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[PbP] Star Wars: Crush the Rebellion - Group Aurek

jdarksunjdarksun StrugglerCORegistered User regular
edited January 2015 in Critical Failures

What is this?
Crush the Rebellion is a modification to - and Empire-themed skin of - Fantasy Flight Game's Age of Rebellion Star Wars roleplaying game.

How is Crush the Rebellion played?
The base game mechanics are identical to the other FFG Star Wars RPG products - to complete an opposed action, players assemble a dice pool based on their character's attributes and skills to pit against a difficulty pool. The results are totaled, conflicting dice are subtracted out, and the final result yields some combination of success and failure, advantage and setback, triumph and despair. Generally speaking, FFG's Star Wars system is a narrative RPG, with the theme of Age of Rebellion being the military, political, and social struggle of the Rebellion against the Empire.

Crush the Rebellion changes this in a few ways: instead of being a band of scrappy revolutionaries united together in their fight against a monolithic, oppressive regime, players take the role of elite Imperial special agents overtly working to destroy the Rebellion... but covertly working towards their own Secret Agenda. The main impetus and drive behind this Crush the Rebellion campaign is the inherent conflict, betrayal, and intrigue of working as an agent of the Emperor.

What's this about Secret Agendas?
Before the game begins, each player will choose one of the Secret Agendas for their character to pursue. The first player whose character accomplishes all five tasks of their Secret Agenda wins the campaign. The campaign will be composed of several Operations, each of which may give the players an opportunity to accomplish a task towards their Agenda. Before every session, players will choose which Operation to undertake by bidding on one of three publicly available Operations. Upon successfully completion of an Operation, each player may choose to: 1) Roll to advance their Agenda, 2) Assist another agent's agenda, 3) Set back another agent's Agenda, or 4) Learn a random step in another Agent's agenda.

But beware the Emperor's wrath: killing a fellow agent, or allowing a fellow agent to die while on an Operation, is a crime punishable by immediate execution. Neither should you let your Secret Agenda become public, for obvious reasons.

How are characters created?
Character creation will require a copy of Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, or the beta for Force and Destiny. All characters must take the Duty mechanic; Obligation and Morality are optional. Characters can only gain the starting benefits from the Duty mechanic, though players are welcome to use the other two to flesh out their characters as desired. All published splat books are welcome to be used. If you do not have a copy of the game and still want to play, send me a PM and we can work something out.

To represent their status as elite Imperial special agents, players will get an additional 150 XP that can only be spent after character creation (ie, may not be used to directly raise Attributes). For equipment, any (reasonable) character scale off-the-shelf item should be considered free. Agents are granted a 10,000 credits stipend to spend on personalized gear - or a lightsaber.

Additionally, all players must answer the questions “Why has The Emperor chosen you? What impressive deed have you done to garner His attention?” for their submitted character.

What's the era in which this game takes place?
In Legends terminology, "The Rebellion Era": between A New Hope and Return of the Jedi. Please note that liberties have been taken with the setting (for example, Emperor Palpatine ordered Darth Vader to capture, not kill, the younglings at the Jedi Temple) and we will not adhere to "canon" going forward.

What if I don't want to play a bad guy?
Several of the Secret Agendas deal with defecting from the Empire or assassinating the Emperor.

What if I do want to play a bad guy?
Several of the Secret Agenda deal with abusing your power for personal gain or overthrowing the Emperor.

Holy crap.
Yeah, it's gonna be awesome.

How will this game be played?
Play-by-Post, in one of two threads.

jdarksun on


  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    edited January 2015

    Arden, Tyla (Capfalcon)
    Balaar, Verdrati (Captain Marcus)
    Katar, Bren (El Skid)
    Nor'zu, Vox (Grunt's Ghosts)
    Nova, Craig (discrider)

    Capfalcon wrote: »
    Name: Tyla Arden
    Duty: Internal Security (5)
    Species: Human

    Signature weapon: Heavily modified Vibroaxe.

