Onpeak [hotels] for 2015 are LIVE!



  • vttymvttym Ardent Gamer Northern NJRegistered User regular
    Released a Th-Sun at Omni, and F-Sun at Intercontinental. Good luck!

  • ChoujicosplayerChoujicosplayer Cape Cod, MARegistered User regular
    edited February 2015
    fri-sat opened at the Westin.
    Gone already x_x

    Choujicosplayer on
    Get some cookies, so you can eat 'em and grow up big and strong and kick Piston in the butt-butt.
  • craiolacraiola MARegistered User regular
    Of course when I'm sick I miss it xx. Thanks for the heads up

  • ChoujicosplayerChoujicosplayer Cape Cod, MARegistered User regular
    Was gonna snag it but dont want a 1 day night xD, need a 2 night. Yay for little brothers -_-

    Get some cookies, so you can eat 'em and grow up big and strong and kick Piston in the butt-butt.
  • vttymvttym Ardent Gamer Northern NJRegistered User regular
    @Xenigma - There's a Thursday available at the Renaissance right now. GET ON IT! :)

  • XenigmaXenigma Registered User regular
    @vttym I just did, thank you so much! :)

    Pins? Pins!
    PAX East Attendee since 2011
  • Mavrick593Mavrick593 Registered User regular
    Just got Thursday-Saturday at the Renaissance! Just need to find that Saturday night now...

    My jiggy can not be contained.

  • XenigmaXenigma Registered User regular
    Just released a Thu-Mon two-bed at the Hilton Boston Logan Airport in case anyone wants that.

    Pins? Pins!
    PAX East Attendee since 2011
  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    Just came back in from shoveling...keep missing all these rooms :?

  • pilferkpilferk Master of Unlocking CTRegistered User regular
    Anyone remember when onpeak turns the rooms over to the hotels? And when they release unbooked convention blocked/discount rooms back? Gotta be coming up quick. The reason i bring it up is: i have a friend just now looking for a room. I thought, once the rooms are turned over, the discounts go bye bye and you are paying rack rate..but i could be wrong. Any insight?

  • thehumandivinethehumandivine buffaloRegistered User regular
    made a mistake when booking, need a double bed at the westin but i booked a single bed. if anyone is releasing their reservation, please let me know so i can upgrade.

    right now i have 1 guy who doesn't have anywhere to stay.

    thanks in advance.

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    edited February 2015
    There are several rooms wed-mon, including double beds, open at the Intercontinental...jump on it!

    ClannMorgan on
  • valdez237valdez237 Registered User regular
    edited February 2015
    Just a heads up, I'll be releasing a 1 bed Renaissance (Thur - Sun) and a 1 bed Seaport (Fri - Sun) in about 5 minutes (around 11am EST).

    Edit: They're gone.

    valdez237 on
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  • SinoSambaSinoSamba CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    There seems to be Fri-Sat available at the Seaport atm if anyone needs them. I'm holding out hope for the Westin :P

    3DS FC: 3239-2323-6239
  • akiboshiakiboshi Registered User regular
    Just released a double bed for th-sun @ hyatt regency. good luck

  • JackWrenJackWren Registered User regular
    Still a few 1 bed Fri-Sun Seaport available, like SinoSamba said.

  • fail3nfail3n Rochester, NYRegistered User regular
    Seaport has 3 rooms available again (fri-sun) for those of you coming in Friday and leaving Sunday.

  • DisposableLemurDisposableLemur Registered User regular
    Westin has a single 4 night room available, FYI.

  • cardkid123cardkid123 Registered User regular
    There is a seaport 4 night available as well.

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    Westin has a single 4 night room available, FYI.

    Yeah, that Westin is gone, gone, gone! Ugh.

  • XenigmaXenigma Registered User regular
    According to OnPeak there are at least 3 one-beds at the Seaport available Thurs-Sat and 1 one-bed on Sun. Jump before it's too late!

    Pins? Pins!
    PAX East Attendee since 2011
  • DisposableLemurDisposableLemur Registered User regular
    Westin has a single 4 night room available, FYI.

    Yeah, that Westin is gone, gone, gone! Ugh.

    It went out in pieces. The Friday and Saturday went first, and then someone scooped up the Thursday. I'm still hoping for a double bed to open up, but that's not going to happen.

