#pipe wrote: » if you hate money so much why don't you divorce it
The Far Side wrote: » i reocerded myself singing "listen to the music"
Calvin wrote: » #pipe wrote: » if you hate money so much why don't you divorce it I might. If I don't get into the college I want I was thinking of selling my car and going on a Walkabout in the Outback for a while.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
A car MADE of money.
I might.
If I don't get into the college I want I was thinking of selling my car and going on a Walkabout in the Outback for a while.
I've met the Doobies before.
They were really awesome and really kind.
Did you have to replace the axle or something?
We pull out, I fuck up the mirror, we go to the restaurant agreed upon and it was fucking closed.