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[Heroes of the Storm] If you will not serve me in this life, you will do so in the next!

CenoCeno pizza timeRegistered User regular
edited April 2015 in Games and Technology
Status: Closed Beta
Latest Major Patch Notes

Beta Buy-in! Get the founder's pack and buy your way into the beta for only $39.99. Details in the link below!’s-pack-1-20-2015

Official Definition:
Heroes of the Storm™ is a raucous online team brawler starring your favorite Blizzard characters. Build and customize heroes from across every Blizzard universe to suit your play style. Team up with your friends and engage in fast-paced mayhem across varied battlegrounds that impact strategy and change the way you play the game.

Alternate Definition:
Heroes is a MOBA-lite Team Brawler game in which you play as many characters from different Blizzard universes in 5v5 objective based team combat. The emphasis is on "objective based." There are currently 5 maps with more to come. Each features a unique map objective that is typically the key to victory. The team that manages to win the objectives is usually the team that wins. Heroes shares many gameplay elements in the MOBA genre with popular games like DotA2 and League of Legends, but it also drops a lot of the common trappings of the genre and has simplified down to a core game of action and fun.

Heroes, in a nutshell, is a game in which two teams are trying to destroy the Core of the opposing team. The Core is similar to the Ancient in DotA or the Nexus in League. Each team has a base with Forts, Towers, Gates, Healing Wells, and Walls to help them defend their core.

At regular intervals waves of NPC Minions spawn in each base and march down pre-defined lanes to attack the enemy. It is the job of the players to help attack down these lanes and destroy the enemy team's base and ultimately their Core. To help with this, each of the maps has a special map objective that gives a big bonus of some sort to the team that completes the objective. Generally each objective will be completed 3-5 times per match before the core is destroyed.

Just like the waves of NPC Minions who spawn and march towards each other in battle, so too do the player characters respawn when they die and continue to fight. The amount of time it takes to respawn is directly related to how long the game has been running. In a new game that is only minutes old, a player will respawn almost immediately. In games over 15 minutes in length the spawn timers will reach a full 60 seconds.

Core: The first team to destroy their opponent's Core wins the map. The Core has a recharging shield which is worth about 15% of the total health of the Core. This shield regenerates very quickly when the Core is out of combat for 8 seconds. The Core's health itself also regenerates, but at a very slow rate. The Core also shoots a lightning blast at targets within its attack range. It follows the same targeting rules as Forts and Towers (see below).
Tower: The first line of defense in each base. Towers have limited ammo which regenerates over time. Towers prioritize minions and summoned units and will ignore player characters as long as there is a minion or summoned unit within range. Unlike other MOBAs, the Towers in Heroes will not target a player character if that character attacks an enemy hero while within range.
Forts: Each lane has two Forts, which are located behind Walls and Towers. These Forts have a lot of HP and attack with ammo just like Towers do. However, destroying a Fort yields a bit XP payout and when the inner Fort is destroyed in a lane, special Catapult units will spawn for the team that destroyed the Fort.
Healing Wells: If you have played Warcraft 3 then you are probably familiar with the Healing Wells, as they operate almost identically to the Moon Wells of the Night Elves. They are on a timer, and restore Health and Mana when you click them. The Health and Mana provided by these Wells is not instant. The restoration happens over time.
Spawn Point: Each team spawns behind their Core in the safety of their base. There is a magical shield barrier that prevents the enemy team from entering the spawn location, and this shield stops all spells and attacks. Spawn Points also have instant-mounting while you are inside, and you regenerate Health and Mana at a very fast rate while standing in the spawn.


Minions spawn down the lane like merry lemmings just waiting to die to a tower or hero. They are...

