Hello all, looking forward to seeing you in Melb!
Feel free to post your pictures, comments and everything cosplay related in this thread, below is the costume weapons policy and how to have a good time.
The official policy is as follows:
- It fires or can fire any sort of projectile. {Nerf guns are only allowed if they have been deactivated and can not fire)
- It is airsoft, even if deactivated
It looks like a real firearm
This rule has been rescinded by PAX for PAX Prime, East and South, however, a realistic looking gun violates Australian law in the State of Victoria, so sorry guys, just don't bring it.
That said, the standard for what looks like a firearm has been relaxed, so toy guns are fine, it will not get you in trouble with PAX, but if you bring a replica it will not be allowed. PAX takes absolutely no responsibility for you getting in trouble with the police on the way to PAX or if they see you later and think your prop is too real looking. Even if it's ok with PAX that doesn't mean it's ok with the Australian Police.
An example of replica guns that wouldn't be allowed:
Not allowed
- It's sharp or pointy enough to cut or pierce someone with moderate pressure. This includes all real swords, daggers and knives. It also includes ceramic blades, needles, syringes and anything that can pierce such as a Little Sister syringe made of wood.
- Bats are allowed as long as you don't go around hitting people with em. "Bats are ok. Don't be a dick with them."
Please note that, Little Sister syringes that are made of wood are not allowed because you can accidentally poke someone, especially in the Expo hall. If the syringe part is made of rubber instead it would be totally acceptable.
NOTE: This peace bonding information is from PAX Australia 2014.
There will be a Weapons Check booth next to the Info Desk. It will be staffed by enforcers from 1 hour prior to the show to the close of Expo Hall. All attendees who have costume weapons will be directed there. The Security Management Team will also be checking the exterior line and the expo line before the doors open to alleviate any delay for people who show up before the show opens.
Anyone who has a costume weapon needs to be verified. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Attendees whose weapons are allowed will have to show that they have been checked and Ok'd. If an attendee's weapon is approved they will receive a zip tie. Please note that zip ties will be placed on the prop in an area of your choice. It must remain secure but it can be in an area that can be covered for photos.
If you bring something in that's not allowed or not approved you will be politely required to leave, stow the offending item in your vehicle/hotel room/etc, and then return.
Nope, if anything I saw more cosplay at PAX Aus than I see at most other conventions. There isn't a focus on it, no competitions, but it's still very common to see cosplayers around. It mostly leans more towards video game cosplay than the usual anime or 1001 Naruto cosplayers.
Awesome, good to know! Eep - can't wait! Maybe I'll see out a FF outfit too for another day then
Is the group you want to be part of
Something like a fencing foil without a sharp tip would be ok. A metal baseball bat is fine.
While there are no official PAX costume competitions, as @aaronc said there could be community ones. In addition many times I have seen or heard of game companies hosting\organizing competitions based on their games or characters. So pay attention to your favorite game companies twitter.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
I am also keen on cosplaying as grown-up Aurora from Child of Light, but ehhh so many props and fiddly bits! Same with Princess Hilda from A Link Between Worlds, which I'd also love to do.
Like yeah its coming to vita in aus soon and it was on vita in Japan already but. .. ekk
I just need reassurance that I will be accepted
Its my 2rd big con- first being gold coast nova this year
@Thread would guns like the below image be okay? NOTE: the silver/gray parts will be painted black
MeiMemi, up to you if it is worth the risk and how important it is to your cosplay.
As for importants it is very but now you have made me scared for my Sniper rifle ;-; I'll ask about my sniper once I have accually made it.
Does PAX have a Prop size restriction?
While there is no stated restriction, it is mostly asked that you follow the standrd rules of PAX when it comes to these things. If you have a huge prop and you are causing issues with it (eg, swinging a giant hammer around in a crowded hall) then you may have issues with the security team. However we have had people at last year's PAX Aus with huge props (eg a Chell cosplayer with a gigantic inflatable companion cube the same size as her) who were quite popular and understood where and when it was inappropriate to have such a large prop. So in short, as long as it obeys all other rules and you use your brain, it will probably be ok.
I may ping @AaronC to confirm this.
Ohhhh we should meet up for photos then!!
And thank god cause I lovr cosplay and stuff but I freak out about it at times. Cause im no where near as talented as the friends I have that cosplay...
PAX does not have a prop restriction however, if you're prop is interfering with other attendee's ability to move or becomes a safety hazard then you will be asked to remove it.
If you look at the PAX Aus website you will see the weapons rules. Airsoft guns are not allowed. PAX itself does not ban realistic looking toy weapons, however PAX will not provide advice on what is legal in Victoria. It is up to the individual cosplayer to make that determination. As I've said before (thanks for the qoute Beker), you won't get in trouble with PAX, but a realistic looking toy gun may get you in trouble with the Victoria Police.
@Pincesskitty: sounds good, we haven't yet decided what day we will be cosplaying SAO, I'll PM you once I know.
But thanks
careful, even if they're in a scabbard, people might still mistake them for the real thing. to be on the safe side i'd keep them in a bag till you get to pax, and store them away again on the way home
I have carried a real I sword around before, pros of being a cadet, and found that once scabed and slung people tend to ignore it
Its when its waving around or obvious that you get in trouble
Anyone know how strict PAX is on the weapons checks/ever refused entry?
They will not be allowed. We have sent people home to drop of their prop before.
Aus14 Omeganaut - Nef
Just on the slenderman topic, there was an issue at another con with someone dressed up as slenderman taking the whole creepy stalking, touching randoms on shoulders e and standing behind people to the extreme, and it blew up into a massive issue. Just remember to take that into account when you are wearing your outfit