So, I had a 60GB Samsung IDE HD where I had WinXP installed,
a 120GB SATA HD for games and stuff
and a 160GB SATA HD with a 30GB partition with Vista Home Pro and the rest for data.
I set out to reinstall XP, as it was an old installation and it was too slow booting and stuff. So I (a) copied all the stuff like Program Files and Docs And Settings to the 120GB HD and booted the WinXP CD. I formatted the 60GB during install and told it to install XP (duh).
Only thing is, the 60GB drive simply won't let the machine boot.
First it would NOT continue the installation, but now the POST will simply hang when it gests to that HD. It booted fine as a slave on another machine, but it WON'T even let my main computer finish the POST now. It doesn't go into the bios setup either.
I managed to reinstall Vista on the 160 HD, but I kinda need XP for most games and some work stuff...
edit: It won't let XP install when using the other PC, either... After the first reboot the pc says it has failed boot something.
Any ideas? What could I do to that HD? It's not the cable, it's not a conflict with any other drives, it's not RAM....
Thanks a lot for the help in advance.
Steam: Stormwatcher | PSN: Stormwatcher33 | Switch: 5961-4777-3491