1. Soldiers: Dudes with swords, they lead the minion waves. Tend to have higher-than-average HP and a weak melee attack.
2. Archers: Dudes with, get this, bows. They're in the back of the wave, boasting lower HP but a decent ranged attack.
3. Mages: Wizards that coast in the middle of the pack. They deal ranged damage, but the more important thing is that they drop a green orb on death that will give you and nearby teammates a little bit of HP and mana back. There's only one per minion wave, so try to get that orb!
4. Catapults: Beefy siege units that assault bases with a long-range attack. They only spawn when the enemy's final fort in that lane has fallen, giving you incentive to keep that damn fort alive. They can easily outrange towers/forts/cores, meaning they will slowly whittle down a base unless stopped.

Each map also contains a scattering of Mercenary Camps in the "jungle" area between the lanes. These Merc Camps are neutral NPCs that can be defeated by players and hired to fight for the team that captures them. To capture a Mercenary Camp, the players must defeat them in combat (or bribe them) and then stand within a capture circle for a few seconds to gain control of the camp. It is possible for the enemy team to steal the camps if they push you out of the circle or kill you before you can claim it.

1. Siege Camps: These camps contain two giant siege monsters which hurl large rocks at their enemies. They have long range and can out-range towers and forts, which make them very advantageous for lane pushing. These are the easiest camps to defeat and can be solo'd by most heroes by level 10.
2. Bruiser Camps: Formerly known as the "Knight Camps," these are squads of 5 soldiers (4 melee and 1 spellcaster) who have a moderate amount of HP and damage. These camps are more difficult to take and typically require 1-2 people to capture.
3. Boss Camps: These camps generally require 3+ heroes to kill, depending on team levels and what heroes are present. These are high HP / high Damage monsters that can do devastating amounts of damage in a lane. They ignore minions and other mercenaries and will only target enemy structures. They cast a Pound skill that can be avoided by moving out of the telegraphed green smash circle. They also cast a targeted root spell on occasion against enemy heroes. This can also be moved out of, but the window of opportunity is much smaller in dodging the root, and if you aren't on your toes it will catch you.
4. Map-Specific Creeps: From pirates on Blackheart Bay to the plant monsters in the Garden of Terror, these mercs will NOT join your side, but instead drop objective-relevant items that help you win the game like skulls, coins, and so on. Difficulty and rewards vary by map.


So what else? There is no item shop. No in-game gold. No items to be bought. No shoes or rods of whatever. "Blasphemy!" you might say, but Heroes is feeling pretty heretical. Instead of items, you get talents roughly every 3-4 levels. These are anywhere from 2-5 choices that change how your character functions. It might be "killing minions gives you more damage" or "your auto-attacks now slow enemies." At level 10 you unlock your Heroic Ability (aka your ult), and even that has choices! Every character has two heroic abilities, so pick the one most suited for the current game.


If you have played other MOBAs and are accustomed to buying boots, this game doesn't have them. Instead it has Mounts (default Z key). Attacking or taking damage dismounts you, and re-mounting does have a brief cooldown. Not all characters can mount up, but instead have mobility skills that in most cases let them get to an area REALLY FAST but has a much longer cooldown.

There are 4 Hero archetypes

Warriors are typically high hitpoint, low(er) damage heroes. Their job is to initiate fights, disrupt the enemy team, and create opportunities for other characters to get kills. Almost every Warrior comes equipped with a Stun or Knockback, or some other type of control spell.

Examples: Muradin, Tyrael, Anub'arak

Assassins are characters whose main purpose is to do damage. This archetype includes both melee and ranged characters. Generally speaking, these characters have high damage/low hitpoints.

Examples: Kerrigan, Tychus, Jaina

Supports are characters who specialize in helping their team. Many are healers, although not all support characters are healers. These classes provide many benefits to their teams, such as things like shields, speed buffs, invisibility, map-vision, haste, and attack power. These characters typically also carry a lot of utility and have skills which include things like stuns, roots, and other types of control.

Examples: Rehgar, Li Li, Brightwing

Specialists are a mixed bag. Generally, these characters specialize in siege damage and lane pushing, although that is not a hard and fast rule. Each Specialist is very unique and the learning curve and skill required to play these characters is generally much higher than that of the other archetypes.

