Oh, to be torn 'twixt love an' duty.
S'posin' I lose my fair-haired beauty.
Look at that big hand move along,
Nearing high noon.
High Noon is the anti-western. It rejects the Fordian theme of civilization as the force that should triumph over the frontier. That the coming of civilization is the improvement of all. If The Searchers is the dark mirror to the John Wayne Cowboy, then High Noon is the dark mirror of the townsfolk. We see it in the opening moments. As Jack Colby and the rest of Frank Miller's gang ride into town. The reaction of the town folk is silent terror until we get to the saloon where the proprietor proclaims with glee that it's going to be a busy day.
I love this shot. Grace Kelly looking on with a certain sweet innocence while Gary Cooper looks at her lovingly. At the same time we can see the age and weariness around his eyes.
We move to the wedding of Will Kane, the marshal of Hadleyville, to his Quaker bride Amy. The lawman marrying the pacifist, who represents the far end of civilization. Perhaps impractical but driven by ideals. With his marriage it's time for him to give up his badge and give in to her ideal of running a store. But Will Kane is uncomfortable with this. It will leave the town without a lawman for a day. As he takes off his star, he clips it to his holster, the tool of his office. And at this point we learn about Frank Miller. That he is coming back to town that day.
After being rushed out of town Will Kane's sense of duty forces him to return, even as his new wife can not understand why they don't continue to flee. Amy brings more tarnish to the cause of civilization, telling him it's not his problem. To just ignore it. And then she rejects him, tells him she'll leave him. As Kane begins to gather his posse the town rejects him, shows itself to be full of cowards and the corrupt. The Judge gathers his things and calls him foolish then tells two stories of people welcoming tyrants who would kill the legal goverment. We find out his deputy is unfit for the job. He attempts to blackmail his way into the Marshal's position for his help.
The hotel clerk is slimy, gleeful of what's going to happen. Telling Amy that he has a comeuppance coming. The good people of the town, the ones in church debate what they should do only to turn their backs on him. Even his mentor tells him to run. Even when the one man he finds to help him learns it will just be the pair of them, the deputy runs. In the end the only person in town that will stand with him is a child. Only one other person in town even understands why he has to do what he has to do. Helen Ramírez is an outsider, the older, experienced woman who explains to Amy just the kind of man she married. But even she won't stand with Will Kane. He finishes his duty to the town that isn't worthy of it, and he throws his badge into the dirt. A final act of contempt for the townsfolk.
High Noon provoked a strong reaction when it came out and still gets angry reviews written to this day. John Wayne and Howard Hawks hated the message so much he made Rio Bravo as a counter. The review in Pravda condemned it for glorifying the individual. Usually when the film is brought up, people will talk about it as an anti-HUAC film. But it's been adopted and viewed as an anti-Korean War film as well as a film glorifying a call to arms in fighting communism. No matter how you view it, it's a fantastic film. Shot not quite in real time (The events of the film cover 100 minutes or so, the film runs 80.) Zimmerman keeps the tension going.
Zimmerman's use of Gary Cooper is inspired. He carries a weariness not seen in the Fordian Cowboy. He's tired, he's earned his rest but he carries a gravitas that makes you understand why he has to do one last duty. Events move along with him and you can just sense the weight he carries with each rejection of his call for support. But it's not just his performance, the cast around him does an amazing job of building up Frank Miller as an elemental force. A force that one runs and hides from like a tornado. Leading up to the crane shot.
Will Kane is alone, tiny compared to the town around him. And yet he has his duty.
High Noon
I was making a LotR chat.
I have a bunch sitting as drafts.
and holy crap there's an acoustic version of nimos and tambos which is... is...
I have no words
I've literally never been chosen to make a chat, so I don't really see a need to keep a bunch.
The orcs in SoM sometimes get scared and run, you also have some abilities that frighten certain types of enemies, and some enemies have particular fears you can exploit to get them to turn tail and run.
The best is the captains that have a cowardly retreat trait, they have the most ridiculous smack talk when running way.
Really all the orc shit talk in Shadow of Mordor is great, they are full of dumb incoherent bravado, they love booze even though they rarely drink it, and they are primarily interested in awkwardly convincing their peers that they are the best by yelling the loudest.
Basically Shadow of Mordor allows you to wage war against an entire army of 17 year old boys.
I loved Shadow of Mordor so much for the voices.
And yeah, the fact that scaring the shit out of them was a mechanic is pretty awesome.
My playthrough was on hard difficulty and I did every sidequest available
took me 27 hours.
Unfortunately few of my Steam friends have it so I rarely get to murder people on their behalf, which is really a great feature to build into a game.
Adding a caveat to the recommendation: Only get it if you're gonna get it for Xbone, PS4, or PC. The nemesis system was super gutted in the last-gen console versions because of hardware limitations.
Depends on how broken you build your character. I don't think the game's combat is ever really good, but it feels pretty balanced and workable on hard difficulty. If you die you probably deserved to die or can at least load your game and try again with a better strategy in mind.
The dialogue, setting, and story are really why you should play Dragonfall. And, while I do think the combat is kind of meh, YOU SHOULD PLAY DRAGONFALL. It is fantastically written, with interesting characters and a story that is not only very good overall, but manages to remain interesting throughout the entire game. You don't get to some midpoint where suddenly the plot is no longer relevant and you're just going through the motions to beat the big bad, the game remains interesting and full of surprises right up to the end.
The combat is meh. Hard mode is fine, its "fun" in a simple, uncompelling but completely functional sort of way. Play on hard if you are worried of getting bored if the game is too easy, or play on normal if you just want to tear through fights to see the rest of the game. But do play Dragonfall.
About 15 hours, I'd guess. I took a little longer cause of my bad eyes.
See, now that could make me a dog person.
More pizza dogs!
Where did it fall down for you?
this is my cue to remind everyone The Americans is coming back in 10 days
Like WWII, it's always great to have an enemy.
That will not protect you >.>
It didn't me, anyway.
I got a little excited when I saw your ship.
No I think that's about it.
It isn't super bad, its just kind of "meh." Its XCOM minus a bunch of cool stuff that made XCOM more fun. Its not like Baldur's Gate 1, where the AD&D ruleset meant combat was actively unpleasant from start to finish. Its just kind of like a really straightforward board game. There are some utility abilities, some flanking rules that are kind of wonky but work more or less, and mostly you either just make a super tanky melee powerhouse or you shoot everyone in the face with long range weapons while hiding from cover.
I've played many games with worse combat, I'm simply down on Dragonfall's combat because the rest of the game is so much better that the mediocre-but-passable combat sticks out really clearly.
it's pretty basic and unpolished. xcom had you exploring the map and pulling guys into a meatgrinder or having things go belly up and you had to scramble
dragonfall is like shoot the man he's dead. don't bother with anything flashy cause it's not as good as shoot the man.
someone @ me, i'm goin' to bed