    Brief Bio
    Born in the Outer Rim, but applied and graduated from the Imperial Officer Academy as soon as they'd take her.
    Upon graduation, Internal Security snapped her up and she began her work with them.
    Most recently, she infiltrated a terrorist cell that was planning on leveling the Imperial Officer Academy. She killed them all by poising the drink they all shared for good luck half an hour they were going to set their plan in motion. Even though she drank the antidote beforehand, she was in the hospital for a month.
    Unfortunately, the existence of the plot had been leaked by an unknown source, and the Empire was required to publicly acknowledge her heroism. As her face was all over the holos, she's too high profile for long term undercover work.
    Name: Dr. Verdrati Balaar, Ph.D., M.D., Eng.D.
    Duty: Tech Procurement [5]
    Species: Chiss

    Signature Weapon: Heavy Blaster Pistol

    Brief Bio:
    Dr. Belaar is a senior non-Human member of the Imperial Engineering Corps, and has been a valued contributor to projects on Galon V, Zebulon-A, and [REDACTED]. In his spare time he enjoys chess, reading, and art.
    El Skid wrote: »
    Name: Bren Katar
    Species: Human
    Career: Sentinel
    Duty: Intelligence (5)


    Error 3466425: System resource not found. This error should not be displayed unless there was a severe security breach and sections of the system's memory have been irreversably erased. Personnel viewing this error should contact security immediately.
    Public Officer Profile

    NAME: Vox Nor'zu
    SPECIES: Zebrak
    RANK: Major
    OFFICE TITLE: Inquisitor

    Vox Nor'zu was an young Lieutenant when the Republic became the Empire. He stayed on when many left the service because, to Vox, the Republic finally became the force of power he believed it should be. The Clone War prove that the Empire was weak and needed a stronger unit to survive. Vox was recruited by the Inquisition Division after he showed skill dealing with rogue Jedi still operating in open. He, like many within the Inquisition Division, carry spoils from their battles with the Jedi, in Vox's case, a yellow lightsaber pike, which he's proven to be quite adapt with.
    discrider wrote: »
    Name: Craig Nova
    Duty: Tech Requisition (0? Had no XP left)
    Species: Human
    Rank: Imperial Officer
    Career: Colonist

    Signature weapon: Dual Disruptor Pistols

    Brief Bio:
    Born in the Outer Rim, Craig's home planet was overjoyed when the Empire took control of their sector.
    Being predominantly Human in population and frequently raided by neighbouring "alien" systems, these people were glad to see the Empire put a stop to these hostilities.

    Craig was born into a family of some power within his society, and due to the prevailing gratefulness towards the Empire, was immediately directed towards positions within the Empire's fleet.
    Having done reasonably at school, but showing quite some promise at getting others to do what he couldn't, he advanced quickly through the ranks, becoming an essential part of any ships command.
    While he has done reasonable work alongside the Captain in controlling and maneuvering his ship, his main office is in negotiation and leadership. Though it is his want to use intimidation to get the men and others to fall in line, he is also a capable leader and negotiator in his own right.

    So far, he's done his best work for the Empire in so called "cultural exchanges". Here the focus is on encouraging alien species to, if not bow to the Empire, at least relieve them of any resources which the Empire might want.
    His native distrust for different species and his imposing demeanor have served him in this capacity well. He has even gone so far as to reinforce this with his ceremonial Dual Disruptor Pistols, which, while not terribly effective at range, are always handy for clearly projecting his intentions to those who see them: If an amicable agreement cannot be reached, he is well versed in turning the screw.
    He's often seen walking away from such negotiations with more than the Empire expected, and it is this efficacy that has caught the Emperor's eye.

    jdarksun on
  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    edited January 2015
    Secret Agendas
    (subject to change based on era of play)

    Find and train an apprentice of your own.

    Track down an escaped Jedi Master to either kill or convert to the Dark Side.

