If you had issues with shipping address or need to change info on your purchase
An account was created for you with the email you used to sign up. Use the forgot password if you don't have a password email from showclix. If it doesn't work to start with, wait a couple days. If it still doesn't work, email
Law and Order ≠ Justice
3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
Badges [ ] Hotel [ ] Complete [x] Excitement [x]
Attended: East 14, 15 and West 16
Attending West 2019
Badges [ ] Hotel [ ] Complete [x] Excitement [x]
Anybody know how to edit that?
Attended: East 14, 15 and West 16
Attending West 2019
Law and Order ≠ Justice
Eh, they may not have allocated many spots to 3 days. In addition, most of the people actively watching the tweet were probably maxing out on 3 days (I know I bought 4).
PAX East Attendee - 2015, 2016
PAX East Attendee - 2015, 2016
Bad Request
You must go through the queue in order to checkout. Please wait in the queue for your turn to check out. Enter the queue." Is anyone else having problems?
But who would i email just to be sure the address is correct?.
Attended: East 14, 15 and West 16
Attending West 2019
2 3-day badges get! Good luck everyone else! See you in Boston "soon"!
Badges [ ] Hotel [ ] Complete [x] Excitement [x]
Yeah in less than 7 cuz I got in at about the 7 minute mark and already gone.
They'll send out an email later to register.
Trade me pins! -
I didn't see it but I wasn't about to press back on my browser either.
check your email. they should have sent you something with the subject "Showclix Ticketing Account Information" that says they set up an account and lists your temp password.
Now, the question is: who should our newborn cosplay as? :P