Because we have to go third party a few of us have decided on using the PA Teamspeak 3 server.
TeamSpeak 3: ( or, Port: default - leave blank, Password: PA's Usual Password for these things
Here's a handy rundown of differences between the games compiled by Iceburner (updated 11/10/14):
Monster Hunter:
Features: Hunting monsters, Sword and Shield, Greatsword, Lance, Hammer, Light Bowgun, Heavy Bowgun, painfully limited inventory and storage space.
Maps: Forest Highland, (Old) Desert, (Old) Jungle, (Old) Swamp , (Old) Volcano, Fortress, Castle Schrade, Battleground.
Small Monsters: Apceros, Kelbi, Mosswine, Vespoids, Hornetaurs, Felyne, Melynx, Bullfango, Small raptors, Cephalos.
Large Monsters: Raptor Trio, Kut-Ku, Great Cephalos, Gypceros, Los and Ian, Khezu, Basarios and Gravios, Plesioth, Monoblos and Diablos, Kirin, Lao, and Fatalis.
Village: Kokoto, a simple town on the Forest Highland.
Online Town: Minegarde, a walled desert city high on a flat mountain bluff. Cranes and cannons stick out its sides.
Monster Hunter G/Monster Hunter Freedom:
(MHF was a 1:1 port of MHG, save that all online content was made available in the Kokoto guild hall.)
New Maps: Great Arena.
New Features: Farm, kitchen, recolors, Dual Swords, the arena, actual numbers for element and status, armor skills.
New Large Monsters: Yian Garuga.
Stuff Lost: Minegarde.
Monster Hunter 2 (dos):
New Features: Dynamic day/night, seasons, dynamic bounties, traps & tranqs not being supply items, Gunlance, Hunting Horn, Longsword, Bow, 3-item combination, armor upgrade trees, training quests, versus arena mode (1v1 or 2v2, you have to take out the other team's captured monster, can't harm the players), the songstress, and quest sub goals.
New Maps: Jungle, Desert, Swamp, Snowy Mountain, Volcano, Great Arena, Dondruma (under siege), Tower (dos version), Tower (short version).
New Small Monsters: Anteka, Popo, Giaprey, Shakalaka, Remobra, Conga, Blango, Hermitaur, Ceanatuar.
New Large Monsters: Great Fango, Quaking Conga, Roaring Blango, Daimyo Hermitaur, Shogun Ceanataur, Silver Los and Gold Ian, Kushala, Luna, Teo, Chameleos, Gaoren, Rajang, Yama Tsukami , White Fatalis.
Village: Jumbo Village, a tiny topical island paradise near the Jungle.
Online town: Dondruma City, home to the Wyverians, and tracking center for Elder Dragons.
Stuff Lost: (Old) Desert, (Old) Jungle, (Old) Swamp , (Old) Volcano, some joke weapons, large monsters no longer had a "suspicious" state, just calm/attacking.
Monster Hunter Freedom 2
New Features: Harvest Tours, Felyne Companions, armor stones.
New Maps: Small Arena, Tower (portable version). Maps were revised to make some 1-way exits 2-way, and to not have Volcano be nearly unnavigable at night.
New Large Monsters: Giadrome, Tigrex, and Akantor.
Stuff Lost: Kokoto Village, Jumbo VIllage, Dondruma Town, bounties, seasons, Tower (dos version), Yama Tsukami, Day/night became static, 3-item combining, armor upgrade trees, training quests that aren't in the arena, vs mode, the songstress, the original Snowy Mountain battle theme, the awesome control scheme.
Village: Pokke, a town on the Snowy Mountain.
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite:
New Features: Items stack to 99 in your item box, adequate storage space. The battle music for the MH2 maps was replaced with music from Monster Hunter Frontier Online.
New Maps: Moat Arena, Great Forest, Tower Top, Tower (Yama Tsukami ver), Snowy Mountain Peak.
New Large Monsters: Vespoid Queen, Narga, Hypnoc, and Ukanlos (borrowed from MHFrontier Online).
Stuff Lost: The MH2 battle themes for Jungle, Desert, Swamp, and Volcano.
Restored: Old Jungle, Old Swamp, Old Desert, Old Volcano, Yama Tsukami (though how you fight it is completely different.) Joke weapons from MH1 came back, so all but the sponsored tie-in sword from MH1 is back.
