As most PAXprime folks know, cell service at PAX is pretty bad, between poor reception and overloaded towers. There have been some attempts at WiFi, but that hasn't seemed to work out too well in my experience. However, lots of PAX information is transmitted through Twitter and such (official_pax and lines), but it spotty at best to get.
I am wondering if a tech-savvy crowd like PAX might be the place to really give a peer-2-peer messaging client like FireChat a spin. It doesn't rely on a Wifi or Cell connection, just p2p between all the users of the app. With the density of smart devices at PAX, it would seem that you could create a quite robust adhoc, p2p network with Firechat to be able to communicate. For anyone that wants to try it, I just created a channel called "PAXprime". Feel free to join
If this worked, it would be pretty cool if the twitter post on the official PAX twitters could be posted / reflected in a FireChat channel (probably named the same thing). Posting it here for consideration by the organizers.
One could also see maybe encouraging the exhibitors and advertisers to communicate their drawing announcements, demos, competitions, and special events at their booths through firechat or a specific firechat channel.
I have no connection to the Firechat or Open Garden peeps. Just making a public service post for what look like a interesting way to improve the PAX experience.
Get Firechat here:
Looking forward to seeing how well this works.
Not sure how they do it on android. May have their own adhoc WiFi agent.
If you have net connectivity, it will use it.