I live not too far away from the Hooksett tolls, and there's been a ton of work done over the past several months that seems to be nearing completion. It looks like the diner on the northbound side might even be open, but I'm not sure about southbound. The country store is open on both sides, as is the gas station and liquor stores.
I live not too far away from the Hooksett tolls, and there's been a ton of work done over the past several months that seems to be nearing completion. It looks like the diner on the northbound side might even be open, but I'm not sure about southbound. The country store is open on both sides, as is the gas station and liquor stores.
Has the Common Man opened up there yet?
That's the diner I meant, and I'm not 100% sure.
Drove past it yesterday and the NB side has the sign up and the diner looked well lit and with tables, but I couldn't see if there were any customers. If it's not open yet, it looks like it will be soon.
SB side on the way back was dark, and looked like it still had work to do.
So I was wondering if anyone can help me out here with some advice.
I'll be carpooling up to Boston arriving Thursday evening/night. I'm staying at an AirBnB place that's 3.7 miles from the con and most likely won't have enough room to park everyone's cars safely. Does anyone know any safe/secure parking near the con that I could possibly park at from Thursday through Sunday? Open lot probably a no-go as I hear your car may be broken into.
So I was wondering if anyone can help me out here with some advice.
I'll be carpooling up to Boston arriving Thursday evening/night. I'm staying at an AirBnB place that's 3.7 miles from the con and most likely won't have enough room to park everyone's cars safely. Does anyone know any safe/secure parking near the con that I could possibly park at from Thursday through Sunday? Open lot probably a no-go as I hear your car may be broken into.
3.7 miles in what direction? I've left my car at the MBTA garage in Woodland (Green Line D-Branch) many times for days. It's also in one of the richest areas in the region, with correspondingly low crime levels. (Newton/Wellesley border). It's about 5 minutes away from the Pike + 95/128 interchange, so it's convenient if you're coming in from the west.
I would agree that some of the other MBTA lots I have some concerns about leaving a car for days.
So I was wondering if anyone can help me out here with some advice.
I'll be carpooling up to Boston arriving Thursday evening/night. I'm staying at an AirBnB place that's 3.7 miles from the con and most likely won't have enough room to park everyone's cars safely. Does anyone know any safe/secure parking near the con that I could possibly park at from Thursday through Sunday? Open lot probably a no-go as I hear your car may be broken into.
Most parking garages are going to run you a decent amount of money, but they are typically pretty safe. Without knowing what part of town your AirBnB is located, it's hard to give you a good recommendation.
There's also the Pi Alley Parking Garage, which is in Downtown Crossing, right next to the State Street T stop (Red/Blue Line intersection).
The Government Garage is in the directly above the Haymarket stop (Greeen/Orange Lines) and near the TD Garden and North End.
Rowes Wharf Garage is right next to the Aquarium, which means not terribly far from South Station.
SIDE NOTE TO ANYONE PARKING DOWNTOWN: Garages are slammed during weekdays with all the people commuting. If you are arriving in Boston on a weekday and plan to park at a garage, you'll find it easier to park early (before 8:00 am) or after 6:00 pm (when workers head home). This isn't to say you won't find a spot to park; I'm just giving you the heads up that lots could be full or have very little parking. Weekends are a breeze to find parking in a garage, though.
SUNDAY PARKING TIP: If you plan to leave directly after PAX ends and will have a car, all metered parking spots are free on Sundays. I work on Federal Street, which is around the corner from South Station. The street is usually empty on Sundays until about 11:00 am. You can park on the street for free at metered spots all day long. When the con is done, just walk over and drive away. I do this if I come into town on Sundays, because I rarely have to look for a spot and it's free.
Le_Goat on
While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
So I was wondering if anyone can help me out here with some advice.
I'll be carpooling up to Boston arriving Thursday evening/night. I'm staying at an AirBnB place that's 3.7 miles from the con and most likely won't have enough room to park everyone's cars safely. Does anyone know any safe/secure parking near the con that I could possibly park at from Thursday through Sunday? Open lot probably a no-go as I hear your car may be broken into.
