Destiny is a new shooter game from Bungie. It is promising the tight shooting of something like Halo, the customization and scale and breadth of an MMO and also everyone gets a hoverbike!
The game is coming out September 9th.
Bungie is super classy. If you buy the last-gen version, you can get a
free upgrade to the next gen/current gen version
Good old IGN has a bunch of info about the game
There are three classes-- Hunter, Titan and Warlock. Hunters are sort of scouts or snipers. Titans are heavy hitters with lots of health/ Warlocks are SPACE WIZARDS
There are also three species or races-- ROBOTS, weird grey elves and humans. I don't think your species has any effect on anything other than your appearance. It might affect your dance moves.
I will be playing it on PS4.
AtomicTofu made a clan--
The Georges McFly
That Dave Fella-- ThatDaveFella
Bubby-- Fathom216
cornell-- cornell002
fearghaill-- fearghaill
kevin crist-- IEATBRAINMEAT
AtomicTofu-- AtomicTofu
beef Avenger-- robo_wizard1
unbreakablevow-- unbreakablevow
CorporateLogo-- CorpLogo
Veldrin-- Sechael
IronKnuckle's Ghost-- IKisGreat
Aretè-- ninjafrizz
timspork's ghost-- timspork
Virgil leads us-- L4ST_L3VI4TH4N
Lasbrook-- Lasbrook
Azraith-- AzraithDeMitri
Penguin Incarnate-- PICarnehan
I Win Swordfights-- bryarray
Walt-- GeneiDjinn
Balefuego-- Balefuego2
WheatBun01-- WheatBun01
Mr. G-- MrGtD
blankzilla-- blankzilla
TheShaqtus-- HurbBurbs
Maddoc-- Masked_Unit
Elderlycrawfish-- Elderlycrawfish
rhylith-- Amalockh
Phasen-- PhasenWeeple
Hobnail-- HobnailAlpha
Raijin Quickfoot -- RAIJINQ
Feriluce-- LordFeriluce
Local H Jay-- Local H Jay
Man of the Waves-- BuckarooHoliday
Nicopernicus-- Nicopernicus
Brogey-- Bogestrom
Ninjabear-- DinoTeen
Aphostile -- LastAphostile
LuvMonkey-- LuvMonkey
vsove-- vsove
Vann Diras-- VannDiras
which systems are you two using?
The Georges McFly
I am trying to find some videos to show off...
this MoreConsole guy has a bunch
IGN has a bunch, but their website has its own goofy player or something
here's a thing for the beta
and another IGN beta thing
I think you and I are already friends, but I have every intention of being online tonight. Will add others, if they post their names.
PSN: Robo_Wizard1
(bungie's website is down)
Destiny Lead Designer Lars Bakken gave IGN some tips
I got through the bungie site to get my codes, but now the Playstation store keeps crashing.
I am not sure how the keys work exactly. I'm going to see if a couple of my friends want a code, or if my one nephew wants one.
Steam: YOU FACE JARAXXUS| CainLoveless
I didn't get any emails I don't think.
Well I'm staring at all 3 of my codes on Bungie's website right now and I don't have an email either, so I think it's just a little bit slow and PSN are on fire right now so I'd just wait until tonight at least
There is not
There is definitely not cross-play between Playstation and PC
Because the game is not coming to PC
what are everyone's psn IDs?
gotta get home, install it, take care of puppies, and then hopefully maybe play a bit tonight
probably play a bunch this weekend though
Steam: YOU FACE JARAXXUS| CainLoveless
But do the same codes work for Xbone and PS3/PS4?
Coran Attack!
Yes it is, in about 6 months. They even found the entry on the Steam store.
I keep waiting for my verification email from Bungie but haven't received it yet. Anyone else have that problem?
Coran Attack!
I haven't heard anything about this. Can you back it up with some links?
PSN: Robo_Wizard1
So, whoever gets it, share with two other forumers
I loved the alpha and am completely sold on it - I don't need to play the beta, I'll just play the release
Nope! There's some somewhere in the G&T thread tho. They took the page down almost instantly after it was shared around.