Which is really rather inconvenient as a first-time reader, since the site's obviously changed format since then. In fact, on a google? I can't find these comics at all. Your search page only shows this page, which is hardly helpful.
According to archive.org, this was a multi-parter that wasn't uploaded like normal strips. Doesn't look like they're still up from what I can see. The site has indeed changed many times since those comics were up.
Had to create an account for this, the original news article can be found in web archive org at web archive org/web/20010619024252/http /www penny-arcade com/news.php3?date=2000-06-09.
Sorry for the spaces, I didn't have permission to post links yet.
Maybe a few old jpegs aren't that serious?
For your immediate edification, here they are.
part 1
Sorry for the spaces, I didn't have permission to post links yet.