I use the State Street Garage. The rates are not bad at all and I've never had an issue. Secure underground area, heated and plenty of space from my experience. http://75statestreetgarage.com/ is the site address. You'll find directions as well as rates. I'll be parking there myself starting Thursday afternoon through Sunday evening.
SUNDAY PARKING TIP: If you plan to leave directly after PAX ends and will have a car, all metered parking spots are free on Sundays. I work on Federal Street, which is around the corner from South Station. The street is usually empty on Sundays until about 11:00 am. You can park on the street for free at metered spots all day long. When the con is done, just walk over and drive away. I do this if I come into town on Sundays, because I rarely have to look for a spot and it's free.
I would add that you need to be careful on parking at the metered spot. If you're not properly within the "meter" zone, which is hard to tell with all the snow, you will get a ticket for parking improperly.
Also, with all the snow, many streets are even more narrow, and many cars are side swiped/side mirrors destroyed with folks just getting by. If you're on the main road, there is usually enough room for cars to get by.
SUNDAY PARKING TIP: If you plan to leave directly after PAX ends and will have a car, all metered parking spots are free on Sundays. I work on Federal Street, which is around the corner from South Station. The street is usually empty on Sundays until about 11:00 am. You can park on the street for free at metered spots all day long. When the con is done, just walk over and drive away. I do this if I come into town on Sundays, because I rarely have to look for a spot and it's free.
I would add that you need to be careful on parking at the metered spot. If you're not properly within the "meter" zone, which is hard to tell with all the snow, you will get a ticket for parking improperly.
Good point.
Make sure you read the parking signs. Many commercial only zones will be free to use on Sundays, but only if the signs say so. The same signs usually have an arrow indicating where you can and cannot park.
While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
The snow situation here is bad, there is still alot of snow covering the streets of Boston, traffic on a normal basis is hard, please plan accordingly before going to pax, also if you arrive early, bundle up
This questions is obviously not incredibly important but will just save me some time after I touch down at Logan ... I'm going to be staying at the Park Plaza Hotel & Towers and I wanted to know if there's any liquor stores in the vicinity? I'm not sure how you guys in Mass. have your system set up, in PA everything state owned and there are very few located in downtown (Pittsburgh).
So will there be anything nearby I can hit up to keep a stock in my room or should I just grab a cab from Logan and make a stop on the way?
This questions is obviously not incredibly important but will just save me some time after I touch down at Logan ... I'm going to be staying at the Park Plaza Hotel & Towers and I wanted to know if there's any liquor stores in the vicinity? I'm not sure how you guys in Mass. have your system set up, in PA everything state owned and there are very few located in downtown (Pittsburgh).
Depends on what you're looking for.
There are plenty of 7/11s around Boston where you can buy wine/beer and flask sized harder liquor depending on the location.
If you're looking for something more upscale Bacco's Wine + Cheese is just down the road from your hotel.
There's also options in the financial district including a fancy Walgreens that stocks hard liquor in quantities I didn't even know existed. Im talking 'who needs a bottle of grey goose this large' quantities. Of course their selection is pretty limited.
Isn't it going to snow/rain right before PAX next week? New England area literally can't catch a break here. The Train option is still there for those looking for safer travels and not worried about parking. Course you can't bring as much stuff with you though.
Isn't it going to snow/rain right before PAX next week? New England area literally can't catch a break here. The Train option is still there for those looking for safer travels and not worried about parking. Course you can't bring as much stuff with you though.
Isn't it going to snow/rain right before PAX next week? New England area literally can't catch a break here. The Train option is still there for those looking for safer travels and not worried about parking. Course you can't bring as much stuff with you though.
Isn't it going to snow/rain right before PAX next week? New England area literally can't catch a break here. The Train option is still there for those looking for safer travels and not worried about parking. Course you can't bring as much stuff with you though.
What's sad is that 28-30 F is considered "warm(ish)"
Well...it's not a negative number at least...though I do still wish for the weather of 2 years ago.
In the slightly on topic section, paper tickets, buses and subways. When going from bus to subway (red line it seems) its separate fare for most stations it looks like? Just making sure since some bus/subway transfers here drop you off past the fare point so you go straight from one to another.
