So there's this awesome co-op video game called payday2 where you wear cool masks, carry awesome moddable guns and rob people.
you can be any one of these guys
From left to right, Chains, Dallas, Hoxton, or Wolf (bugger off Chains though he's mine).
Recently they added in a guy from some movie called John Wick
soon they'll add in this chick!
also they do cool stuff at Christmas
The best thing about this game though? Your fellow chatters play it!
already we have games going with the following people
and me too of course, so if you play this and fancy playing with cooler people than usual tell me and I'll add your name to the list so we can all heist together!
This post brought to you with the blessing of
if there are console players we can start a new list!
I have even installed this!
I have never played it
You installed it because i told you to and you'll play it because I told you to, mister.
2/10 would not bang
I wanna play
someone buy me a windows rig, stat
stat I say
Prefer free drinks to poor naming schemes. I'm going back to old chat.
the @s
That totally counts :razz:
It's closed now, and since the only people who posted on 104 were the thread-killer and Geth, I'm iffy on the drinks thing
Everyone blame the corgi
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
I don't, making it bad.
Check out my site, the Bismuth Heart | My Twitter
I do not own a PC
steam name: Organichu
GoG is da bes
Not doing that again
Yo Casual, I you
Okay, context helps
b-b-but Dragon Age Inquisition
Aaaaaaand now the song is stuck in my head again god damnit bioware
Algorithmic randomness is really difficult
Most practical random number generators use a chaotic physical effect to generate seed values for pseudo-randomness
Also fucking nerds are a pain in the ass and will whine for hours about how the dice fucked them and not their terrible strategy.
Add me to this PAYDAY2 list
I am
PotatoNinja on Steam
So what you are saying is
See also Blackjack and Poker players
Nerds that are good at calculating odds on the fly are the worst strategists
Mostly because they invariably fail to account for the fact that a series of rolls are only likely to tend towards their statistical mean for very large sample sizes
The failed formatting of this [chat] thread is literally the worst part of my day so far
Maybe some numberologist can tell me, is it really possible for a fellow player to screw you over in blackjack?
My understanding of random generation says no, but people say this all the time.
throw off your shackles, sheeple
A very good strategy can off-set poor tactical outcomes. In this case, if you plan correctly, then one dice roll shouldn't have much impact on the long term outcome.
Not enough samples to matter. Randomness is weird and sometimes you get it streaks and outcomes that are improbable.