Pokécrawl Episode 6: Pokémon Forever!



  • LordBraska1999LordBraska1999 Bahston, MARegistered User regular
    I agree apperently this happened at several bars including Hong Kong which I know was new this year.

  • AylaviereAylaviere Overlord Vancouver, BCRegistered User regular
    Hey you beautiful pokecrawlers! Sticker girl here. You apparently really love stickers. I did the tally this morning and you guys threw $120.75 at me! Yes I did get change, but that's cool because it's money and it's all going to Child's Play anyway! Thank you all, new or repeat offenders, for making this another amazing success. If you see me around pax, I always accept hugs.

    East 2015: Hostel/Hotel [✓] Time Off [✓] 3 Day Pass [✓] Pokecrawl [ ]
  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    Anyone find my wallet? :-/

    I called hong kong last night and nothing, although I figure give them time maybe. Little black thing. Probably no cash left.

    I figure it has to be there since we needed ID to get in and that was the last place we went.

    Anyway, besides that, we all had a blast.

    Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
    [3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
  • Undone_OVUndone_OV Registered User regular
    Hey all of you,
    Thanks for an incredible pokecrawl. You all did splendidly, and for you Team Red props you crawlers made me proud.
    Everyone have a fun time At PAX today, and if you see someone you know from the crawl, givem a wave!

    "TEAM RED!"

  • gamer4lif3gamer4lif3 Registered User regular
    Is there anyway to still get the buttons I finished the card last night and never got the buttons

  • zezspecszezspecs ScotlandRegistered User regular
    Hey all. I was on green y and at some point I must've lost my gray crochetted headband. I'm pretty sure it was at the last 2 bars. I called and they haven't seen it so I was wondering if anyone here had picked it up.

  • mahshahmahshah Registered User regular
    Great time, everyone! Did anyone get pictures of the squirtle squad on team blue y? We somehow went the entire night without getting a group photo of us.

  • RandomfoolRandomfool loofmodnar Rochester, NYRegistered User regular
    edited March 2015
    Awesome crawl everyone! Congratulations to Team Green, who are once again the winners of the Pokecrawl! They raised $1,057 this year!

    All together the crawl raised $2,466, which will buy a lot of iPads / games / consoles and whatnot for kids who need a little distraction in their life in hospitals and domestic violence shelters. Child's Play is a wonderful charity that supports a really worthy cause, so I hope you guys keep them in mind if you're planning on giving to charity in-between crawls.

    Also, Hong Kong posted some pictures including squirtle squad last night. Link

    If you have something you think could be improved, Let us know! Leave feedback here or message me directly.

    I hope you guys had a great time, and will be looking forward to seeing you all next year!

    Randomfool on
    I do Pokecrawl things. Professor Team Instinct, Hufflepuff supporter.@loofmodnar

  • jujujuju [E] Line Entertainment! Brookline, MARegistered User regular
    On behalf of Team Green, thank you all for coming. You all were lovely. I had a fun night and I wish I could've run into all of you at PAX to thank each of you personally (but alas I worked PAX in two departments and was in bed early most nights as well).

    Thank you to my lovely co-leader Val (delicious pi) and her fantastic cup design, substitute leader Alex, and her assists Nick and Derek for being tremendously awesome - go Team Canada! And to my assists peetsnack, zerzhul and zeromyst for keeping me calm in all the chaos.

    See you all soon! Thanks for being so generous for the children.

    - juju, Team Green X prof

    PAX East '10-16 Pokecrawl || Team Green's Awesome PokeProf!
    PAX Prime '10-'13 Triwizard Drinking Tournament || Hufflepuff Head of House!
    Twitter: @jujukoo
  • KumaKuma Registered User regular
    As a proud member of Green Y, 2-time defending champs of Pokecrawl, Id like to say thanks to all the organizers and I will be happy to see you all next year

  • PeasantDavePeasantDave Jersey ShoreRegistered User regular
    edited March 2015
    Slytherin wins again!

    PeasantDave on
  • TabooPhantasyTabooPhantasy Registered User regular

  • mahshahmahshah Registered User regular
    Huh, I guess they did get a group photo of us. Must have been taken post bonus challenge 3.

    Thanks to team blue y and all the professors & other volunteers for putting up with us! You guys rock!

  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular



  • KyussKyuss Registered User regular
    Kuma wrote: »
    As a proud member of Green Y, 2-time defending champs of Pokecrawl, Id like to say thanks to all the organizers and I will be happy to see you all next year

    Thanks to you for bringing the sweet smells of crunch berries wherever we went.

  • QuantumShaddowQuantumShaddow Registered User regular
    Anyone have word/info about when details for this year's Crawl will start popping up? Went 2 years ago, had a blast and want to go again :-)

    3DS FC: 4441-8382-3645
    Switch: SW-7634-0399-6788

  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    past 2 years info has came out about 3 weeks to a month before pax if I remember correctly

  • SleepSleep Registered User regular
    Man I'm working like right down the street from faneuil hall now, and the call of the pokecrawl is strong this year!

  • MaiuMaiu Registered User regular
    Hey all, Blue Prof checking in and saying hi! Looking forward to crawling along with you soon! :)

  • QuantumShaddowQuantumShaddow Registered User regular
    Maiu wrote: »
    Hey all, Blue Prof checking in and saying hi! Looking forward to crawling along with you soon! :)

    Hi! So excited to participate again (skipped last year)!

    3DS FC: 4441-8382-3645
    Switch: SW-7634-0399-6788

  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    I am back and forth on participating this year. I'd like to go and maybe not get as drunk as last year. Where I lost my wallet. Ha.

    Skipping means not seeing friends and making new ones. We will see. If so, TEAM GREEN WHAT.

    Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
    [3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
  • Hurstshifter Hurstshifter Registered User new member
    Is there a way for us to get notified when the Pokecrawl tickets get posted to EventBrite? Or, should I just continue to check the forum 20-30 times a day?

  • BozkoBozko Registered User regular
    Is there a way for us to get notified when the Pokecrawl tickets get posted to EventBrite? Or, should I just continue to check the forum 20-30 times a day?

    I'm wondering the same thing

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  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    Check the forums. They haven't even begun to discuss this year's crawl. It'll be announced here first and then tickets later.

    Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
    [3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    If you want to discuss this year's crawl before the organizers put a thread up, I would suggest making a new thread anyhow since this is last year's event. Thanks!

    Geth, close this thread.

  • GethGeth Legion Perseus VeilRegistered User, Moderator, Penny Arcade Staff, Vanilla Staff vanilla
    Affirmative zerzhul. Closing thread...

This discussion has been closed.