Thought it'd be good to have a place where all the pinny related information could be organized and accessible, maybe some of the same information that is distributed across threads on this forum, also some factual and historical information about each individual pinny maybe. I created with a wiki on it, I can create users for members of this community to create/edit stuff on it. It is empty now, except for a chart that I've been thinking of, inspired by the NFL Draft Trade Value Chart, supposed to help take emotion out of a trade or at least give a reasonable base to start with, it has some obvious issues which I'm trying to find valid arguments to apply to. Check it out:
I think pin value should be kept at an emotional, intangible level, as a pin should be about how much you want it, not how much you were told it's worth.
Pinny Pals Lanyard
And here I was thinking "alliteration" was our safe word!
"Damn fine pins!"
A wiki of sorts -- where text about each pins background, circumstances, production count etc. can live -- seems like a missing piece in the community right now. The wiki format is likely a good fit here, as it spreads out the burden of upkeep onto a larger group instead of making one person responsible for typing up a novel for each of 200 different pins. If it could be integrated into some collective platform as mentioned above, we would have a pretty solid network of useful sites and apps. To make it work cleanly though, some hacking on the MediaWiki platform might be in order.
On the value chart thing, I think I can say without too much personal bias that any valuation system based on a priori criteria (like age or online vs pax) is unlikely to be more accurate than an observational system with a high sample size -- ie. That said, no one appointed me the grand high poobah of pin rankings -- and more resources made by more people can only be a good thing for the community. - Two pins enter, one pins leaves... then the other pin leaves with a lower Elo rating
What I think Callmegar's idea might add to the post is sort of a concept of 2 top 20 pins equals 1 top 10 pin, or 8 top 100 pins equals one top 10 pin or some such (Or alternatively, one Aus 13 Logo is worth 6 Kempers).
While it is and should be a highly subjective concept, and I'm not going to say I am a huge fan... with 200 pins out and averaging 100 new pins a year, the community at large (Casuals especially) may find some significant value here.
I would suggest that pinmash is the better metric for a community-based rating system, given that it will show the rarer Pins as more desirable and the more likable Pins will move up above those that are equally rare but less liked.
A wiki is best suited for collecting data about each Pin. We don't have much of a history on each one written anywhere, and the production numbers are going to be buried in the forum. I suggest ditching the TVC and focussing on getting an entry for each Pin.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
What would be really useful is getting the mobile apps under production tied in to the pinnypals site, and getting pinmash on there as a side function.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Desirability is very subjective, and something like Pinmash would yield a better "organic" metric.
Always looking to trade.
Trade me pins! -
@TheAggroCraig, I agree. DLC, Leeroy, Aus13, Hanna, Carl and a few others are the "above the field" pins.
Always looking to trade.
Make a template for Pins.
Make a template for Sets.
Make a template for Events.
That would be cool.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
I think this is a good example of something where the enthusiasts of the community have a drastically different value for these things than a casual collector does. I realize for hardcore folks, they represent the best pin/dollar deal, and so people stocked up on them for fodder.
But now they're sold out and Lookouts are a really recognizable and popular franchise from PA. I realize Hanna is more limited, I don't think a casual observer is going to find Lookouts Troop Crest to be a dramatically less attractive pin than Hannah.
Heck, by the time I got into trading, all of the hardcore dudes had emptied out the Lookouts sets from the store, so at my next PAX, I'm going to be looking to trade for them, and I expect to be trading 1 for 1 like any other pin.
@fishfishmonkeyhat same thing, you can get a user and post it or I can post it for you if you want
@Ayefkay ditto.
Really I don't have any preconceived ideas or structure, I think a sort of chronologic or PAX based list of pins with a link to an individual per-pin page would work, But really, I'm providing the domain name and hosting for whatever ideas make sense (or even the ones than don't)
I'd change your registration to public though and let people freely add content, then have a crew of moderators (the position people apply for). The chances of malicious behaviour is tiny compared to making it as easy as possible for some one to add some content. The whole point of a wiki is every edit is stored anyway, so you can easily recover in to any prior history. - Head-To-Head battle of pins! Choose the most desirable. - iOS pin collection tracking app.
My Delicious Pins For Trade