Welcome home to all true Americans. Welcome, to the Enclave.
I know things have been tough the past few hundred years. Nuclear war, mutant invasion, the insidious Communist menace of ObamaCare, a never-ending shortage of Sunset Sarsaparilla. But fear not, the Enclave's return is inevitable. And with it?
The finest of our soldiers are preparing to reconquer this savage, chaotic world, and rescue humanity from the brink of extinction.
Do not fear the deluded zealots of the Brotherhood of Steel, or the corrupt,
ILLEGITIMATE New California Republic. Our unmatched legal system has crippled their digital distribution efforts.
For they cannot prevail against justice, against freedom, against
Even now, our forces are on the verge of liberating Washington D.C.
So take heart citizens and as always, this has been the President of this great nation, and your heart, John Henry Eden, signing off.
You know, some people enjoy the new/old content, but I found a lot of the writing to be very obviously fan made. It was jarring enough that I haven't used either restoration mod since, just the ultra patches to get everything working as intended. And yes, I had constant crashes as well.
The store page says its "not optimized" for Windows 7. Not sure what that means.
Nothing like getting high on psycho and blowing heads off while 8-Bit tunes fill the air.
Also Fallout your momma jokes.
It works perfectly fine.
I was surprised how many of them I recognized (ok, 2, maybe 3... Mega Man and Shadowgate at least) Also listening to X-1 while exploring Big MT.
And Tales of the Texas Ranger while dispensing justice.
Perfect for the roleplaying style I got going on right now though. Should be interesting, seems like they go well with stealth.
With the perks that reduce damage to yourself when caught in the radius and VATS, it's surprising what you can survive sometimes in a crowded room. It's pretty amusing.
Tell ya, that was quite a shock when I found out that wasn't the case for New Vegas (Fallout 3 has you almost invincible by default in VATS). Chucked some dynamite at an incoming Rad Scorpion at that gas station and blew myself up.
And I'm given a Holorifle. Which is an Energy Weapon. Which is what I specialise in. Usually. But since this is part of a Legion playthrough, I'm forgoing my beloved lasers for once in favour of regular Guns.
Maybe I should leave Dead Money alone for one playthrough more.
Is it COMMIE TALK to love President Tandi and the good old NCR?
If so, I have just one thing to say:
No it isn't you archaic fucks, and you should stop fucking treading on the bear before we have to kick your asses back to the stone age.
Also, what is a communist, anyway?
Why I fear the ocean.
Bethesda breaking hearts like a champ.
You are somekind of inhuman monster.
Why not just burn the Mona Lisa and grind Michelangelo's David into pebbles while you're at it.
Thank god I switched to PC, would have gone insane a long time ago without New Vegas being released and mods slowing the bleeding.
Well, I'm still going stir crazy anyway but still.
New engine.. as in totally not gamebryo Mk.2 stickers to throw on the gamebryo engine?
I will die happy if they make a stable engine that still allows for crazy, random shit to happen.
On my most recent playthrough I was sneaking around at Black Mountain, trying to get to the radio tower undetected. As I reached the summit I saw the place was nearly deserted - several mutant corpses spread throughout the camp, including a couple nightkin.
I guessed what had happened just in time to hear the roar of the approaching deathclaw, and it didn't seem all that bothered by the one shot I managed before it closed the distance.
Now playing: Teardown and Baldur's Gate 3 (co-op)
Sunday Spotlight: Horror Tales: The Wine
I'll put it this way, magic is still inside the GECK code and a little of the fallout games, it was carried over from the oblivion construction set.
I don't know how the fuck you would balance something like that but I don't care.
Because you need the Mona Lisa to light your cigars with.
Why I fear the ocean.
I never said they had to be first person.
Most of them are more geared towards just creating new companions out of NPCs rather than the buying and selling aspect. Theres Slavery Simple but it sounds like a buggy mess going through the comments. Project Ultimatum is great but has no options for making a profit off them. Sadly I think I will have to continue limiting my crimes against humanity to pillaging and raiding rather than the business of human property.
From a roleplaying aspect, the mesmertron from Fallout 3 was a nice and simple way to make evil fun bucks (even though only 1/10 of your slaves ever survive the voyage to Paradise Falls). With a bigger focus on slavers taking over the region, I'm surprised Obsidian didn't add anything like that themselves.
I don't think I actually bothered to talk to anyone there the first time I played. Explosives got a lot of mileage that day.
Damn disappointing on both fronts.
Project Ultimatum has some pretty interesting functions in general.
Didn't new vegas have special melee finishers? There's always VATS
I'm talking about the animations that kick in during Skyrim sometimes when you kill an enemy with a melee weapons. It cuts to an animation of something like the Dragonborn stylishly running a guy through.
Considering all the miniature chainsaws laying around the wasteland, I imagine they could get pretty gory with it in 4.
Also, if they do add in Dual Wielding firearms, I think that you shouldn't be able to aim/use VATS of you do so. In Skyrim if you have 2 weapons/spells you can't block, so I think that makes a nice similar mechanic; trading pure damage for increased criticals/crippling ability.
No iron sights definitely (that one goes without saying), No aiming at specific parts in VATS would definitely be one.
Overall though, Bethesda's RPGs throw balance out the window in favor of go crazy/do everything and be everything pretty quickly so I don't think dual wielding being overpowered would be that big of a deal, you usually reach god mode in these games eventually anyway whether you want to or not.
As long as it's limited to pistols/one handed guns and one handed melee weapons, it sounds fair enough in theory. I would love to dual wield two rocket launchers Salavador style as much as the next guy but I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't go that far.
Well...atleast until the modders get ahold of it.
There, I said it.
Anyway, if Fallout IV doesn't get announced at E3, I will be pissed.
I'm thinking of trying to finish Fallout 3 one of these days. Any advice on mods?
Opens up whole new ways of playing the game.
Added a lot to Skyrim for me and hell, that was just melee weapons. Add guns and I'm going to go fucking crazy.
You are arguing WRONG.