Oh god I couldn't get more than like 4-5 hours sleep last night. The hype for the Carl pin, Civ: Beyond Earth, and my flight to PAX Aus all combined into one big ball of sleep depriving angst.
Ordered two pins and took the opportunity to order some locking pin backs for some of those that I will never let go (looking at you Hanna & Leeroy). Glad I thought to use my discount!
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Should've replied with, "Here's my address in case you wanted to prep the envelop early."
They did ask me to make sure I got the Club PA pin.
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
Did they respond to you? I emailed a couple of days ago and have not heard anything yet.
5am approaches. Let's do this
I emailed them this morning. I would email them again.
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
I'm ready for the next PAX already!
Looking for Pins: DLC
There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Looking for DLC Kickstarter Limited... will do multiple trades for it!
I'm ready for the next PAX already!
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
Looking for DLC Kickstarter Limited... will do multiple trades for it!
http://pinmash.info - Two pins enter, one pins leaves... then the other pin leaves with a lower Elo rating
I'm ready for the next PAX already!
PAX Prime 2011 [x]
PAX Prime 2012 [x]
PAX Prime 2013 [x]
PAX Prime 2014 [x]
PAX Prime 2015 [x]
Verbosity is my charm point.
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
Pinny Pals Lanyard
My pins are right here!
Feel free to send me a trade request!
Did you get a confirmation email?
I've gotten an Order confirmation email for my order. Check your email to make sure.
Heroic Coaching & Consulting - Personal Development & Coaching For Nerds
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6423-4833
"Every suggestion from the FAQ with a link? Kamelon. A truly Organised Pinthusiast." - PedroAsani
GOT! Jokes on us if they end up being not so limited and dont sell :P
Pinny Pals Lanyard