Monster Hunter 3 (tri):
New Features: Larger inventory, Free Hunting, Swimming, Dark Rooms and torches, Monster Stamina, Switchaxe, bowgun assembly, Medium Bowguns, dynamic small monster and gather spot spawning, accurate hitboxes, adequate inventory space. Customizable goblin henchman.
New Maps: Deserted Island, Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest, Tunda, Volcano (3rd), Underwater Ruins, Great Desert, Sacred Land, Land Arena, Water Arena.
Restored: Dynamic day/Night, the "suspicious" state between calm and attacking for large monsters, the awesome control scheme.
Stuff Lost: All old maps, all old gear, Gunlance, Hunting Horn, Dual Swords, Bows, all old monsters except Aptonoth, Popo, Felyne & Melynx, Kelbi, Los + Ian, and Diablos. Felyne Companions, and quest sub goals.
New Small Monsters: Giggi, Epioth, Altaroth, Bahabra, Delex, Rhenoplos, Jaggi, Jaggia, Baggi, Ludroth, Uroktor
New Large Monsters: Great Jaggi, Qurupeco, Royal Ludroth, Barroth, Gobul, Great Baggi, Gigginox, Barioth, Uragaan, Lagiacrus, Agnaktor, Deviljho, Ceadeus, Jhen Mohran, Alatreon.
Village: Moga, floating just off the Deserted Island.
Online town: Loc Lac, jewel of the desert and home to airships. As an easter egg, you could totally see MH1's Minegarde in the distance from Loc Lac.
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd:
New Features: Hot springs, barrel cat, weapon tempering stones, the Auto-guard gunlance exploit.
Restored: Dual Swords, Bows, Gunlance, Hunting Horn, Anteka, Bullfango, Great Fango, Narga, Tigrex, Akantor, Ukanlos, and recolor monsters. Felyne Companions.
Stuff Lost: Free Hunting, Swimming, Lagiacrus, Gobul, Ceadeus, Medium Bowguns, Moga Village, Loc Lac, Underwater Ruin, dynamic day/night and spawn spots became static again, the awesome control scheme.
???: They removed the weapon class multiplier from the damage formula, which made it so that all weapon types had similar numbers for raw power.
New Maps: Misty Peaks, Lava Canyon, Polar Zone, Sacred Mountain, Small Arena (3rd gen ver)
New Small Monsters: Gargwa, Slagtoth, Wroggi.
New Large Monsters: Arzuros, Duramboros, Great Wroggi, Lagombi, Nibelsnarf, Volvidon, Zinogre, Amatsumagatsuchi.
Village: Yukumo, the village of hot springs in the Misty Peaks.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate:
New Features: A rival for your customizable goblin henchman, auto-center-on-the-big-monster camera "Target camera", touchscreen awesome.
New Maps: Tainted Sea
New Large Monsters: Brachydios, Dire Miralis, plus every wyvern, dragon, and leviathan that didn't have a recolor got one (except Nibelsnarf and Gobul).
Restored: Swimming, dynamic gather spots, Lagiacrus, Gobul, Ceadeus, Plesioth, Blue Los and Pink Ian, Moga Village, Underwater Ruin, Tower Top map.
???: They put the weapon class multiplier back, so weapon power looks like it did in every MH game before MHP3rd again.
Stuff Lost: Amatsukagutsuchi, the Auto-guard gunlance exploit, the awesome control scheme.
Village: Moga
Online town: Tanzia Port.
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate:
New Features: Fluid Jumping/Climbing, Jump Attacks, Shadow of the Colossus, Dragon Virus, your home is a caravan, Charge Blade, Insect Glaive, randomized Free Hunting, more stuff I dunno about yet.
New Maps: Ancestral Steppe, Primeval forest, Sunken Hollow, Frozen Seaway, Underground Volcano, Heavenly Mountain, Tower Top (MH4 ver), Unknown Great Forest, Great Desert (MH4 ver), Forbidden Grounds, Lava Island, Thousand Blade Mountain, Dunes, Dondruma (MH4 under siege ver).
New Small Monsters: Konchu, Zamite.