    Construct a devastating superweapon... for your own personal use, of course.

    Oversee the genocide of an entire sentient species.

    Execute a mass defection to the Rebel Alliance.

    For the good of all, assassinate the Emperor.

    Unearth a powerful, lost Jedi (or Sith) artifact

    Win the safety and freedom of your homeworld by destroying your rival's.

    Embezzle funds from a quadrillion intergalactic bank accounts and retire.

    Publicly humiliate and destroy someone who you believe has wronged you.

    Design, develop, and deploy a controversial new war machine. They called you crazy, said it couldn't be done. You'll show them. You'll show them all.

    Sample Operations
    The Emperor is concerned about a cult of heretics located on the pollutant-choked Core Worlds. Your unique talents are called for in this matter, due to the presence of a Jedi Knight. For your efforts, the Emperor will reward you with an Attachment onto an Item or Vehicle for each Agent. This Operation may be able to help our secret plans, as it will offer an opportunity to advance Personnel and Recruitment tasks. To vote for this Operation, PM me a RED TOKEN.

    The Emperor is concerned about a military defection located in the savage Outer Rim. Your unique talents are called for in this matter, due to a sympathetic populace. For your efforts, the Emperor will reward you with an additional 5 XP each. This Operation may be able to help our secret plans, as it will offer an opportunity to advance Counter-Intelligence and Political Support tasks. To vote for this Operation, PM me a BLACK TOKEN.

    The Emperor is concerned about local government corruption and/or incompetence located in the Mid Rim borderlands. Your unique talents are called for in this matter, due to the presence of doppelganger assassins leftover from the Clone Wars. For your efforts, the Emperor will reward you with an increase in maximum Vehicle Silhouette, Item Rarity, and Squadron Rarity by 1 on all future Rewards. This Operation may be able to help our secret plans, as it will offer an opportunity to advance Space Superiority and Resource Acquisition tasks. To vote for this Operation, PM me a GREEN TOKEN.

    jdarksun on
  • PACherrnPACherrn Registered User regular
    SO in!

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    @'ing interested parties: PACherrn‌ (who beat me to it lol) @Oats‌ @Heir‌ @Capfalcon‌

  • KirindalKirindal Registered User regular
    This is why I applied to the Academy! Time to apply boot to Rebel scum.

  • HeirHeir Ausitn, TXRegistered User regular
    I'm in. However, I'm on the road for work until late tomorrow. I'll need to sit down with the rules Thursday and then get you a character concept. Unless I can find info online for character creation?

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    Heir, there's no huge rush. I'll shoot you a PM.

  • Grunt's GhostsGrunt's Ghosts Registered User regular
    edited January 2015
    I want to play but I don't have any of the books...

    Edit: I want to see if I can make an Inquisitor like character, bend on hunting down Jedi, but secret shit!

    Grunt's Ghosts on
  • SteelhawkSteelhawk Registered User regular
    I also very much want to play if there is room. I've been wanting to try out this system after all the talk here on the forums.

    Are Dark Jedi/Sith/Inquisitors/Hands an option?

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    edited January 2015
    I want to play but I don't have any of the books...
    No worries, I'll send you a PM.

    Also... Don't expose your secret agenda, dude! The other players are going to be working against you!

    Steelhawk wrote: »
    Are Dark Jedi/Sith/Inquisitors/Hands an option?
    Absolutely. Force & Destiny has detailed rules for lightsaber use and dedicated force classes, but EotE and AoR have rules for Jedi exiles and Force emergents respectively. I'm happy to answer any questions here or via pm.

    jdarksun on
  • The BraysterThe Brayster UKRegistered User regular
    If there's room, I would like to join, I've never had a chance to play this as a player.

    However, I am fully flex at a 24/7 workplace, so I can only join in by PbP as I cannot guarantee my ability to sit down at a fixed time each week.