  • darksteelreaprdarksteelreapr Registered User regular
    I feel like I just won the lottery, I scored the 4 night Westin room!

  • thehumandivinethehumandivine buffaloRegistered User regular
    Westin has a single 4 night room available, FYI.

    Yeah, that Westin is gone, gone, gone! Ugh.

    It went out in pieces. The Friday and Saturday went first, and then someone scooped up the Thursday. I'm still hoping for a double bed to open up, but that's not going to happen.

    yeah im waiting for a double too. i have a single i'd then get rid of. well, look forward to the competition!

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    edited February 2015
    Well, I just went back to check and there was a Fri...so I jumped on it. There is still showing a Monday night? IDK if my Friday was a phantom room, so I'm crossing my fingers.

    Now there are several rooms at the Seaport and Renaissance...all 1 beds.

    ClannMorgan on
  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    I feel like I just won the lottery, I scored the 4 night Westin room!

    and you did! So lucky!

  • DisposableLemurDisposableLemur Registered User regular
    Well, I just went back to check and there was a Fri...so I jumped on it. There is still showing a Monday night? IDK if my Friday was a phantom room, so I'm crossing my fingers.

    I saw the Friday too, it had popped back up.

  • XenigmaXenigma Registered User regular
    edited February 2015
    I desperately wanted to jump on the one-bed Westin rooms when I saw them go up (there were several!) but I really need two-beds for my group. Ah well, grats to those who got the upgrade! :)

    EDIT: One bed(s) available for all nights at the Renaissance now too. If you're still trying to book apparently now's the time!

    Xenigma on
    Pins? Pins!
    PAX East Attendee since 2011
  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    I just need a 1 bed, all I need is a Saturday now and I'll have my weekend covered.

  • crackgoblincrackgoblin Registered User regular
    I'm also holding out for the Friday Westin, just picked up the Thursday night. I'll cancel my renaissance 3 night stay as soon as that happens

    its a secret to everyone
  • DisposableLemurDisposableLemur Registered User regular
    I'm also holding out for the Friday Westin, just picked up the Thursday night. I'll cancel my renaissance 3 night stay as soon as that happens

    There's another 4 day up right now. Crazy day.

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    What is going on!?! Just pick up a thurs/fri/sat at the WESTIN!! So now my group will all be at the same hotel. Keep an eye out peeps...Westin rooms are popping up like mad.

    oh, I'll be releasing my 2-bed Intercontinental thrus/fri/sat.

  • DominoDomino Keizen Mikazuki New York, NYRegistered User regular

  • darksteelreaprdarksteelreapr Registered User regular
    When I talked to the rep at OnPeak he was explaining to me that it's possibly companies that don't need all the rooms they booked so they're being released for us to jump on.

    Side story: He mentioned SquareEnix and I got all excited but he said that was just an example.

  • craiolacraiola MARegistered User regular
    I keep missing these westin rooms! Ughh! Still looking for a saturday 1 bed.

  • Mavrick593Mavrick593 Registered User regular
    edited February 2015
    There are 3 one-bed at Seaport Thurs-Sun available right now! Go get 'em!

    Mavrick593 on
    My jiggy can not be contained.

  • SinoSambaSinoSamba CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    ^^' had to be on the longest meeting possible today when the Westin opened...

    Went ahead and switched from Renaissance to Seaport. The shorter distance might be handy if the weather is bad during Pax.

    3DS FC: 3239-2323-6239
  • FireWaterFireWater Registered User regular

    Just got 3 nights at the Seaport, That is the BEST hotel.

  • pilferkpilferk Master of Unlocking CTRegistered User regular
    edited February 2015
    SinoSamba...I've stayed at both. While the Westin is nice, due to proximity....I actually like the Seaport HOTEL more. Especially since their room reno in 2013. The rooms are great, the wifi is pretty fast, and really....it's like a 5 min walk, outside, to the BCEC (and most of that is waiting to cross the street at the crosswalk right across from the BCEC). If it's 10 below or "blizzarding".....that walk might be more "painful". But, otherwise...not really that big a deal.

    pilferk on
  • vttymvttym Ardent Gamer Northern NJRegistered User regular
    Still trying to get into the Seaport myself. At least I managed to get Th-Sun at the Renaissance.. haven't been there before, but I'm sure it'll be fine.

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