In the slightly on topic section, paper tickets, buses and subways. When going from bus to subway (red line it seems) its separate fare for most stations it looks like? Just making sure since some bus/subway transfers here drop you off past the fare point so you go straight from one to another.
Bus Fare: $1.60 with a Charlie Card, $2.10 for cash or Charlie Ticket
Subway Fare: $2.10 with Charlie Card, $2.65 with Charlie Ticket
Subway --> Local Bus = free
Subway --> Express Bus = Discounted
Local Bus --> Express Bus = Discounted
Local Bus/Express Bus --> Local Bus = Free
Local Bus --> Subway = Discounted
Express Bus --> Subway = Free
Confused yet? One other thing to note is that transfers are only valid for two hours, and as far as I know, there are not distance limits on transfers.
For potentially clearer information, look here and here.
In the slightly on topic section, paper tickets, buses and subways. When going from bus to subway (red line it seems) its separate fare for most stations it looks like? Just making sure since some bus/subway transfers here drop you off past the fare point so you go straight from one to another.
Bus Fare: $1.60 with a Charlie Card, $2.10 for cash or Charlie Ticket
Subway Fare: $2.10 with Charlie Card, $2.65 with Charlie Ticket
Subway --> Local Bus = free
Subway --> Express Bus = Discounted
Local Bus --> Express Bus = Discounted
Local Bus/Express Bus --> Local Bus = Free
Local Bus --> Subway = Discounted
Express Bus --> Subway = Free
Confused yet? One other thing to note is that transfers are only valid for two hours, and as far as I know, there are not distance limits on transfers.
For potentially clearer information, look here and here.
Thanks, I think that's actually clearer than when I was reading MBTA's website while at work. Given where my hotels at, it'd be faster and not that much more expensive to just drive in each day...
Do I need to ask for a transfer ticket? Or will my Charlie card be smart enough to do it on its own?
Your reader at the T or on the bus should be smart enough to know.
One thing to point out, the Charlie Cards (plastic) are not available everywhere. When you buy a fare at a T-stop, the machine spits out a Charlie Card (paper). Busses take your money or an already acquired Ticket (slide in to be read - on Bus and at T) or Card (tap to be read - on Bus and at T).
I think the Cards are supposed to be available, but you know how that works out. Ideally there is a T employee in the various T booths to give you one - they don't get spit out of the machine at you. They are also available at the main office inside Downtown Crossing stop. But the T website, I think, outlines where you can get them. Once you get one, you have to go to a machine to add money to it.
Isn't it going to snow/rain right before PAX next week? New England area literally can't catch a break here. The Train option is still there for those looking for safer travels and not worried about parking. Course you can't bring as much stuff with you though.
What's sad is that 28-30 F is considered "warm(ish)"
Haha I was joking with my colleagues as they go down to Aruba, Cuba or wherever that I'd be going to sunny Boston. After weeks of -20 to -40 Celsius temps even something around 30F is going to feel really good, haha.
Hello everyone! First time PAXer here going for all 3 days. Staying at a Hampton inn in Norwood and was planning to drive to the convention center each day. Any good suggestions for parking or possibly an alternate way to get there from the Norwood Hampton inn?
Hello everyone! First time PAXer here going for all 3 days. Staying at a Hampton inn in Norwood and was planning to drive to the convention center each day. Any good suggestions for parking or possibly an alternate way to get there from the Norwood Hampton inn?
Friday morning will be by far the worst commute so make sure you plan for it. All other days should be fine (with the expected PAX traffic near the convention).
I have always parked either at an official PAX lot. If the main one fills up, there are overflow ones with shuttle buses. Last year, it only took around 15 minutes to get from the overflow lot to the doors at the BCEC. I can't make any promises this year but I personally wouldn't mind if I had to go to the overflow lot again.
Not sure if this matters or if you'll have time, but Legacy Place is just north of you and has good restaurants and shopping.