New Large Monsters: Gore Magala, Shagaru Magara, Kecha Wacha, Najarala, Nerscylla, Seltas, Seltas Queen, Seregios, Testucabra, Zamtrios, Dara Amadyura, Daren Mohran, Gogumaijosu, plus some old monsters get new recolors.
Restored: Every small and large monster from MH1 and MH2 except G. Fango, Blango (both sizes), white raptors, Vespoids (big and small), Plesioth, Lavasioth, Ceanataurs (big and small), Narga, Luna, Lao, Yama, and Gaoren, the songstress, and quest sub goals.
Stuff Lost: All previous maps, all previous gear, swimming, all new monsters from MH3's generation except Altaroth, Bnahabra, Gargwa, Rhenoplos, Slagtoth, Delex, Jaggi, Jaggia, Great Jaggi, Lagombi, Zinogre. Brachydios.
Village: Your home and base camp is a moving caravan! There's actually other places to visit.
Other Villages: Barubaré Village, bordering the Great Desert. Naguri Village, the underground home of the mole people. Chico Village, the Felyne town off the coast of the Primeval Forest. Shinato Village, the wyverian village high above the cloudline upon the Heavenly Mountain
Online town: Dondruma IS BACK!
Speaking of playing together. The generic PA password for rooms is
XBL:Phenyhelm - 3DS:Phenyhelm
So it looks like my n3ds won't be here today, which means I won't get it until Tuesday. But at least MH arrived.
My Zebra and Felyne will be best buds at work:
Make sure you bring traps! They're pretty hard to catch.
I have to bide my time until Wednesday. It's so close.
Need more hunters in your party?
Switch: US 1651-2551-4335 JP 6310-4664-2624
MH3U Monster Cheat Sheet / MH3U Veggie Elder Ticket Guide
Seriously, what are those delivery drivers doing that's so important?
Twenty-five minutes' worth of "Song of Storms" later...
Geez. I thought this thing had faster download speeds? How long did it take you guys with old 3DSs? O_O
XBL:Phenyhelm - 3DS:Phenyhelm
XBL:Phenyhelm - 3DS:Phenyhelm
I want to play pretty princess dressup with EVERYTHING.
hunt nekkid
5214 9282 2257
XBL:Phenyhelm - 3DS:Phenyhelm
This thing is super fun. I just found out that you can use your filled phials to supercharge your shield / axe and make it red. I also found out that you can go into the super ultra axe move directly after charging your phials from sword, which I'm assuming is an easy way to go charge -> super ultra axe move -> cancel the move and charge your axe instead.
This game is awesome.
No, this is different. That's filling your phials up, which lets your axe do KO damage. This makes your whole axe flash bright red for like 3 minutes. Makes your shield flash red when you're in sword form, too.
I hope to be doing some hunting of the monsters all weekend long.
The waiting is killing me. I have MONSTERS TO HUNT.
Anything I should know before picking it up? I'm pretty sure i'll like the Kill/Loot/Craft/Repeat thing but any advice before picking it up would be appreciated. I'm looking for a game to sink many hours into.
My Steam profile
3DS: 1435-3951-4785
Other than that, MH games tend to have something of a sharp learning curve, they don't really play like most other games and have an unusual combination of deliberate, weighty combat coupled with a whole host of artefact mechanics from prior games in the series which can be a little bewildering at first. I can only say if you do take the plunge and don't like it at first, try pushing on a little further, often that's all it takes to get things to click.
And of course this thread is full of helpful folks as always!
Battlenet: Judgement#1243
psn: KupoZero
Welcome back to the fray.
XBL:Phenyhelm - 3DS:Phenyhelm
Yeah, the charge blade is super weird. It seems to keep doing different things.
Either the monsters in this game are super fragile or its damage is straight up bonkers though.
The cat in the house. There should be a gift option when you check for DLC
3DSFF: 5026-4429-6577
My Steam profile
3DS: 1435-3951-4785
I was thinking either I'm awesome or they made jaggi's easier because I remember my first great Jagi was an ordeal with the charge blade? he barely got out of a zone before carved him up. I'm loving that thing and I'm not even that great with it, I actually prefer the sword and board a lot more than the axe, but its nice to have the axe when you've charged the head up for 20% extra damage and then wallop an enemy.