Examples: Murky, Zagara, Azmodan

Unlike similar games, Heroes has a variety of maps with different layouts and objectives. Certain things remain the same (each lane has two towns then your core), but don't get complacent.

Two Lanes

Haunted Mines features two layers: the top layer is your typically lanes and bases, and the bottom layer contains the mines. Every so often the mines populate with a boss golem and lesser minions. Killing these award skulls, and once they're all dead both teams summon a golem. The more skulls you get, the bigger your golem will be. The general strategy here puts less emphasis on the golem in the early game, as you instead grab merc camps. Because the golems spawn where they last died, getting skulls becomes more and more of a priority as the game drags on.

Three Lanes

Blackheart Bay is a map that features pirates because it's 2014 and pirates are still a thing. The important thing is the pirate in the center of the map: killing mercs or randomly spawning chests will net you coins that you can pay Mr. Pirate to fire off cannons at the enemy town. The cost rises with each firing, making it a bit easier for the losing team to make a comeback. Carrying coins is risky because a player drops all of their coins when dead, so turn that shit in. Also, the pirates will start firing on your core if there are no other buildings left, so don't ignore the coins. This map is a bit weird since the objective is basically "on", so you have to constantly be watching the enemy. You can keep tabs on how many coins the enemy is carrying by hitting tab. You are typically safe if they need like 5+ coins for a turn-in and there aren't a lot of mercs/chests for them to bum off of.

Three Lanes

Dragonshire has two shrines: a northern and southern one. The game will eventually yell at you to go grab them, at which point they will become active. By standing on one, a bar will fill to your team until you control it. Unsurprisingly, enemy players would rather you not do this, and can cancel you out by standing on the shrine alongside you. The bar, however, will keep filling so long as one side has more team members present, so the best option is to typically bringing two players to each shrine. Once you take over each shrine, a player clicks the dragon statue in the center, and so long as they aren't interrupted they will transform into a Ren-Faire Godzilla that can put the hurt on towns. The dragon has two skills: breath fire that does AoE damage on the ground for a duration, and boot an enemy far away. Use the former to wreck minions and burn down buildings while the latter will get players off your back. Attack towns. Attacks towns. ATTACK TOWNS. Only go for players if your intervention WILL save or kill someone. The dragon dies fairly quickly and at best will automatically die after a minute, so you need to get that damage in.

You also don't have to kill yourself to get the dragon. If your push is strong and you can hold at least one shrine, then let the enemy keep throwing themselves against you. At some point enough enemy heroes will be dead and you can grab Mr. Dragon unopposed. I've seen too many games where people feel like they have to get the dragon RIGHT FUCKING NOW and their impulsiveness puts the group in really bad teamfights.

Three Lanes

Cursed Hollow features perhaps one of the most important objectives on the map. The upside is that it's one of the most lenient objectives in terms of not condemning you all for one botched teamfight. Basically you have a little bird skull placed in a random spot in the jungle. If you channel without being hit for a few seconds, then you get the skull. Get three and the enemy team will be cursed: their lane minions are reduced to 1 HP and their towers will not fire. As you can see, this is really devastating because even lanes without heroes will naturally push and chip away at your towns. It's very important that your team shows up to contest these skulls, and you should basically be frantically pinging the spot where the skull is incoming. HOWEVER, if you have a really strong push going and the enemy team has 0-1 skulls (and you also have 0-1), then don't be afraid to commit to the push. If they send away someone to grab the skull, then they're going to be outnumbered when defending your push which can allow you to wipe them and win off that.

Three Lanes

Garden of Terror is kinda like Haunted Mines and Dragonshire had a baby. Every so often, night will fall on the garden, reducing everyone's vision radius and spawning a bunch of plant monsters. Damaging (not just killing) these will cause seeds to drop, and once your team has 100 seeds a player can go to base and transform into a giant plant monster. You can't dilly dally, because the monster has about a minute before it wilts and can no longer be used by a player. So if nobody is grabbing that thing, then get inside it ASAP. Besides being really good at trashing buildings, they can shut down towers by spawning a destructible flower pot next to them and turn unwitting enemy players into weaker plant zombies.