Hello everyone! First time PAXer here going for all 3 days. Staying at a Hampton inn in Norwood and was planning to drive to the convention center each day. Any good suggestions for parking or possibly an alternate way to get there from the Norwood Hampton inn?
The best option probably would be to take the Commuter Rail (assuming it's up and running by then). There's a stop (Norwood Depot) on the Franklin line that's about about 1.5 miles away. It will take you to South Station. From there you can get on the silver line, take that to the World Trade Center stop, and you'll be at PAX. If you don't want to walk the 1.5 miles, you could probably get a cab to the commuter line stop.
Norwood Depot is a Zone 3 Fare, so it would be $7.00 per trip, or $10.00 per trip if you pay onboard.
Thank you both for the quick replies! I will definitely check out legacy place and will also figure out which is the better option regarding travel from my hotel, just one more question, how much is on site official pax parking?
djlybsSlayer of the DatasBoston MetroRegistered Userregular
For those people down by the convention center, are there still two parking lots between Seaport Blvd and Congress St or have they converted them to the damn luxury condos yet?
Hello everyone! First time PAXer here going for all 3 days. Staying at a Hampton inn in Norwood and was planning to drive to the convention center each day. Any good suggestions for parking or possibly an alternate way to get there from the Norwood Hampton inn?
The best option probably would be to take the Commuter Rail (assuming it's up and running by then). There's a stop (Norwood Depot) on the Franklin line that's about about 1.5 miles away. It will take you to South Station. From there you can get on the silver line, take that to the World Trade Center stop, and you'll be at PAX. If you don't want to walk the 1.5 miles, you could probably get a cab to the commuter line stop.
Norwood Depot is a Zone 3 Fare, so it would be $7.00 per trip, or $10.00 per trip if you pay onboard.
Actually if you need parking for Friday and don't want to deal with traffic I suggest driving up to Route 128 station on the Boston-Providence Commuter Rail line. They've got a big garage there so it's not likely to get filled up with all the locals plus the Boston-Providence trains run more frequently than the ones that go by Norwood. By Saturday you should have no problems with parking since the locals won't be commuting.
"Simple, real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time." -Mustrum Ridcully in Terry Pratchett's Hogfather p. 142 (HarperPrism 1996)
For those people down by the convention center, are there still two parking lots between Seaport Blvd and Congress St or have they converted them to the damn luxury condos yet?
I walked by there a couple of months ago and I can confirm that one definitely is still there. I want to say both are, but I'm not 100% certain. I know for a fact that I cut through one of them when I was walking to my destination of the Expo Hall near the Whiskey Priest.
While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
Haha I was joking with my colleagues as they go down to Aruba, Cuba or wherever that I'd be going to sunny Boston. After weeks of -20 to -40 Celsius temps even something around 30F is going to feel really good, haha.
I definitely need to take some "awesome weather" vacation photos.
My boss went south and sent beach and blue sky photos. I need to throw myself into a huge dirty snow pile and send that to the team
I am still super pleased that the PAX East scarf is a thing! ... this year I might just have to wear ALL of them at once.
Hello everyone! First time PAXer here going for all 3 days. Staying at a Hampton inn in Norwood and was planning to drive to the convention center each day. Any good suggestions for parking or possibly an alternate way to get there from the Norwood Hampton inn?
The best option probably would be to take the Commuter Rail (assuming it's up and running by then). There's a stop (Norwood Depot) on the Franklin line that's about about 1.5 miles away. It will take you to South Station. From there you can get on the silver line, take that to the World Trade Center stop, and you'll be at PAX. If you don't want to walk the 1.5 miles, you could probably get a cab to the commuter line stop.
Norwood Depot is a Zone 3 Fare, so it would be $7.00 per trip, or $10.00 per trip if you pay onboard.
Actually if you need parking for Friday and don't want to deal with traffic I suggest driving up to Route 128 station on the Boston-Providence Commuter Rail line. They've got a big garage there so it's not likely to get filled up with all the locals plus the Boston-Providence trains run more frequently than the ones that go by Norwood. By Saturday you should have no problems with parking since the locals won't be commuting.