    Steam: TheBrayster
    PSN: TheBrayster_92
  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    edited January 2015
    That's fine, Brayster. Do you have access to the books?

    jdarksun on
  • The BraysterThe Brayster UKRegistered User regular
    Yes, I have both Edge of the Empire and Age of Rebellion

    Steam: TheBrayster
    PSN: TheBrayster_92
  • InfidelInfidel Heretic Registered User regular
    I am severely tempted, one of my favourite RPs was as an imperial officer in an imperial RP group in SWG.

    It's actually where the name Orokos comes from...

    And I don't get to RPG RP much...

  • OatsOats Registered User regular
    I am in, but I am also out of town working 10+hr days until the 23rd.

    Totally understand if that doesn't work.

  • EgosEgos Registered User regular
    edited January 2015
    hm are you full? I'd be interested. I suspect largely because I've been playing the Empire side a bit in SWTOR.

    Looks that way

    Egos on
  • CapfalconCapfalcon Tunnel Snakes Rule Capital WastelandRegistered User regular
    Well, twist my arm whydontcha.

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    Egos wrote: »
    hm are you full? I'd be interested. I suspect largely because I've been playing the Empire side a bit in SWTOR.
    I don't do first come, first served. Not everybody has 24/7 access to the boards. If I need to restrict signups, I'll find another way.

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    Infidel wrote: »
    I am severely tempted, one of my favourite RPs was as an imperial officer in an imperial RP group in SWG.

    It's actually where the name Orokos comes from...

    And I don't get to RPG RP much...
    Joooiiin uuusss!
    Oats wrote: »
    I am in, but I am also out of town working 10+hr days until the 23rd.

    Totally understand if that doesn't work.
    Let's chat over Hangouts, we can figure something out.

  • OptimusZedOptimusZed Registered User regular
    It seems like an intrigue game would be pretty forgiving of late starters. Much moreso than the typical "you're standing in a cantina" games.

    We're reading Rifts. You should too. You know you want to. Now With Ninjas!

    They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
  • Grunt's GhostsGrunt's Ghosts Registered User regular
    Because I'm a nice guy Fillible Character Sheets (EotE)

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    There's another set of EotE/AoR sheets here. That one is also missing Duty, but it does have Career and Talent trees.

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    I've updated the third post with Secret Agendas and three sample Operations. You'll note that the Secret Agendas do not list the Tasks required to complete them - this is by design, so that other players have to pay attention to your actions and take their best guess in order to stymie your actions.

    At the end of each Operation blurb are two (or more) Duties that the Operation advances. This ties into each player's Duty, as well as gives the players an opportunity to advance a Secret Agenda's Task that matches the Duty.

    An example: my character, Cassus Fett, takes the STORM GENERAL Secret Agenda. Fett's goal is to eradicate the Cathar species. I have two Tier 1 Tasks (Tasks must be completed in order: Tier 1 -> Tier 2 -> Tier 3), Conduct research into the physiological weaknesses of the Cathar (Intelligence/Medicine) and Turn the galactic citizenry against the Cathar with a passionate fervor (Political Support/Charm). I really want to start the game with a bang, so I do my best to convince the other players to support the BLACK TOKEN Operation (since it advances the Political Support Duty), then PM my choice to the GM. If the Operation is successful, I get my chance: I roll Charm against an average difficulty, and take my first step towards eliminating the Cathar from the galaxy.

    A few quick notes:
    1) I can run two games of this at once. I expect some player attrition (and, frankly, character death), so I'll take as many as 12 players and will condense the groups down to one if needed.

    2) Once you're sure you want to play, PM me your choice of Secret Agenda and I'll send you the details.

    3) You may post your character sheet publicly or just PM it to me. However, if you choose to keep it private, you will need to submit a public blurb in addition to the public statement of why you were chosen to become an elite Imperial Agent (“Why has The Emperor chosen you? What impressive deed have you done to garner His attention?”). Think of this as the dossier other players would find when researching you.

