I saw someone post about a car pool and figured I would make this post. Starting up a car pool forum for people who have extra seats and driving that way!
Spots Available:
My Gender:
Your Gender:
Date leaving home:
Date coming home:
Contact Method:
Additional Notes:
Spots Needed:
My Gender:
Your Gender:
Date leaving home:
Date coming home:
Contact Method:
Additional Notes:
Not sure if I am aloud to make this post or not but if not I am sorry this is my first day on the forum! I do have an extra seat available so this is my form:
Spots Available: 1
Cost: $60
My Gender: Male
Your Gender: Male or Female
Location: Modesto, CA
Date leaving home: August 28th (Thursday) - Roughly 3-4AM
Date coming home: August 31st (Sunday) - Morning MAYBE Monday!
Contact Method: Email - phantomcal@hotmail.com
Additional Notes: I have a Sunday ticket but debating if I want to come home on Sunday or Monday.
Spots Available: 2 (3, but may be cramped)
Cost: ~$100 (we will confirm once we know if people will carpool with us and we set the rental car in stone)
Your Gender: Female and Male
Location: Sacramento/Davis, CA
Date leaving home: Thurs, Aug. 28 (early AM 5 - 8 AM)
Date coming home: Mon, Sep. 1 (afternoon/late afternoon 12 - 5 pm)
Contact Method: email - victoria.luey@yahoo.com
Spots Available: 2
Cost: $60/person covers to and from
My Gender: 2x Males
Location: Kelowna, BC
Date leaving home: Thurs, August 28th @ 8AM
Date coming home: Tues, September 2nd @ 5AM
Contact Method: Email or PM
Email - Skyler@InformedPixel.com
Attending: PAX Prime 2016
Twitter @Pogoplay
Spots Needed: 1
My Gender: Male
Your Gender: Either
Location: Auburn, WA
Date leaving/coming home: Commuting all four days
Contact Method: PM
Spots Available: 3
Cost: Split of gas and parking costs. Most likely $40 per person if I have a full car.
My Gender: Male
Your Gender: Either
Location: Auburn, WA
Date leaving/coming home: Commuting all four days.
Contact Method: PM
Likely not happening, I'm probably taking the Light Rail into Seattle again this year.
Attending: PAX Prime 2016
Twitter @Pogoplay
Spots Needed: 1
My Gender: Female
Your Gender: don't care
Location: Portland, Oregon
Date leaving home: Thursday afternoon/evening
Date coming home: Monday post-PAX
Contact Method: PM
Additional Notes: I don't smoke - I prefer that you don't either. I'm willing to contribute for gas and parking costs
<TRON> if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCALATOR = EVERLASTING FUN
Also, this.
Spots Needed: 1
My Gender: Male
Your Gender: don't care
Location: Sacramento
Date coming home: Monday post-PAX
Contact Method: PM
Additional Notes: I'm flying up for PAX but wanna carpool home to save money, so I to repeat I only need a ride back.
Spots Available: 1
Cost: Splitting gas - dunno what that is.
My Gender: Female +1 Male, +1 other female
Your Gender: Doesn't matter
Location: Portland, Oregon -- coming from Lake Oswego, Oregon
Date leaving home: Thursday afternoon
Date coming home: Tuesday morning/afternoon
Contact Method: PM me
Additional Notes: I would like someone who is pretty clean and doesn't smoke. Specifics can be discussed - I'm driving from LO, so would prefer to just go straight up to I-5 instead of crossing the river again. So if you live on the east side and can get to the westside via Max, I can pick you up in Beaverton / Tigard area.
PAX Prime 2014 [X]
PAX Prime 2015 [X]
Spots Available: 3-4
Cost: ~120 total. round trip.
My Gender: Female
Your Gender: Doesn't matter.
Location: Sacramento, CA
Date leaving home: Wednesday Night (9-11pm for a night ride, BUT I'm open to 3-4am Thursday instead)
Date coming home: Tuesday Morning/Noon OR Monday afternoon/Evening.
Contact Method: zelaar@gmail.com or zelaar (Dr. Grump, MD) on steam
Additional Notes: I went to college in WA state and know this drive like the back of my hand. Clean driving record. I drive a 2000 Corolla that has never failed me. I prefer to leave Wednesday and drive through the night - it makes better time, isn't hot out, and I only see traffic in the last couple hours. I'm used to doing this drive, alone, where I break only for gas stops. It would be nice to have a buddy or two along for the ride. I also have an AUX cable for music and USBs for charging devices.
ALSO, check out the subreddit for PAX prime. There's a thread there about room/ride sharing!
EDIT: well... i see the edit button on this post but not on my previous one....
Spots Available: 3
Cost: Split of gas costs
My Gender: Male
Your Gender: Either
Location: Portland, OR
Date leaving: Thursday afternoon
Date coming home: Tuesday morning
Contact Method: longklaw (at) gmail.com
Spots Available: 2
Cost: split gas
Gender: M & F
Location: Vancouver, BC
Date leaving home: August 28th, 8:00pm-ish
Date coming home: September 1st, after Omegathon Finale
Contact Method: PM me
Spots Available:1
Cost:50/50 fuel. Comes out to roughly $130 one way $260 round trip
My Gender:Male
Your Gender:Does not matter
Location:Nashville TN
Date leaving home:8-26-2014
Date coming home: 9-2-2014
Contact Method: PM
Additional Notes: I drive a Ram 1500 with the premium seats, custom sound system, and a generally comfortable ride. I wanted to road trip up to save costs, and do something different. I have found reasonable/cheap hotels that will only be a total of $60 round trip to bed for the night. If I don't get any takers by the 2nd of next month I'm buying a plane ticket.