Three Lanes

Sky Temple has three temples, and every so often two will become active and the first team to go up to their activation point will turn them on for their side. These basically fire mercilessly at enemy towns, dealing tons of damage until they burn out and go dormant for a bit. The twist is that while you hold the temple, you will have to fend off waves of special creeps until the temple runs out of juice. This can lead you to be vulnerable to the enemy team, so watch out. Honestly the strategy is GET TEMPLES because they are overtuned right now and this map easily has the shortest games.

Tomb of the Spider Queen
Three Lanes

Details Coming Soon!

As you play games in Heroes, you will level up two different things: your Player Level and a Hero Level. Experience you earn from playing game is applied to both accounts. Blizzard recently added "Stimpacks" to the game store. These Stimpacks are a limited time boost which grant extra Gold and XP while they are active. During holidays and special events Blizzard sometimes gives a bonus XP boost, which does stack with the Stimpacks. Also, there's a cap on experience gained from bot matches: roughly 2.25 Million experience a day.

Player Level is just an account rank. You get various features and goodies unlocked as you play. These are as follows:
  • Level2: 1,000 Gold
  • Level 4: 1,000 Gold
  • Level 6: Unlocks Daily Quests
  • Levels 8: 2,000 Gold
  • Level 10: A Seven-Day Stim Pack (+100% XP and Gold from games); 2,000 Gold
  • Level 12 and 15: Each unlocks an additional slot in the free hero rotation
  • Level 20: 2,000 Gold
  • Level 25: 2,000 Gold
  • Level 30: Unlocked Ranked Mode; Disables Hero Talent-Gating (NYI); 2,000 Gold
  • Level 35: 2,000 Gold
  • Level 40: Unlocks Team League; 2,000 Gold

Daily Quests are small tasks the game gives you each day, and upon completion you get 200-800 gold (depending on the quest) for your effort (as an aside, you also get 30 gold for each win, and 20 for each loss). There are currently 4 categories of Daily Quests (Play 2 games with a specific franchise hero, Play 3 games as a specific role, Win 3 games, and Play 8 games in any mode).


Hero Level is a series of unlocks for specific heroes. Each hero has their own level, and playing games with them will increase their level (alongside your player level). Here are hero unlocks:
  • Level 2: Unlocks your second Heroic Ability
  • Level 3: Unlocks Advanced Talents
  • Level 4: Unlocks Expert Talents
  • Level 5: 500 Gold
  • Level 6: Hero Portrait; Mount Tint #1
  • Level 7: Hero Tint #1
  • Level 8: Hero Tint #2
  • Level 9: Hero Master Portrait; Mount Tint #2
  • Level 10: Allows purchase of Master Skin (10,000 gold)
  • Level 15: 1,250 Gold
  • Level 20: 2,500 Gold



You can buy the Founder's Pack for forty bucks if you have more money than patience, but beta invites are still being sent out. The pack is not necessarily a ripoff, but it's weighed down with expensive skins and other cosmetics that make it a questionable purchase to say the least. You get a whopping three (four with the gold) heroes for $40 which is...pretty expensive.

What are some good newbie heroes?

Assassin: Raynor, Warrior: ETC, Support: Li Li, and Specialist: Nazeebo. Avoid Abathur, Murky, and the Lost Vikings as they have very atypical design that are best played when you have more experience with the game.

What's the best way to get experience?

Quick Match. Practice has an experience penalty, and cooperative games are (on average) shorter than Quick Match games. This means you spend more time in queues when doing co-op whereas QM you are in the game earning XP (it's time-based for xp earned per game). There's also the 50,000 xp win bonus you get from QM that you can't from co-op. Hero and Team League are probably worse xp because you have to spend time picking heroes. The only reason to play co-op is because you just can't win in QM for a daily.

