First off, a big thanks to
@reinangel for starting this entire discussion out,
@LexiconGrrl for the design used at previous PAX events,
@zerzhul for helping merge the threads together, and lastly to everyone else for helping this take off.
Feeding off of previous events, we'll be creating PAX Community Steins to be distributed during PAX East 2015. As stated in previous threads, the stein will not be specific to one singular PAX event, but span across the entire community of fellow PAXers. This is not an official PAX stein, just an officially awesome stein that happens to deal with awesome people who enjoy PAX. With that being said, we're putting together a PAX stein order that will be delivered to Boston and handed out at meeting places (TBD) during the PAX East 2015 event next March.
UPCOMING PLAN OF EVENTS:Jan. 21st - Feb. 1st: Submit Payments via the GoFundMe pageFeb 2nd: Order officially submittedFeb. 25th: Order arrive in BostonMarch 5th: Pre-PAX Gaming night - First meetup to hand out steinsMarch 6: 6:00 pm @ Westin mezzanine, just outside the bridge. March 7: 1:00 pm @ Laugh Boston.March 8: 1:00 pm @ Westin mezzanine, next to the bridge.
Below is the official PAX 2015 Community Forum Stein:
COST: So you want to be a viking? Well the closest I can get you to one is in these tankards. For $12, you too can own one. Become a modern-day viking (silly hat not included) and down your most daring beverage in this 25-oz. tankard of total badassitude (Mr. Torgue would be proud of you). The only thing that's up to you is the math. Thankfully, we all paid a bunch of money for a computer that does... MATH!!!! Rock on. Open your calculator, and start multiplying!
HOW TO ORDER: Ordering is now closed. You may proceed to the
GoFundMe page that has been set up if you wish to view the project
HOW TO RECEIVE YOUR STEIN: Pre-PAX Gaming Night will be the initial meet-up spot. I'll also hold a single 1-hour meetup spot for each day of PAX to give everyone a fair chance to retrieve their tankard.
Should you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact me via a PM in this forum or at
While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
I've looked through some places and it seems like they only ship to one place, so #2 I guess is the only way to do it. If we go through with this, I guess we'd all have to vote on what type of "stein" to order. Obviously we can't go into crazy mode with the limited time we have.
3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
Glasses but if either are being run, I'll be happy
PAX East 2019!
Badges [X] Hotel [X] Time off request [X]
As for glass or tankard, I'd like to get a few more people to toss in their two cents.
I'm going to try to get some sort of schedule down for when certain choices need to be made. Since PAX East is only 66 days away, I'd like to get everything set and ordered by the end of January. That would allow for shipping and checking to ensure that nothing broke, then replacements if necessary.
Stay tuned, fellow PAXers
PSN: L00nyEclip
Steam: Loony Eclipse
Twitter: @Loonyeclipse
Let me know if you have problems with it. I'm a Google Forms noob. Even though it is easy to set up, I could easily fudge it up.
Steam - Miker525 | Xbox Live - Miker525| PSN - MikeRosenberg
Websites - Gamerations -
Pinny Pals - Miker525
PAX Community Stein Interest form
NOTE: For undocumented lurkers out there, if you wish to obtain any, contact someone that you know who is registered in the forums so that we can assure you get your stein, while also not publically divulging your personal information in the form.
Pint Glass:
Now I'm paranoid.
I do know that some glasses I have claim to not be dishwasher safe, but I've had them for 10+ years and they're less faded than most of my T-shirts. Then again, I have some glasses that wore off quickly.
now I have to spend my money on fine glassware. YAY!
PSN: PLD_Xavier | NNID: Xavier1216
EDIT: it's now merged. Thanks, z