COME TO LEGAL SEAFOODS TEST KITCHEN AROUND 6:30PM, EARLIER IF POSSIBLE. If you're going to be late it should be fine, I just want to make sure we actually get space.
@Frostbyte @PedroAsani or myself your cell number and we'll get you in the group. We'll discuss staff sightings, pinformation, meetups, etc... assuming phone service isn't awful.
Post in this if you plan to come! This will give us an idea of how many people are going. We're going to take a head count so we know what we're working with. There will be more things after, but this is the most important.
Thursday 3/5:
Pre-PAX Harpoon Brewery Adventure - I'll be at Harpoon Brewery all afternoon probably... from at least noon until check-in at the Westin I'm sure. If you go, get pretzels with peanut butter sauce. Trust me, and you can thank me later.
Pre-PAX Pinny Arcade Dinner - I have no idea where this will be, but let's gauge interest here! If you'd like to attend, post below. I might ask for help for organizing this one.
Friday 3/6:
Pre-PAX Breakfast - 7AM - Starbucks at the Westin. Look for people with pins.
Saturday 3/7:
Pinny Arcade Trading Event - 5:30PM-7:30PM - We'll all be here. Bring fodder.
Pinny Arcade Trading 101 Panel - ShadowScar, Pureval, Serpico and myself will be on this. It will be a good time. If you feel you want to attend, please do, if not we can meet up later for alcoholic beverages of sorts.
Sunday 3/8:
This was slopilly thrown together, please post ideas/PM me on other things to do once we get more info! Namely on the dinner.
The words seafood and test don't sit well with me. Sounds like a recipe for food poisoning...
Nasty fish not withstanding, I'm in for everything I can get involved in. I also just realized, my heaviest piece of clothing I own now is a hoodie...should I bring a coat? Last year at east I didn't need one.
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
Picmin and I will be in town Thursday, and dinner with everyone sounds like a great idea.
And, and course, we will be in line Friday morning ...
I know it won't be quiet.... but our gathererings aren't exactly quiet anyhow.
P.S.- I'm still not 100% sure I'll be there, but at this point pending a place to stay, I'm at like 75% likely to be there.
Also, can anyone with previous experience let me know if this snowstorm business is going to clear up before East? As a cold-fearing Australian I don't own any clothes warmer than a jacket, and I don't want to die.
Also regarding the weather for non-locals: honestly, who knows. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The end of March is usually ok but since this is the beginning it's probably the most fickle weather time of the year. My birthday is that Saturday, and I can say from experience that sometimes my birthday is bright and slightly warm and sometimes it's cold and miserable.
Given how awful it's already been, I'm leaning towards mother nature just getting tired by the time PAX rolls around. Hopefully. Maybe.
Looking for Pins: DLC
There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?
Use this link please I made this for east for food ideas.
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
Personally I'm with @rentfn and think Atlantic Beer Garden is a great idea, because their food is awesome and they have a decent beer selection.
I think an earlier dinner start would be smarter (6PM if possible), and then people can drift in shortly after I'm sure, and any later than that and we'll be fighting with others for spots since it will obviously be crowded with everyone showing up for PAX.
Post feedback, we're only 15 days out, so I'd like to have an idea by the end of this weekend on numbers and such.
Trade me pins! -
Cut off date 2/20
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
Always looking to trade.
Trade me pins! -
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
1st place Legal Seafood Test Kitchen with 8 votes. 2nd place Atlantic Beer garden with 5 votes
Start time winner: 9 at 6PM
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
Apparently reservations can be made online very easily too, so that's promising.
Trade me pins! -
Always looking to trade.
Looking for Pins: DLC
There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
Do you have a schedule for when to get those from you? I wasn't planning on going to the dinner, but I have to stop by the game night to get a stein on Thursday. Or I can hit you up on Whatsapp sometime during the con as well.
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
Yay. Thanks!
Best to join the WhatsApp group for PAX East and let us know on the Thursday, so we can give them a heads up. But don't worry about bringing extras. They will be fed and regaled with Pin stories.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Also for the group at large, what time should I get in line Fri am if I'd like to make sure I get the poly pin? Is anyone interested in a plan to meet up and wait together?
Send one of the Admins of the group your phone number and they can add you.
Easiest way is to get added to the Pinny Pals permanent thread (Spamalicious, hope you charge your phone constantly) and then request an add to the East one.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
If you ordered a bag, and plan to be at dinner, let me know!
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
As anxious as we are to get the bags, I would say no need to lug all 26 pounds of them to the restaurant. Perhaps just set-up a Hotel lobby pick-up around 10pm? Up to you, just tossing out ideas lol
We have a few people driving in, if transport is an issue I'm sure one person doesn't mind a slight detour. Ask the various Chat places.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
@maywest I'm driving in Thursday from the Western reaches of the state, with time to spare, so if you end up needing a hand, I can most likely swing by wherever she is and pick up the bags for you.
In any case, I ordered a bag and will be at dinner.
Looking for Pins: DLC
There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?
Trade me pins! -