FAQ:Q: What platforms are available?
A: PC, Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One, and PS4.
Q: Do PC users need to use Origin?
A: Yup, sorry.
Q: What's the deal with multiplayer?
A: Inquisition has a four-person multiplayer campaign that is
completely separate from the single-player campaign. It's like a mash-up of a dungeon crawler and the ME3 multiplayer.
Q: How will the game import my world state?
A: The
Dragon Age Keep lets you configure your world state to your liking, and then import it into Inquisition. All you need is an Origin account and an internet connection.
Q: How can I find people to play multiplayer with?
A: Add
your info to the list, and then
check out other players.
Q: Something is broken! How do I fix it?
A: First, check out the
EA help page. Specifically, here is a thread with
a bunch of troubleshooting tips and work arounds. If nothing is working, feel free to ask for help in this thread.
Q: The Origin achievement sound is annoying. How do I fix it?
A: Here is
a work around.
Q: How does healing work?
A: There isn't really a healing specialization in the game. Instead, you have to use a limited number of potions to regain health. Those potions are automatically restored when you rest at a camp or your base. You can equip specific gear that will help you heal, and the Knight-Enchanter specialization does offer a very limited heal spell.
Q: How do I mitigate damage?
A: There are two systems that act as a sponge for enemy damage. Mages can cast a spell called barrier, and Warriors can accumulate guard a number of ways. These effectively prevent your main pool of HP from being depleted.
Q: Where do I find Tier 3 Schematics?
A: Armor schematics can be purchased in the Hissing Wastes. Weapon schematics can be purchased in Emprise du Lion (after you take over the keep).
Q: How do combos work?
A: Here's a
good overview to help explain the intricacies.
Minimum PC Specs:
- OS: Windows 7 or 8.1, 64-bit
- Processor (AMD): Quad core @ 2.5 GHz
- Processor (Intel): Quad core @ 2.0 GHz
- Memory: 4 GB
- Graphics Card (AMD): Radeon HD 4870
- Graphics Card (NVIDIA): GeForce 8800 GT
- Graphics Memory: 512 MB
- Hard Drive: 26 GB
- DirectX: 10
- Internet: 512 kbps up and down
Recommended PC Specs:
- OS: Windows 7 or 8.1, 64-bit
- Processor (AMD): Six core @ 3.2 GHz
- Processor (Intel): Quad core @ 3.0 GHz
- Memory: 8 GB
- Graphics Card (AMD): Radeon HD 7870 or R9 270
- Graphics Card (NVIDIA): GeForce GTX 660
- Graphics Memory: 2 GB
- Hard Drive: 26 GB
- DirectX: 11
- Internet: 1 Mbps up and down
Your companions:
- Blackwall (Love interest for female Inquisitors)
- Sera (Love interest for female Inquisitors)
- Solas (Love interest for elven female Inquisitors)
- Dorian (Love interest for male Inquisitors)
- Cassandra (Love interest for male Inquisitors)
- Iron Bull (Love interest for both male and female Inquisitors)
- Cole (No romance available)
- Vivienne (No romance available)
- Varric (No romance available)
Your advisors:
- Cullen (Love interest for human and elven female Inquisitors)
- Josephine (Love interest for both male and female Inquisitors)
- Leliana (No romance available)
Playable races:
Warrior Specializations:
Rogue Specializations:
Mage Specializations:
PSN: Beltaine-77 | Steam: beltane77 | Battle.net BadHaggis#1433
also holy shit hinterlands you are huge
Had to update that. Its not just the Hinterlands. All major areas are huge.
Touch water.
I'm sure there is a ton of banter in there — probably more than in any DA game before. It's just spread thinner than the previous games, so I feel like there is less of it.
wait, wrong franchise
Feel like I need to do some skill reorganizing on everyone.
Do I ride the pull or symmetrical dock with well-intentioned crazy?
// Switch: SW-5306-0651-6424 //
Does this ring a bell for anyone? I have tried searching far up into the cliffs of the first two camps in emprise, but to no success.
For example, why the hell is AI enabled in tactical view? If I'm in tactical control I don't want people popping off their abilities and I don't want to go into a menu and disable all their shit for tough fights and then go back for casual patrol murders. Abilities go off too fast to easily cancel and it's just ugh. Luckily I don't need tac view with my Reaver Inquisitor, but damn.
Also, the Friendship/Rivalry system in DA2 was perfect, why would they step back from that? Having rivals in the Inquisition would be really cool, creating different factions that respect your authority in varying amounts. I guess it would be more work but the obfuscated bullshit is infuriating and I don't feel like the approval mechanic means anything.