What is the fastest way to get gold?

There is none. However, the least slow way is to do your daily quest (the game saves up to three quests so you can miss a day or two) and then play with friends on heroes you have not gotten to level five with yet. Start with heroes you don't own yet, and then switch to owned heroes if you manage to get all seven free rotation heroes to level 5 within a week. That right there is about 4300 gold a week for the next month or so, not counting gold from account levels and games played. Once you hit 40 and have all heroes to level five you can then do dailies (about 250 gold a day) and grind heroes to 15 and 20 for more gold, but the latter is a significantly longer process than getting a hero to level five.

Also, each week a hero is on sale for 50% off real-world money prices, so that's another option if you're willing to lay down hard cash on the game.

When is the next patch?

No idea. They tend to do monthly patches until they trip up and go two months without anything. You will generally know a patch is coming because they will advertise a livestream heavily hinting at a patch the week prior.


Cinematic Trailer

Newest Hero: Sylvanas Windrunner, the Banshee Queen

Technical Alpha Walkthrough (outdated, but might still be a decent primer for new players)

Sterica on


  • CenoCeno pizza time Registered User regular
    edited March 2015

    Battletag List

    Join in-game chat channel "heroes of the wang". (Minus the quotes).

    Ceno on
  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    Thanks Ceno for taking the thread. I've been way too busy at work to put any time into it. I'm like 300 posts behind on reading the last thread.

    Looking forward to getting home tonight and testing the new UI changes. (And massive nerfs).

  • CenoCeno pizza time Registered User regular
    No prob.

    I'm home with the kiddo today who had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic we were giving her for her ear infection. Fun never stops!

    I'll pick up the Lost Vikings eventually, I'm sure. I'm just not sure I'll ever play them.

  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    The Lost Vikings think orcs are Tomator.

  • KiasKias Registered User regular
    Nazeebo lost the rewind skill! Sadness!

    Though it was needed I suppose.


  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    I never took Rewind on Nazeebo. It competes with Sprint, which I will take in matches with clingy heroes that I can't otherwise shake (like Illidan, Chen, Tyrael, and Kerrigan). It also competes with Toads of Hugeness, which can provide a major damage boost if you can manage to get a few hops in. I realize that Rewind also provided a damage boost since it allowed you to cast everything twice. But I just never got in the habit of taking it. I guess now in hindsight it's just as well.

  • Maledict66Maledict66 Registered User regular
    edited February 2015
    Nazeebo should never have been taking rewind. He was the one character it was on where it wasn't overpowered, because sprint is so insanely powerful on a hero like Nazeebo who otherwise has no escapes and is ultra reliant on positioning.

    Edit: the original post says that on Sky Temple two temples become active. That's not true - you can only have one become active sometimes. Not sure if you get three at once.

    Maledict66 on
  • Steel AngelSteel Angel Registered User regular
    Nazeebo isn't about burst either so rewind doesn't fit quite as well on him.

    Plus being trapped by one "friendly" zombie wall is bad enough, getting two allies trapped in two walls would just be awful.

    Big Dookie wrote: »
    I found that tilting it doesn't work very well, and once I started jerking it, I got much better results.

    Steam Profile
    3DS: 3454-0268-5595 SteelAngel#1772
  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular

    So I take over an hour break thanks to the "rejoin game in progress" bug. I even close the bnet client. Restart. It's still saying I have to rejoin a game in progress! The server is now 75 minutes ahead! Even if you wait, there's a good chance it will just cancel back out to the rejoin screen.

    Unbelievable. You would think that disabling the "gg" message would fix everything!

  • BubbyBubby Registered User regular
    Ceno wrote: »
    Battletag List

    Join in-game chat channel "heroes of the wang". (Minus the quotes).

    Dunno how to add myself but I'm Fathom#1119

  • MMMigMMMig Registered User regular

    You bastard! I was just about to usurp that Lucascraft and be all like "BEHOLD! LOOK ON MY WORKS, YE MIGHTY, AND DESPAIR!"