The Amtrak website gives me an error when I try to do this (so you might need to call their phone number), but Amtrak regional does stop at route 128 and go on to south station as well. I live in Providence, and sometimes take the Amtrak instead of the commuter rail just to have more time options.
Boston forecast has improved...looks like no additional snow or rain from Monday to Monday now, and just snow showers tomorrow.
Friday AM will be cold though 11 F ! http://www.weather.com/weather/tenday/l/02210
Boston forecast has improved...looks like no additional snow or rain from Monday to Monday now, and just snow showers tomorrow.
Friday AM will be cold though 11 F ! http://www.weather.com/weather/tenday/l/02210
Remember this is New England and weather can change on a dime but seems like weather is improving for us though.
Has the Common Man opened up there yet?
That's the diner I meant, and I'm not 100% sure.
Drove past it yesterday and the NB side has the sign up and the diner looked well lit and with tables, but I couldn't see if there were any customers. If it's not open yet, it looks like it will be soon.
SB side on the way back was dark, and looked like it still had work to do.
I'll be carpooling up to Boston arriving Thursday evening/night. I'm staying at an AirBnB place that's 3.7 miles from the con and most likely won't have enough room to park everyone's cars safely. Does anyone know any safe/secure parking near the con that I could possibly park at from Thursday through Sunday? Open lot probably a no-go as I hear your car may be broken into.
3.7 miles in what direction? I've left my car at the MBTA garage in Woodland (Green Line D-Branch) many times for days. It's also in one of the richest areas in the region, with correspondingly low crime levels. (Newton/Wellesley border). It's about 5 minutes away from the Pike + 95/128 interchange, so it's convenient if you're coming in from the west.
I would agree that some of the other MBTA lots I have some concerns about leaving a car for days.
You could always park in the garage under the Boston Commons.
There's also the Pi Alley Parking Garage, which is in Downtown Crossing, right next to the State Street T stop (Red/Blue Line intersection).
The Government Garage is in the directly above the Haymarket stop (Greeen/Orange Lines) and near the TD Garden and North End.
Rowes Wharf Garage is right next to the Aquarium, which means not terribly far from South Station.
SIDE NOTE TO ANYONE PARKING DOWNTOWN: Garages are slammed during weekdays with all the people commuting. If you are arriving in Boston on a weekday and plan to park at a garage, you'll find it easier to park early (before 8:00 am) or after 6:00 pm (when workers head home). This isn't to say you won't find a spot to park; I'm just giving you the heads up that lots could be full or have very little parking. Weekends are a breeze to find parking in a garage, though.
SUNDAY PARKING TIP: If you plan to leave directly after PAX ends and will have a car, all metered parking spots are free on Sundays. I work on Federal Street, which is around the corner from South Station. The street is usually empty on Sundays until about 11:00 am. You can park on the street for free at metered spots all day long. When the con is done, just walk over and drive away. I do this if I come into town on Sundays, because I rarely have to look for a spot and it's free.
I would add that you need to be careful on parking at the metered spot. If you're not properly within the "meter" zone, which is hard to tell with all the snow, you will get a ticket for parking improperly.
Also, with all the snow, many streets are even more narrow, and many cars are side swiped/side mirrors destroyed with folks just getting by. If you're on the main road, there is usually enough room for cars to get by.
Looking for Edith Finch Pin!
Make sure you read the parking signs. Many commercial only zones will be free to use on Sundays, but only if the signs say so. The same signs usually have an arrow indicating where you can and cannot park.
So will there be anything nearby I can hit up to keep a stock in my room or should I just grab a cab from Logan and make a stop on the way?
Depends on what you're looking for.
There are plenty of 7/11s around Boston where you can buy wine/beer and flask sized harder liquor depending on the location.
If you're looking for something more upscale Bacco's Wine + Cheese is just down the road from your hotel.
There's also options in the financial district including a fancy Walgreens that stocks hard liquor in quantities I didn't even know existed. Im talking 'who needs a bottle of grey goose this large' quantities. Of course their selection is pretty limited.
It's still a bit too far out to tell, but for right now, it looks like it's gonna be clear and warm(ish) for Friday and Saturday.