Spots Needed: 1
My Gender: Male
Your Gender: Doesn't matter
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Date leaving home: August 28 or 29
Date coming home: N/A
Contact Method: PM
I would like to get there around 8-9 AM on Friday if possible (most bus/train options arrive at 10-11 AM).
Spots Needed: 1
My Gender: F
Your Gender: Human
Location: Bellingham, WA
Date leaving home: August 28
Date coming home: September 1
Contact Method: PM
Additional Notes: I can easily enough get a Bolt Bus down on the 28th, but if I want to stay later on Monday it would be hard for me to get back to Bellingham on the bus and then be able to catch a bus to my house, so I'd prefer to have a ride with someone. My house is literally a 30 second drive off of an I5 freeway exit, so if you're going further north I wouldn't be out of the way!
Spots Needed: 1
My Gender: taco
Your Gender: any
Location: Bellingham, WA
Date leaving home: Saturday morning 08/30
Date coming home: NEVER
Contact Method: PM
Additional Notes: I have a ride back already. Will buy you Unicone Crepe from Uwajimaya if we roll into town at 10 AM in addition to kicking down some gas money.
Bought a bolt bus ticket soon as they went on sale. Will still be eating Unicone crepes
Cost: $35 (round trip, might be able to negotiate some)
My Gender: Male (and my wife)
Your Gender: Doesn't matter
Location: Portland, OR
Date leaving home: Thursday Aug, 28th (Evening)
Date coming home: Monday, Sept 1st (Evening)
Contact Method: email: me@mikhailthomas.com
Additional Notes: Non-smokers. No excessive luggage.
Spots Needed: 1
My Gender: Female
Your Gender: female preferred, male okay
Location: Portland OR
Date leaving home: Thursday Aug. 28th
Date coming home: Monday Aug 1st
Contact Method: scarlet.passmore@gmail.com
Additional Notes: I am a cosplayer but I only plan to bring one collapsable prop. Can provide snacks and some gas money, but the cheaper the better. Something cheaper than a Bolt Bus tickets there and back (about 80 from what I saw) would be perfect. Sadly, had to change this, as my sister can't go.
I have an extra Friday and a Monday pass I am willing to exchange for a ride.
Spots Needed: 1
My Gender: F
Your Gender: I'd hope you would know.
Location: Vancouver BC
Date leaving home: Wednesday August 27th
Date coming home: Prefer Tuesday September 2nd but can do the 1st if necessary.
Contact Method: PM me here
Additional Notes: Nexus card holder.
Cost: $50 (Fill up the tank once.)
My Gender: Male (and my male friend)
Your Gender: Doesn't matter
Location: Boise, ID
Date leaving home: Thursday Aug, 28th (Morning around 7am)
Date coming home: Monday, Sept 1st (Evening)
Contact Method: email: maxwell_917@hotmail.com
Additional Notes: Smokers welcome
Cost: meh
My Gender: M
Your Gender: Doesn't Matter
Location: Everett/Points South
Date leaving home: Thursday
Date coming home: Tuesday
Contact Method: PM or twitter @fatassengineer
I'm leaving directly from work in Everett around 2-4 Thursday, probably won't be able to give anyone a ride back up when I return Tuesday morning (probably going straight to work). If anyone wants to save the time/cost of a bus fair into the city, I don't mind some randos to break up the traffic-sitting I know I'll be doing.
RIP: uncomfortably hot tire vest
u want destiny raid? We be raidin'! XBL: Unfettered
Spots Needed: 1
My Gender: Male
Your Gender: Doesn't Matter
Location: Portland Metro, OR
Date leaving home: Thursday 7/28
Date coming home: Monday 9/1
Contact Method: PM or email mike_sully16@hotmail.com
Additional Notes: Non smoker, light luggage, will pay fair share. Also have an extra monday badge.
Alternatively, I would be willing to drive if there are others who would like to join me.
Spots Available: up to 3
Cost: Whatever gas costs divided by the number of people.
My Gender: F
Your Gender: Doesn't matter
Location: Spokane
Date leaving home: Thrusday 7/28
Date coming home: Monday 9/1
Contact Method: mellicknicole@gmail.com
Additional Notes: Please be clean, not a murderer, and a non-smoker.
Spots Needed: 2
My Gender: Males
Your Gender: Doesn't Matter
Location: Beaverton OR(can meet in Portland somewhere)
Date leaving home: Thursday 8/28
Date coming home: Sunday 8/31
contact method: phone (503-330-7435)
Additional notes: both are non smokers. mainly looking for a ride up there since we are leaving a day early
Spots Needed:1
My Gender:M
Your Gender: does not mattet
Location: Portland or
Date leaving home:
Date coming home: Monday eve
Contact Method: text (503) 757 3238
Additional Notes: can pitch in for gas/drive. Nice guy. Has mustache.