    Witty signature comment goes here...

  • WingedWeaselWingedWeasel Registered User regular
    MrBody wrote: »

    So I take over an hour break thanks to the "rejoin game in progress" bug. I even close the bnet client. Restart. It's still saying I have to rejoin a game in progress! The server is now 75 minutes ahead! Even if you wait, there's a good chance it will just cancel back out to the rejoin screen.

    Unbelievable. You would think that disabling the "gg" message would fix everything!

    if only we were so lucky.

    to continue the discussion from the last thread. i did not really have an issue with the idea of murky or even the execution (in the ideal scenario) i think he needed buffs that were relatively obvious (helping pufferfish for example) in addition to the ones that he got in the last patch (egg CD reduction). there are a lot of directions that they could go with it with keeping the egg the way it was and fixing the maps (so he didn't have 0-2 places to hide the egg) or reducing it and maybe giving him multiple decoy eggs, some sort of range on egg respawns + some other buffs to compensate, and obviously tons more. i don't think the concept is too inherently strong or even binary (too strong or too weak). i think unfortunately he is simply a victim of moving goalposts. they clearly have an aversion to split push and seemingly push based strategies in general as evidenced by repeated nerfs to any of those strategies, and iteration one was too good at that apparently. iteration 2 was semi-working but needed help. personally i found him fun to play as AND fun to play against since he required something different on both sides. i certainly hope he doesn't get scrapped, even if it means disabling him (for all intents and purposes it sounds like they did but we will see) as they do a rework.

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    Yeah I think the idea is fine. What burns me right now is there's really no choice in his build anymore. You go non-ability damage + bubble stuff and that's it.

  • CenoCeno pizza time Registered User regular
    edited February 2015
    I think I'm going to wait until the rejoin bug thing is hotfixed before I try to play any games.

    Also my power is out so I'll probably wait for that too.

    Ceno on
  • Bliss 101Bliss 101 Registered User regular
    For once I'm glad to be receiving patches the day after they release in America.

    Because I have a long, quiet evening coming up tomorrow, and I'm planning to play a lot. And I'm going to be sour if they haven't fixed the rejoin bug by then.

  • FrozenzenFrozenzen Registered User regular
    Man, the thread title reminds me of how awesome Tyrande is, and how annoyed I am at her not being free any more. Good damage, decent crowd control and emergency healing, what's not to love! Could save gold for her, but should probably pick up some more cheap heroes so I can qualify for hero league.

  • autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    Frozenzen wrote: »
    Man, the thread title reminds me of how awesome Tyrande is, and how annoyed I am at her not being free any more. Good damage, decent crowd control and emergency healing, what's not to love! Could save gold for her, but should probably pick up some more cheap heroes so I can qualify for hero league.

    I'd rather be in hero league with characters I love playing.. I have 7 right now and I'm mostly waiti till I tried them all out, post patch

  • Maledict66Maledict66 Registered User regular
    edited February 2015
    I think my problem with murky is that I think his fundamental design is broken. Not because it's impossible to balance, but because its impossible to make it fun for the other team. He is literally the embodiment of a troll character - pop up, do some damage, and doesn't matter what you do to him he'll be back in 10 seconds doing it again. I find him incredibly unfun to play against because there's no way to zone him out and no way to stop the constant, fatiguing guerrilla attacks as he suicides into you.

    Maybe if they buffed him and made it so his egg had to be placed outside of your base it would be better - so that you always had the option of going hunting for the damn egg to gain some respite. But as it is, it's just unfun in hero form.

    Maledict66 on
  • MMMigMMMig Registered User regular
    So I'm at 13K gold...

    aaaaaarrrggggg...... :(

    Witty signature comment goes here...

  • autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    Yeah, I completely hated playing against murky. Either the player sucks and he is a complete non-issue, or he is good and it's just annoying. Not hard, annoying because you can't do anything to stop the trolling

  • 38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    MMMig wrote: »

    You bastard! I was just about to usurp that Lucascraft and be all like "BEHOLD! LOOK ON MY WORKS, YE MIGHTY, AND DESPAIR!"


    Have you learned nothing from tropes? Carry out sinister plot first, then go back and edit your gloating in.

    38thDoE on steam
  • GogoKodoGogoKodo Registered User regular
  • Alucard6986Alucard6986 xbox: Ubeltanzer swtor: UbelRegistered User regular
    Hrrm, I've played like 6 games today with no incident.

    PSN: Ubeltanzer Blizzard: Ubel#1258
  • GnizmoGnizmo Registered User regular
    Two things I have noticed. First off the rejoin bug fucking sucks and I have had it hit me twice today. Secondly it appears Ultimate Evolution counts as a .5 death as well if it goes before the timer expires (and perhaps even if it does expire? Wasn't paying close enough attention.) Seems kinda weird to count an ultimate usage as a death, but whatever I suppose. His ults are goofy anyways.

  • KiasKias Registered User regular
    PA Battle! Commence!


  • GogoKodoGogoKodo Registered User regular
    edited February 2015
    And now that the rejoin loop is gone after going through it like 8 times it's telling me that my account status is locked. :(

    GogoKodo on
  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    Bubby wrote: »
    Ceno wrote: »
    Battletag List

    Join in-game chat channel "heroes of the wang". (Minus the quotes).
    Dunno how to add myself but I'm Fathom#1119
    It's editable

  • GnizmoGnizmo Registered User regular
    Latest update I could find is they isolated the bug and are preparing a hot fix. Sure hope it works since I like to play more than once a day.

  • Undead MonkeyUndead Monkey Anchorage, AKRegistered User regular
    Not sure if this was already posted, but here is a patch notes addendum as to why some of the changes were made:

    SteamID: Pudgestomp
    XBL: InvaderJims
    Bnet: Pudgestomp#11153
  • UrQuanLord88UrQuanLord88 Registered User regular
    OMG nerf hardened Shield talent!!!
    Streaming 8PST on weeknights
  • DracilDracil Registered User regular
    Overall it seems like a major nerfing patch. Some are pretty obvious (Thrall Battle Momentum) and others are just whuh? (Murky, and it's funny, from reading the addendum it almost seems like they actually believe they're buffing him). Will be interesting to see how everything shakes out overall.

    3DS: 2105-8644-6304
    Switch: US 1651-2551-4335 JP 6310-4664-2624
    MH3U Monster Cheat Sheet / MH3U Veggie Elder Ticket Guide
  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    Oh man. These stats are so awesome.


    Did you know, for instance, that my best map is "Dragon Shire" at 63% win percentage? I didn't. Not till today!


    Did you know that my total hero level is 188 and that I've played a total of 376 games since whenever they started tracking that? I didn't! Not till today.


  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    So Echo, is the voice acting of the Lost Vikings like a personal hell for you?

  • I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    it should be a hell for everyone! that's not their voices at all!

    why can't you understand olaf???

  • MMMigMMMig Registered User regular
    Kias wrote: »
    PA Battle! Commence!

    Great games tonight!

    Man, hammer is becoming one of my favorite to play because it's 80% strategy, 20% SCORCHED EARTH!!!

    For her I'm reaaaaally liking the fury of the nexus or w/e talent at 20 that increases range by 20% (both sieged and unsieged) and attack speed. Hammer was sieging like nobody's business.

    After the passive range increased over time I was almost sieging things an entire screen away.

    Witty signature comment goes here...

  • FireflashFireflash Montreal, QCRegistered User regular
    Oh god that intro is so awful.

    PSN: PatParadize Fireflash#1425
    Steam Friend code: 45386507
  • This content has been removed.

