Welcome to Three Card Blind (3CB)! In 3CB, each player submits a three card deck secretly to the moderator. Their three card deck must have the mana necessary to cast its spells, a win condition with which to beat down, and hopefully some sort of control or lock element.
The Rules:
A deck only consists of three cards
Each player starts with all three cards in his hand
Each player plays with his or her hand revealed
Each match is two rounds, with each player having the chance to go first.
Players draw cards but do not lose the game for being unable to draw a card (this rule makes Anurid Scavenger a viable card)
Random effects end in the result most beneficial to the opponent of the owner of the card generating the effect (this rule prevents decks such as Black Lotus, Mana Crypt, Sky Swallower)
For each win a player gets 3 points, for each drawn game 1 point and for each loss no points.
After all matches, most points overall wins.
All of Unglued
All of Unhinged
All ante cards
Any card that forces your opponent to discard more than 1 card a turn.
Any non-mass-produced card (Proposal, 1996 World Champion, etc.)
Abandon Hope
Barren Glory
Cabal Therapy
Form of the Dragon
Ghost Quarter
Glacial Chasm
Leonin Squire
Meddling Mage
Mesmeric Fiend
Nezumi Shortfang
Pulse of the Dross
Restore Balance
Show and Tell
Strip Mine
The Rack
Any Deck that can win on the first turn
Any deck that can force the opponent to discard more than two cards
Example of Play:
Timmy: Black Lotus, Black Lotus, Visara the Dreadful
Johnny: Black Lotus, Treasure Hunter, Aura of Silence
Spike: Golgari Rot Farm, Treetop Village, Putrefy
Timmy vs. Johnny: If Timmy begins he can play Visara first turn and win the race against Johnny's Treasure Hunter or just destroy the Treasure Hunter. If Johnny begins, he can play Lotus, Hunter, Lotus and Aura and Timmy can not play his Lotuses and Johnny just beats him with the Hunter. The Matchup is 3-3.
Timmy vs. Spike: In either scenario, Timmy can not deal lethal damage before Spike has enough mana to cast Putrefy and destroy Visara. Spike will beat down Timmy with the Village. The Matchup is 6-0 for Spike.
Johnny vs. Spike: Aura of Silence does not affect Spike at all. As such, Spike can just destroy the Hunter with Putrefy and win with Treetop Village. Spike wins this Matchup 6-0.
Why should I play this?
Because it's fun?
Seriously, though. It's fascinating to look over older cards and reevaluate them in light of the differences between standard Magic and 3CB. Diving through older cards and finding a hidden gem that works perfectly in the format is a joy, and the satisfaction you get from upending the meta using your hidden gem is worth it.
Submit your deck here.ROUND 1 - Winner: Scis, Jam Warrior (Tie)
ROUND 2 - Winner: Scis
Round 3 - Winner: Bertro
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now i'm wondering if we're playing the same deck...
Magic Online - Bertro
oh well!
Magic Online - Bertro
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
Nothing! You just don't lose if you can't draw.
Nope. Targeted Discard isn't banned. For instance, Duress is fine. The problem with discard only shows up when you make someone discard more than one card or you make someone discard their land.
Nope. It's a creature and a 2/2 at that. Any removal is an auto win.
To keep things fresh, though, I was planning on banning all the non-mana producing cards in the champs' deck.
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No it isn't.
If you're not banning Maniac, my deck in spolier:
Laboratory Maniac
Bazaar of Baghdad this falls afoul of the no-turn-1-wins rule, so replace with Flash.
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Edit: Terrible deck submitted.
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That's what we're all feeling. Standard issue human paranoia.
Magic Online - Bertro
there's always next round.
The I noticed that it lost to one of the decks in the OP.
Onward to DOOM!
Showing off my lack of Magic knowledge, can you play Rot Farm when you have no other lands and ignore the bit about returning a land or is it a required part of the cost?
Edit: Duh, it would just bounce itself back of course.
Your deck is illegal.
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the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
I should be the same.
Next round I have a deck that is either going to wreck face or fold right away. Assuming no one plays it this round.
Magic Online - Bertro
Forum member. Running a Laboratory Maniac deck.
Magic Online - Bertro
Actually if i go first, I think i'm ok.
I can't imagine anyone deliberately put Unknown as their name. Can you process of elimination it from the people who've posted? Obscurely reference the deck name, or colour composition or something?
I'm pretty sure they had to since I made the name mandatory.
Anyway, the problem is they made a deck that can win on turn one. That's a no-no.
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How many entrants are you looking at?
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Always a tie, since playing a card will make creature reliant decks lose. However, Feral doesn't have a way to force them to play a card, making it a tie.
Vs Peccavi and Papillon.
Either first or second, Laboratory Maniac wins the game on the draw.
Score: 14 points
Ties with Feral and the other Dark Depths decks when he goes first.
Beats El Skid
Loses to everyone else.
Score: 10
Beats JPants
Wins when going first against any Black Lotus deck, loses otherwise.
Beats both Force of Will decks by either forcing the counterspell on the Trinisphere, or not countering Trinisphere. If they don't counter, then they can't FoW Steel Golem, which procedes to bash their face in.
Score: 35
Loses to Lucedes if Lucedes goes first, wins if Lucedes goes second.
Beats Dark Depths if going first, loses on the draw.
Beats the other Maniac Deck if they go first.
Score: 30
Beats Jpants going first, ties going second.
Lucedes, Lab Maniac win going first, loses going second.
Ties with other Dark Depths
Loses to Force of Will decks
Score: 23
Final Score: 30
Jam Warrior
Automatically beats any deck with a Black Lotus by countering it and then swinging 20 times.
Loses to Lucedes. Trinisphere forces the counter, then the 3/4 runs over 2 1/1s.
Ties with other FoW deck.
Score: 40
Score 40
Score 23
El Skid
Beats Lucedes going first, loses all other matches
Score: 5
Final tally:
Lucedes: 35
Peccavi, Papillion: 30
Dis', Zero Cow: 23
Feral: 14
JPants: 10
El Skid: 5
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Magic Online - Bertro