Once in the city, do yourself a favor and follow @mbta_alerts on twitter.
Its an unofficial, but a good and widely used tool tweeting out every timely service event across the system.
If you want something more official and customized, head over to http://www.mbta.com/rider_tools/t_alerts/. There you can customize what lines you want to get updates on. You can also receive alerts via email or sms. You will have to submit an email or phone number for this service.
Lots of snow here in MA
http://www.wcvb.com/weather/mbta-to-provide-limited-service-monday/31286350?utm_source=Social&utm_medium=FBPAGE&utm_campaign=WCVB Channel 5 Boston - wcvb5&Content Type=Story&linkId=12388223
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So, this is a thread to help everyone who drives, takes rail, or buses to best navigate the Hoth-like world Boston has become.
Basic Advice
- Be patient with the transportation situation. You will get to where you want to go, but it does no any good if we are all freaking out and attacking people (snow rage)
- Leave about an hour earlier than you would think to leave as it gives you enough time if you run into issues.
Driving Specific Issues (as of 2/17/2015)
- South Boston (i.e. 2 minutes outside of the Expo Center) has been reconfigured and will remain so until long after PAX. Here is the link with the details: http://boston.cbslocal.com/2015/02/14/significant-street-changes-announced-for-south-boston/
- Boston Streets are most likely going to be narrowed by the snow drifts measuring 5ft+
- Parking might be affected too.
MBTA Specific Issues (as of 2/17/2015)
- Red Line between Andrew and Braintree/Ashmont are not buses and not Subways.
- Green Line is only running between Lechmere and Kenmore
- Orange Line is buses South of Back Bay and north of Sullivan
- Buses will most likely be delayed
- Commuter Rail is operating with significant delays
Will update when closer to Pax
Well, it's now the "South Boston one way system", they gave up on trying to plow wide enough for 2 cars and have just posted signs making the streets one way instead.
Anyway, the Red and Orange lines are the ones with the old fleets that have really gotten abused and which have had significant operational issues in both tracks and trains. Those are the lines I would expect to not be at full capacity. I would expect the Green and Blue lines to be working fine by the time of the event (unless there's a snowstorm within the week of PAX, not much you can do then). Blue and Green Line D-Branch are back to running near-normal already, lacking some peak capacity but that's it. Silver Line is running normally and will certainly continue to.
IMO Friday AM is the only time that I think might be problematic.
Shuttles might be a challenge also, if MBTA is limited shuttles will be really crowded. Best to get out really early i guess.
Attended: East 14, 15 and West 16
Attending West 2019
Correction for Green Line service on D branch:
Along the D branch, limited trolley service will run in both directions between Riverside and Park Street.
Its an unofficial, but a good and widely used tool tweeting out every timely service event across the system.
If you want something more official and customized, head over to http://www.mbta.com/rider_tools/t_alerts/. There you can customize what lines you want to get updates on. You can also receive alerts via email or sms. You will have to submit an email or phone number for this service.
3DS FC: 4382-1976-1645
Pin Pals Digital Lanyard
If I'm not mistaken, the BCEC lots and surounding garages are alternative parking for residents of South Boston during snow emergencies. That policy may take precidence over PAX parking if there does happen to be more snow during the weekend.
3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
But given the forcast from accuweather, there looks to be many warm days some with rain to help melt all the snow and get MBTA back to full if it is not already by then.
Also i wonder how the Mayor, or state offices will think about that 30 days my guess is it may not be that long. (but who knows)
Attended: East 14, 15 and West 16
Attending West 2019
I think it is best not to completely react right now. We just had another blizzard and things are worse than before. PAX is still in a couple of weeks, so there could be a good amount of improvements.
Coming from RI, the Braintree line is your best shot. Anything further into Boston past North Quincy and you're better off just driving all the way in. Since you're coming in Saturday through Monday, I think the shuttle bus system will work fine for you, especially on Monday since you'll be travelling the opposite direction of rush hour. If you are staying at a hotel in Boston, this should still suffice.
Thank you. I might end up tacking on an extra night on Friday and just heading up after work, since I'm going to be staying at a hostel anyways. But the news about Braintree is appreciated.
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Thing is, it isn't just a question of clearing snow. Significant portions of the train fleet have actually been damaged by the snow. It takes alot of time and money to restore these to service.This image explains some of the issues.
Here's a screenshot to get an idea:
I know it's a crappy answer, but literally no one has any idea what conditions will be like in the next week (both weather and transportation), let alone two. All I can really say is that if you are traveling into Boston, watch the weather like a hawk and prepare for the worst... but pretty please pray for the best because it just dawned on me that this weather could totally make PAX extremely difficult for me to get to/from each day. I'm considering sleeping at my work on an inflatable mattress over PAX weekend.
You could park in Providence @ the Amtrak station and take one of the commuter rails up to Boston (or alternately use Amtrak)
I used to make that trip every other week (although I usually took the Acela and not the regional) Amtrak generally has a lot of delays when it's actually snowing but they have ways of dealing with the snow, and a system that doesn't get most of the issues that the MBTA subway trains get. Keep an eye on http://www.amtrak.com/service-alerts-and-notices they are usually good about keeping it up to date.
As long as you are getting off at South Station and not Back Bay you should be good. From South Station you can jump on the Silver line and get to BCEC easily.
So like... how boot-y are we talking? (Not to be confused with booty). I have pretty hardcore snow boots, however I'd rly like to keep my packing as light as possible and not have to lug 2 pairs of shoes around at PAX. I have a few pairs of "regular" boots though (see below). I was hoping to wear something better for my feet this year, siiiigh nature.
Guy here,
Typically a waterproof hiking boot will be fine, if you have something like that. The sidewalks shouldn't be like knee deep in snow. They're usually cleared, but wet or slushy.
A hiking boot would be good because it will offer your feet enough protection, but still be comfortable to walk in.
My waterproof ankle-high Timberland's are more than enough.
Do you want the city to flood...because that's how the city floods...
Come to think of it, there's gonna be flooding this year.
3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
I was using weather.com at the time I posted that.
PSN: L00nyEclip
Steam: Loony Eclipse
Twitter: @Loonyeclipse
3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247