So I've been wanting to do this for a while. I've played around with the stream and record features built into the Xbone and PS4, but I want to look into taking things a bit more seriously.
But I'm not sure where to begin, and what to look into buying.
I would want something that is capable of recording from as many different kinds of hardware as possible. Most importantly PS3/4, Xbox 360/One, Wii U, and PC. But I would love to be able to do older console or handhelds as well.
I think I would prefer to be able to record my microphone separately from the game audio, so I can make sure the game doesn't drown out my voice or vice versa.
A friend and I are interested in recording together, if that makes a difference as far as mic support goes. I'm not sure if it's more feasible to get some sort of mic that can pick both our voices up, or if we're probably going to each need our own dedicated one, or what.
So yeah, basically total noob here. Any advice I can get would be helpful.
What about the PS4 and XBone stream features don't meet your needs? (I've never used them, so if that's obvious by the rest of your post's requests, then ignore me )
Last I checked, most handhelds required specialized hardware for each, so not something you'd necessarily want to do to every device.
And.... that's about all I know, unfortunately. Good luck!
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