    I'll keep signups open for another day or two. Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    I had a question regarding how the dice work, so here's a quick example.

    Let's say you're a starting bounty hunter with good Agility (3) and training in Ranged Light (2). Things have gone south with a couple of Gamora the Hutt's "debt collectors", and you're forced to defend yourself. You draw your blaster pistol and snap off a shot against one of them.

    You start by looking at what you're trying to do. Blaster pistols are Ranged Light, and use Agility to attack. You've got a bigger value (3) and a smaller value (2). The bigger value is the base number of Ability dice (3); the smaller value is the number of times you upgrade those Ability dice to Proficiency dice (2). So your positive dice are 1x Ability, 2x Proficiency.

    Next you look at Difficulty. The thugs are close, so you have Average (2) Difficulty.

    Your dice pool is 1x Ability, 2x Proficiency, and 2x Difficulty. We roll that here like this:

    Minion, roll 1eA+2eP+2eD for An Example

    An Example:
    1eA+2eP+2eD 0 successes, 2 advantage [1eA=S] [2eP=A/A, A/A] [2eD=F/Th, Th]

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    edited January 2015
    OK, so now we see a bunch of little icons on the dice. Here's a handy reference sheet:


    We have 1x Success, 4x Advantage, 1x Failure, and 2x Threat.

    Success and Failure cancel each other. 0 Success.
    Advantage and Threat cancel each other. 2 Advantage.

    This means that the attack didn't succeed (zero Success), but there was a beneficial side effect. The player is the arbiter of Advantage (and Triumph) when they roll, and I decide to impose a couple Setback dice on the thugs for their next action. (There's a chart in each rulebook that gives example uses)

    You'll note that there's three dice I haven't mentioned yet. Boost (the blue one), Setback (the black one), and Challenge (the red one).

    Boost and Setback are used for minor things that effect the action. Aim your weapon? Get a Boost die. Enemy has armor? Take a Setback. They're also part of the "narrative currency" of the game - players can "pay it forward" by spending Advantage on giving Boost dice to other players - or the opposite, Setback on your enemies. Opponents can do the same thing, however!

    The Challenge die - the big red one - is reserved for when things can go horribly, horribly wrong. There's a 1 in 12 chance that the Despair icon comes up... and when that happens, the situation for the players changes in a negative manner. Reinforcements show up early. Alarm klaxons sound. The hyperdrive motivator cuts out. You run out of oxygen.

    On the flip side, Proficiency dice - the big yellow ones - have a Triumph symbol on it. And when that one shows up, things change in a positive way for the players. How, exactly? Well, that's up to you! The player suggests a big, positive change in the scene.

    jdarksun on
  • InfidelInfidel Heretic Registered User regular
    If this ends up being PbP I'll join.

    I can't commit to a regular schedule as yet, I was enjoying the Roll20 game we were playing but I started missing out on too many.

  • ArdentArdent Down UpsideRegistered User regular
    I'll be keeping an eye on this. Not sure on the concept, but it could be great.

    Steam ID | Origin ID: ArdentX | Uplay ID: theardent | Ardent#11476
  • SteelhawkSteelhawk Registered User regular
    That's a good point. If this game is not pbp, I'll have to decline as well. I too cannot commit to a schedule.

    I really hope its pbp.

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    I haven't received any requests otherwise, so it'll be PbP.
    Ardent wrote: »
    I'll be keeping an eye on this. Not sure on the concept, but it could be great.
    I think so too!

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    I'd like to play.. but I don't have any of the materials for this game.
    Does Fantasy Flight have these in e-book form? Their site seems to be down for me at the moment :(

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    Updated the OP with bonus XP. After the initial character creation, players have an additional 150xp they can spend on their characters. Please note that this can not be spent on directly boosting Attributes. Shoot me a PM, or ask here, if you have any questions.

    I'll keep signups open through tomorrow, but 12 is probably as many players as I can take. If we get more than that, well, we'll see.