PSN: L00nyEclip
Steam: Loony Eclipse
Twitter: @Loonyeclipse
Really depends on how it gets cleared off the roads if there's any significant amount on the roadway and how it refreezes imo.
Well...it's not a negative number at least...though I do still wish for the weather of 2 years ago.
In the slightly on topic section, paper tickets, buses and subways. When going from bus to subway (red line it seems) its separate fare for most stations it looks like? Just making sure since some bus/subway transfers here drop you off past the fare point so you go straight from one to another.
Mar 4 - 42/33 80% rain
Mar 5 - 39/17 20% rain
Mar 6 - 28/11 20% rain
Mar 7 - 31/17 10% rain
Bus Fare: $1.60 with a Charlie Card, $2.10 for cash or Charlie Ticket
Subway Fare: $2.10 with Charlie Card, $2.65 with Charlie Ticket
Confused yet? One other thing to note is that transfers are only valid for two hours, and as far as I know, there are not distance limits on transfers.
For potentially clearer information, look here and here.
Thanks, I think that's actually clearer than when I was reading MBTA's website while at work. Given where my hotels at, it'd be faster and not that much more expensive to just drive in each day...
Your reader at the T or on the bus should be smart enough to know.
One thing to point out, the Charlie Cards (plastic) are not available everywhere. When you buy a fare at a T-stop, the machine spits out a Charlie Card (paper). Busses take your money or an already acquired Ticket (slide in to be read - on Bus and at T) or Card (tap to be read - on Bus and at T).
I think the Cards are supposed to be available, but you know how that works out. Ideally there is a T employee in the various T booths to give you one - they don't get spit out of the machine at you. They are also available at the main office inside Downtown Crossing stop. But the T website, I think, outlines where you can get them. Once you get one, you have to go to a machine to add money to it.
Haha I was joking with my colleagues as they go down to Aruba, Cuba or wherever that I'd be going to sunny Boston. After weeks of -20 to -40 Celsius temps even something around 30F is going to feel really good, haha.
Friday morning will be by far the worst commute so make sure you plan for it. All other days should be fine (with the expected PAX traffic near the convention).
I have always parked either at an official PAX lot. If the main one fills up, there are overflow ones with shuttle buses. Last year, it only took around 15 minutes to get from the overflow lot to the doors at the BCEC. I can't make any promises this year but I personally wouldn't mind if I had to go to the overflow lot again.
Not sure if this matters or if you'll have time, but Legacy Place is just north of you and has good restaurants and shopping.
The best option probably would be to take the Commuter Rail (assuming it's up and running by then). There's a stop (Norwood Depot) on the Franklin line that's about about 1.5 miles away. It will take you to South Station. From there you can get on the silver line, take that to the World Trade Center stop, and you'll be at PAX. If you don't want to walk the 1.5 miles, you could probably get a cab to the commuter line stop.
Norwood Depot is a Zone 3 Fare, so it would be $7.00 per trip, or $10.00 per trip if you pay onboard.
Actually if you need parking for Friday and don't want to deal with traffic I suggest driving up to Route 128 station on the Boston-Providence Commuter Rail line. They've got a big garage there so it's not likely to get filled up with all the locals plus the Boston-Providence trains run more frequently than the ones that go by Norwood. By Saturday you should have no problems with parking since the locals won't be commuting.
I definitely need to take some "awesome weather" vacation photos.
My boss went south and sent beach and blue sky photos. I need to throw myself into a huge dirty snow pile and send that to the team
I am still super pleased that the PAX East scarf is a thing! ... this year I might just have to wear ALL of them at once.
The Amtrak website gives me an error when I try to do this (so you might need to call their phone number), but Amtrak regional does stop at route 128 and go on to south station as well. I live in Providence, and sometimes take the Amtrak instead of the commuter rail just to have more time options.
Friday AM will be cold though 11 F !
Remember this is New England and weather can change on a dime but seems like weather is improving for us though.
I'm crossing my fingers! We're definitely going to bundle up and check our coats (maybe boots too!)
I tend to trust this guy more than other local meteorologists.