The War Room is a mess, no zoom option makes it REALLY HARD to see some shit.
And the areas are too big. It's nice to be able to explore, but the Hinterlands are insane and there's other areas that are just as big. When you fill that space with mostly procedurally generated content and non-cinematic conversations it doesn't feel good.
Speaking of non-cinematic conversations, they suck. I like them for merchants and the generic investigation chats with followers, and the banter responses are fantastic, but it removes a lot of impact for other conversations in the world when you can't see faces.
The story sections of this game are amazing, and I love the combat and multiplayer, but the open world stuff just doesn't have a major impact for me.
Where, how?
they could have made this so much better with a few changes
- tactical camera cursor is a cursor, like with your mouse, and not a physical goddamned object tethered to the ground
- a toggle ai button
- let you zoom out
is it supposed to be doing half the damage compared to everybody else in my party? I've found a bunch of upgrades for it but it's still doing like 60dps when errybody else is up over 100 now
Well, those more cinematic scenes cost more time/money probably why you don't get them for scenes where a lady asks you to get her 10 bear hides.
I don't really see how
making the camera show your character's face isn't that big a deal, both you and the npc already have lipsynched dialogue
Most of the armor schematics can be bought in the Hissing Waste from a dog merchant that lives down in a ravine in the mid-west part of the zone.
Look for upgrades called Bianca arms.
I think level 3 puts it at 90 dps or so.
I can't decide if i would be happier with a game that was 20 hours or less so I could run multiple playthroughs or not.
I played my first character about 12 hours before I thought it'd be cool to see what a different character would play like. I've gone 8 hours with that second character and now I'm thinking about my third and I haven't finished the game with any character yet.
PSN: Beltaine-77 | Steam: beltane77 | Battle.net BadHaggis#1433
Yup but it sure doesn't help me care about the shitty quest for 10 bear hides. Too many shitty quests, not enough of the engaging cinematic action. The open world could stand to be toned down a tad.
I feel like Dragon Age Origins did a better job of making me care about side quests
...You know you can just beeline through the story. The amount of power you need is actually quite small compared to how much you accumulate(hell, I'm sitting on 200 power right now myself and only need 40).
I mean I just don't understand complaining about completely optional content.
I don't know the specifics of it. But Mike Laidlaw pretty much said that when he was being interviewed. Cinematics scenes = higher budget. And going on that interview Gaider posts a week ago they measure budget by quite a few factors(time and money being the main ones).
Had an entire conversation with Cullen as the Headless Footwoman here waved her sword around.
Towards what exactly?
I ask because people always use that "resources elsewhere" line but I wonder where you feel these resources should have gone.
Bad content is bad content, optional or not. And when you front load a huge pile of bad content into the Hinterlands it provides an awful experience for a lot of players that is not representative of the game at large.
I found Bianca Arms IV way early and she was doing 120 dps while all the other bows were at 70 dps. I can see how it would suck if you don't find good upgrades though. If anybody is curious where I found it, it was
That's the thing though and maybe its because I'm used to playing open world games where you do a lot of wandering but I'm not sure exactly what's bad about it compared to say these kinds of quest in other games.
Less bear ass quests and more cinematic conversations, obviously.
I feel like the biggest issue for me with bad content is just collection quest.
I have finished one set of shards out of some madness on the Storm Coast.
But outside of that I tend to only do quests who have a story, written or otherwise.
One of the biggest things I have learned from lots of Skyrim is to be choosy in open world style games. And DA:I is semi-open world. So just play what you want, don't let the ocd take you over.
But...the game...has a lot of good content. I mean the story quest are pretty great, so are the companions, and even like some of the books lying around.
Well...the thing I'm feeling is that you all kind of more want it to be a game that it wasn't trying to be.
Sounds like you want something closer to the way say Mass Effect is built(which honestly had its fair amount of fetch quests they were just mixed with the story stuff). Which isn't bad, I mean obviously I like both games, but I feel this game was going for something a bit different.
More open world games will always have filler stuff because you need to fill out a setting and not everything you do in that setting is going to be this big thing.
"That's uh... Damn."
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
I hate cinematic conversations. I absoklutely hate the whole aspect of dialogue in this game; there's way way way too much talking. They should have cut out all the dialogue and just added 5 more huge areas full of collection quests.
Better yet, how about they make less throw-away content, and use that extra time/humans/money to properly QA their game?
Yeah, this is something I've noticed.
I thought
I would have loved if they added a few more gimmicks to each fight.