Tabletop Role Playing Game One Shot at PAX

IcefuhrerIcefuhrer Registered User regular
For PAX 2014 I was hoping to run a One Shot table-top RPG. I would likely run the scenario towards the end of Saturday. I plan to run one of these three One Shots:

The Bad Man - A monster has taken up residence in your room, one that won't leave no matter what you do. Of course, no one believes that this monster, this Bad Man, lives outside your window, in your closet, under your bed. Everyone says he's not real, that it's just your imagination. The way he looks at you with a deep, deep hunger… that's more than just your imagination.

The Bad Man is a Don’t Rest Your Head scenario about children facing and overcoming their very real, deadly Nightmare and take their first trip into the Mad City.

Don’t Rest Your Head is a simple independent RPG system, it places narrative power to the players and their characters.

Harry Potter and the Handle of Janus - You are stirred from the blackness of unconsciousness by a sudden burning pain in your scar. You find yourselves laying upon a stone floor, surrounded by a number of black robed figures, each wearing a macabre mask. You are not alone upon the stone floor… peculiarly, also rousing are familiar faces with lightning bolt shaped scars.

Harry Potter and the Handle of Janus is a scenario using the Strands of Fate about a number of Harrys swept up from their respective universes. They must fight and outwit their greatest enemy Voldemort in a foreign Hogwarts.

Strands of Fate is a cinematic role-playing system using fudge dice and Fate inspired mechanics. To suit the Potterverse scenario I have added rules regarding spell casting.

Ego Hunter - You wake up at the body bank back on Mars but you should have been merged back into your original ego after your last assignment. In the waiting room there are other forks of your original ego. You don’t have much time for introductions when a med-tech tells shows you a vid left from Achjima the original, looks like she’s got a mission for us.

Ego Hunter is a convention scenario for Eclipse Phase. It is unique in that most (possibly all) of the player characters are forks of the same person who work together to track down their original (alpha) self.

Eclipse Phase is a RPG of post-apocalyptic transhuman conspiracy and horror. It utilises a revised version of Chaosium’s BRP using d100.

If anyone is interested just let me know and which of the scenarios you would be interested in. I will nut out the details once it gets closer to PAX.


  • melissainaumelissainau PAX Aus Tabletop Manager Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    I love it when people bring their own games to PAX! :)

    Would you like me to set aside a table for this game in our RPG area? If you can commit to a time, we can save you a table. (We could even book in players for you, if you like).

  • IcefuhrerIcefuhrer Registered User regular
    I would love to book a table but at the moment I only have one pretty interested and one tentative from The Melbourne Boardgamer and RPG Group on Meetup.

    I also found out last year that people didn't want to set anything in stone before the schedule came out. Consequently, I don't really have a definite time either, just a vague sometime in the afternoon/evening.

    If you have players interested, I've gotten interest in the Harry Potter and Bad Man scenarios. The Bad Man scenario is probably more suited for people with little RPGing experience, only needing to bring creativity to the table.

  • delwyndelwyn Melbourne, AURegistered User regular
    Much of Table Top operates on a spur of the moment basis - grab a table and see if people walking past are interested in playing your game.

    find / -name base -user you -exec chown -R us {} \;
  • IcefuhrerIcefuhrer Registered User regular
    Yeah, that's fair. In that case I would approximately be there around 2-2:30 for an afternoon session but I will get a more solid time closer to the date of PAX. Since in the other thread you mentioned @delwyn that someone else is playing some Eclipse Phase so i may just stick with my first two options; The Bad Man and Harry Potter and the Handle of Janus.

  • NyogthaNyogtha Registered User regular
    Hey icefuhrer I had the idea to run the same Eclipse Phase scenario as a backup lol I can do another one thou, have you play-tested the FATE rules for Eclipse Phase?

  • IcefuhrerIcefuhrer Registered User regular
    That's cool use the Eclipse phase game if you want, I have two other scenarios to play.

    I've never used the Fate rules for Eclipse Phase only the original d100 stuff.

  • ninnanuamninnanuam Registered User regular
    I am up to play an RPG but because the schedule isn't really available yet I don't know when I'll be free.

    I don't know what I can commit to.

  • IcefuhrerIcefuhrer Registered User regular
    That's fine, once the schedule is released I will be able to give a more definite time. Once I do, even if I end being full, I suggest coming around to check it it out just in case people don't rock up (or I play the Eclipse Phase scenario which can play up to 8 people).

  • IcefuhrerIcefuhrer Registered User regular
    If there are any devs or any spokes people involved with table top RPGs. With the release of the map for the expo, I've noticed that there will be two tabletop areas, is there a preference on which hall to play in.

  • delwyndelwyn Melbourne, AURegistered User regular
    Planned RPG events will be running in the main Table Top area in the in the Exhibition Centre.

    find / -name base -user you -exec chown -R us {} \;
  • IcefuhrerIcefuhrer Registered User regular
    Could that include me?

  • delwyndelwyn Melbourne, AURegistered User regular
    Icefuhrer wrote: »
    Could that include me?

    Indeed it can - check your messages Ice

    find / -name base -user you -exec chown -R us {} \;
  • AdultCrashAdultCrash Registered User new member
    I'd be down for Eclipse Phase, definitely.

  • IcefuhrerIcefuhrer Registered User regular
    Ok after checking out the PAX schedule, I am thinking of scheduling my one shot at 1:00-1:30 on Saturday. I am still either going to run either the HP or the Bad Man scenario. Both scenarios will likely take 3-4 hours to complete. If you are particularly interested in playing pm me and i can lock you in. By all means come around on the day I might have some spare spots.

    @AdultCrash‌ I believe @Nyogtha‌ is planning to run some Eclipse Phase.

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