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    Just confirming that I want to play.

  • Grunt's GhostsGrunt's Ghosts Registered User regular
    Starting credits to buy gear in the CC is 500 credits, yes?

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    You're an elite Imperial Agent send by the Empire to kill his enemies and put down unrest. Any character scale off-the-shelf item should be considered free. In addition, players have 10,000 credits to spend on personalized gear - or a lightsaber, in a type of their choosing.

  • SkiddlesSkiddles The frozen white northRegistered User regular
    edited January 2015
    I'd be happy to play, if you're still accepting (newbie) players without the books!

    Skiddles on
  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    Welcome, El Skid! The great thing about new players is that's one more person to have exposure to the system.

    Good news: it's easy to learn. See my example above.
    Bad news: there's a ton of optional material to read through for first time players. If you have a character concept in mind, let me know and I'll point you at the best place to start.

  • CapfalconCapfalcon Tunnel Snakes Rule Capital WastelandRegistered User regular
    Here's what I got for a start.
    1. Background

    2. Duty
    (Not sure here. Since it looks like two groups of 6, I guess we have 5 duty?)
    Duty Type: Internal Security

    3. Species
    WT: 10+Brawn
    ST: 10+Will
    XP: 110
    Special: one rank in Underworld and one in Discipline

    4. Career
    Class skills are Computers, Cool, Coordination, Deception, Knowledge (Warfare), Perception, Skulduggery, and Stealth
    Ranks in Skulduggery, Deception, Perception, and Stealth

    5. Specialization
    Specialization skills are Deception, Melee. Skulduggery, and Streetwise
    Ranks in Deception and Skulduggery

    6. Experience
    30 for Brawn of 3
    30 for Agility of 3
    30 for Willpower of 3
    5 for 1 in Computers
    15 for 2 in Cool

    7. Attributes
    Wound 13
    Strain 14
    Defense 1
    Soak 4

    8. Motivation
    It's a seeecret!

    9. Gear
    Blaster Pistol (Enc 1)
    Damage 6, Crit 3
    Stun setting

    Vibroaxe (Enc 4)
    +3 damage, Crit 2
    Pierce 2, Sunder. Vicious 3

    Armored Clothing (Enc 3)
    Defense 1, Soak 1

    Blackops Data Breaker (Enc 1)
    +2 boost slicing computers

    Surveillance Tags
    Utility Belt (-1 Enc)
    Backpack (For field work, -4 Enc)

    10. What I did on my summer vacation to catch the Emperor's eye

    150 Bonus XP
    30 XP for Melee (3)
    10 XP for Range (1)
    10 XP for for Skulduggery (2)
    5 XP for Coordination (1)
    10 XP for Deception (2)
    15 XP for Streetwise (2)
    10 XP for Stealth (2)
    5 XP for Underworld (1)

    When making a Melee or Brawl check, suffer a number of strain to upgrade the attack an equal number of times. The strain suffered may not exceed ranks in Frenzied Attack.
    10 XP for SOFT SPOT
    After making a successful attack, spend 1 Destiny Point to add damage equal to Cunning to one hit.
    10 XP for GRIT
    Gain +1 strain threshold
    When making Melee checks, may inflict damage as strain instead of wounds. This does not ignore soak
    After hitting with a melee attack, may spend to knock the target prone

    5 XP left over

    Bonus Credits

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    Public service announcement from the Emperor: already four of my servants have reported for duty. Only one has been bold enough to reveal both his strengths and his weaknesses.

    ( Don't forget, you can choose your Secret Agenda before you finish your character. Just PM me your choice and I'll send you the full path. )

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    I'll probably keep recruitment open for another 4-5 hours. If you're interested, please let me know!

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    Recruitment is closed. Please let me know what Secret Agenda you want so i can distribute them. You can do this before you create your character if you want.

    If you need help with our have questions about character creation, feel free to post, PM me, or find me on a third party app.

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