength and wisdom are aligned, none may stand before us.”
As Gyatso looked upon the fur clad man in front of him, he could not help but wish the rope had failed. Either his distant ancestor's who had first climbing Rinpoche or the porter who helped his current guest into his presence would have made his life much easier. “Honored Ambassador, we hear the words of the horselord of the Nirun with great clarity. The people of the Padmasam will duly deliberate and answer him.”
The Nirun ambassador narrowed his eyes at the slight man in his saffron robes. “Deliberate? I think you misunderstand my words, Padman. I ride in front of the greatest army in the world. The host of the Nirun is coming to your hills. This is not a negotiation. This is not an ultimatum. This is a warning. When the horselord arrives, you will answer him. You may prostrate yourself before him and live. Or you will die. If you must deliberate that, so be it. But do so quickly.”
The ambassador turned and left. Gyatso sighed. The Padmasam mountains were defensible but far the fertile. The Padmen themselves were mostly merchants and monks. Standing against the Nirun would be madness. But a council would have to be held regardless. The delegates would be called and they would argue points and minutiae until the wine was exhausted. Perhaps this time he could impress on them the need for quickness in coming to consensus. He was not hopeful.
Phalla Generations – Padmasam
Phalla Generations - Padmasam is a phalla game for 40 - 45 players.
Game Overview
This is a Phalla game, Penny Arcade Forum's version of the party game Mafia. This particular game takes place over several weeks as the Padmasam Assembly attempts to come to a consensus on how to answer the Nirun.
Each day, vote for a player in bold red. The player with the most votes will be removed from the council.
Should there be a tie in the vote, then a random player tied for the lead will be selected. This applies to both the public vote, as well as the private votes discussed below..
Voting will close each day at 11 PM EST; any votes before the hour (x:59) will count, any votes on the hour and later (x:00) will not.
All players are expected to vote every day. A second missed vote will result in replacement/elimination.
All orders must be submitted before vote close.
Signing Up
Sign up with the phrase "I !sign up" or similar phrase in bold limegreen.
Any questions about the general game rules may be made by highlighting the question in bold darkorange text. Answers will be posted in the thread and collected in the below section. Player-specific inquiries that are not addressed in the general rules may be asked via PM to the host.
Other Rules
Standard Phalla rules apply: no sharing of host-provided PMs via screenshots or direct quotation. However, information may be shared indirectly, such as through rephrasing. You may not add new players to pre-existing private conversations after the first message - start a new conversation instead. No anonymous contact is allowed. All messages must be traceable to a player in the game. Once you are eliminated, you may not make any more game conversation with players remaining in the game.
If any players create proboards for private communication or interesting conversations including more than two players, please send links for them to the hosts and add him as an admin.
Please include the hosts on all game PM's.
Game Specific Rules
The Padmasem are divided up into different competing groups. Please note that these are not phalla “factions,” merely a story reason for a mechanic. Each day, every player will have a private vote in addition to their public vote. Depending on which faction you belong to, your private vote will have different effects.
Yellow Hats represent the Skill of the Padmasam. Each day they may privately vote for a player to be removed from the conclave.
Blue Hats represent the Strength of the Padmasam. Each day they may privately vote for a player to be guarded from conclave removal.
Green Hats represent the Wisdom of the Padmasam. Each day they may privately vote for a player to be seered. A random Green Hat player will receive the result of the seering.
Guarding and vigging are both additive. Each guard cancels out a single vig. For example, if Saber is targeted with a single vig and a single guard action, he will survive. However, if he is targeted with two vig actions and one guard action, he will be killed.
Village PM:
Yellow Hat:
You are a member of the Yellow Hats. You believe that the Nirun are powerful and that the survival of the people of the Padmasam depends on yielding to them .
Ability: Each day you may cast a vote via PM. The winner of the Yellow Hat Vote will be removed from the conclave
Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to that consensus.
Blue Hat:
You are a member of the Blue Hats. You believe that the Nirun are powerful and that the survival of the people of the Padmasam depends on yielding to them .
Ability: Each day you may cast a vote via PM. The winner of the Blue Hat Vote will be protected from their first removal from the conclave.
Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to that consensus.
Green Hat
You are a member of the Green Hats. You believe that the Nirun are powerful and that the survival of the people of the Padmasam depends on yielding to them .
Ability: Each day you may cast a vote via PM. The winner of the Green Hat Vote will have their alignment and hat faction revealed to a random Green Hat member.
Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to that consensus.
8. Nion
16. Shalmelo
18. CesareB
20. Assuran
21. Grunt's Ghosts
31. buddha73
Day 1
The Dead
Langly – Green Hat
Jpants – Green Hat
discrider – Yellow Hat
Phyphor – Yellow Hat
Day 2
The Dead
Mikey CTS – Blue Hat
Matev – Green Hat
Obifett – Blue Hat
Invictus – Yellow Hat
TheRoadVirus – Yellow Hat
premium – Yellow Hat
Day 3
The Dead
Trust – Green Hat
Kime – Yellow Hat
MrTLicious – Green Hat
Day 4
The Dead
Maxfrost – Yellow Hat
Gizzy – Green Hat
UndergroundMonorail – Blue Hat
Day 5
jdarksun – Yellow Hat
ardor – Green Hat
Slym – Yellow Hat
Zonugal – Yellow Hat
Lucedes – Yellow Hat
Day 6
The Dead
Mill – Green Hat
Iron Weasel – Yellow Hat
Bliss101 – Yellow Hat
Day 7
The Dead
Segatai – Green Hat
Ebfan – Green Hat
Auralynx – Green Hat
Day 8
The Dead
Sir Fabulous – Blue Hat
Megafrost – Yellow Hat
Preda – Green Hat
Schuss – Blue Hat
Day 9
The Dead
Rawkking Goodguy – Green Hat
The Anonymous – Green Hat
vertroue – Blue Hat
tzeentchling – Blue Hat
Day 10
The Dead
Sepah – Yellow Hat
Bedlam – Blue Hat
Retaba – Blue Hat
Nintendo ID: Pastalonius
Smite\LoL:Gremlidin \ WoW & Overwatch & Hots: Gremlidin#1734
3ds: 3282-2248-0453
Sign up!--assuming it starts after Thursday.
It's going to depend on the speed of sign ups. My best guess is that we'll start sometime over the weekend with a long day 1 ending on Monday night.
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
I highly approve of the new "evil head with tentacles" direction that the forums have taken.
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
Personally I miss the So Raven button and the Bro button.
They should probably just enable all of the buttons and let us go totally mad for like a week.
Island Name: Felinefine
But still, Saberphalla is a rare treat.
From the Desk of Darth Vertroue Diplomat to the USA.
You've got a little time. Give yourself a day or two and see how you're feeling then.
3DS: 1289-8447-4695
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
Warning: Will be entirely inactive over the weekend.
whaT Do yOU DO WITh a dRUnKen pLAYEr
What Do YoU do wItH a DrunKeN PLAyer
MaKE HIm eAT The vOOOTe :whistle:
Reserve up
The BBC code for this is insane.
tHAt's jUST ThE WaY It is
SOme tHings'lL NEVeR cHAaAaNgE
tHAT's JusT ThE Way iT iS.
aWwWwWw yeAh
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227