  • MilskiMilski Poyo! Registered User regular
    edited February 2015
    How I feel about the patch:
    • Lost vikings: They seem kind of boring and possibly weak. I know they didn't want to go full Meepo with them, but I wish they were slightly less differentiated and actually got to use talents, since their talents tend to compete with some really good skills (e.g. shield competes with free stuns). They all have no active abilities, but all start with two things going for them (charge+better than fountain regen, range plus splash and the best damage, long range plus speed), so I kind of wish they had active abilities we could upgrade and the choice to get stronger differentiation. I'm also gonna call it and say that Olaf gets some serious decreases to durability when they realize he's practically impossible to bully out of EXP range while you can use the other two to get a separate lane.
    • Abathur: Eh. Probably not enough to stop him from being terrible, but at least his afk-push ult no longer dies to minions
    • Arthas: They tried to make his skills a choice. Making it so that Arthas isn't as horribly talent gated is probably good for free weeks, since he no longer has to take increased AoE on tempest, but it's probably still too small to actually melee somebody without letting them walk out.
    • Brightwing: Necessary nerfs, but heavy handed as usual
    • Chen: Losing his root is absolutely huge because it now allows dashes (and blinks, if they weren't allowed before) to be used. So now I don't have to fear Chen as Valla, at all. Other things generally seem alright?
    • Diablo: I forsee many good Diablos getting annoyed by the oriented stomp, since that's way harder to aim in any situation except for hitting somebody you are chasing. I'd rather it the old way.
    • Muradin: Not sure why this wasn't the case to begin with. It's going to get reverted or compensatory nerfs at some point because he's pigeonholed into a stormbolt build and they hate one true builds, but eh.
    • Murky: Gutted by where they moved the talents around and given relatively meaningless compensatory buffs. The Gathering Power thing is the least important TBH since GP also got gutted, but it might make Murky less inclined to feed against the few people that take Marksman. I'm pretty sure they don't think this is a buff, they just think they can spin it a-la League devs with AD scaling changes.
    • Raynor: He went from having a fun trait and an AA viable build to having no viable builds and no trait. I dunno why they'd do this. Plus, the trait they gave him only helps his (now terrible) AA builds, while his previous trait would have been pretty awesome with some actually powerful Q talents given early.
    • Rehgar: No longer capable of stopping dashes.
    • Sonya: Huge buffs to everything except being able to keep up her +DPS ult all the time, which she can now only maintain for the majority of the time.
    • Thrall: Probably good enough, though even without battle momentum he has enough talents to get a full heal from every ability every time.
    • Tychus: Now swingier!
    • Tyrael: They removed the only good talent from a middling character, claimed he would need compensatory buffs, and then gave him slap on the wrist nerfs and talent relocations. Pretty sure they hate angels.
    • Zeratul: Nerfed and they removed the exploitative uses of his pause ult. Now maybe it won't be an auto-take against competent teams.

    Milski on
    I ate an engineer
  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    edited February 2015
    So, I'm thinking this is their worse patch since artifacts. Odin and Thrall were the only decent changes. Everything else is awful.

    Here's the sum of it:

    Out of all the major balance issues that needed to be addressed, the team chose to spend their time on:

    -Shuffling everything around for the sake of keeping Rewind in the game. They justify nerfing under-used heroes because they now have Rewind as a level 20 option. Nobody wants rewind to stay in the game.

    -Nerfing underplayed heroes just because they had a "must pick" talent, so they nerfed that talent and gave them nothing to compensate. "We didn't like how they only had one effective build, so now they have none!"

    -Introducing more generic talents in a game that should be moving away from them and towards 100% hero-specific powers since every single generic talent so far has been an over/under powered disaster.

    -I don't read the official forums much, but I can guarantee that not one...single community member has ever asked for a Raynor rework. They thought it a higher priority to rework Raynor than Diablo.

    MrBody on
  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    Ok. So how in the fuck did they manage to add some brilliant stats and game tracking to the game, completely overhaul the Quest tab and character progression tab, and yet still not implement a real after-match score screen.

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