Don't use the clip on the ones provided. Run the ribbon of the lanyard through the hole in the badge instead using the clip as a stopper. I can not tell you how many whiney kids (and adults) there are that have trusted the clips and lost their badge. Do a search of the forums and you will find a few posts on how to secure your badge to the lanyard.
If you ever need help on how to secure your lanyard come by Info Booth, they would be happy to help you make sure your badge is secure and won't fall of.
I would just get a lanyard there. Last I brought my own and was denied a lanyard by the enforcers. Plus, lanyards make great "I was at PAX and got this for you" free gifts.
Each year we pick up a package of clear badge holders at Staples or Office Despot before PAX. If you get the 4"x6" ones they'll hold the forum badge & multiple regular badges. (great for BYOC/PAX or multiple single day badges). Stick a contact info card in behind the badge w/ your number or email in case you drop your badge. Use the tip above about threading the lanyard through the hole, don't trust the wimpy clip.
I would just get a lanyard there. Last I brought my own and was denied a lanyard by the enforcers. Plus, lanyards make great "I was at PAX and got this for you" free gifts.
Ouch, was your lanyard similar to the one they were giving out? I usually grab a lanyard or two at each convention, usually under the watchful eye of an enforcer. Try the swag bag line next time? Usually a pile there.
Ouch, was your lanyard similar to the one they were giving out? I usually grab a lanyard or two at each convention, usually under the watchful eye of an enforcer. Try the swag bag line next time? Usually a pile there.
The lanyard i was using was from 2013. Same company, different color. It's the only time I've been miffed at an Enforcer, but I just kept walking. I took off the lanyard and picked one up from the next lanyard caddy I saw so no harm. This particular Enforcer was denying lanyards to anyone with a lanyard, no matter where it was from. In the end it didn't matter, nor did it effect my enjoyment of PAX in any way.
Lanyard are stupidly plentiful at every PAX I have attended thus far. Gigantic bins overflowing with them, massive piles at the swag line, roll for diversity lounge has a metric shitton, and every other booth hands them out as well. I have more lanyards than I could ever reasonably be expected to use in my lifetime thanks to PAX, and I'm sure that count will increase further next weekend!
Lanyard are stupidly plentiful at every PAX I have attended thus far. Gigantic bins overflowing with them, massive piles at the swag line, roll for diversity lounge has a metric shitton, and every other booth hands them out as well. I have more lanyards than I could ever reasonably be expected to use in my lifetime thanks to PAX, and I'm sure that count will increase further next weekend!
It may seem we have a ton, but one of those full bins will last 1-2 hours during the morning rush before it needs to be refilled. We often get nervous we will run out, and having people with no lanyard is a real pain and slows down badge checking. Sometimes the messaging "if they already have one, ask if they really want one" gets mangled when it gets passed to enforcers handing them out. Basically if you need\want one, by all means take one. But if you have your own, we'd love for you to bring it and use that one.
It may seem we have a ton, but one of those full bins will last 1-2 hours during the morning rush before it needs to be refilled. We often get nervous we will run out, and having people with no lanyard is a real pain and slows down badge checking. Sometimes the messaging "if they already have one, ask if they really want one" gets mangled when it gets passed to enforcers handing them out. Basically if you need\want one, by all means take one. But if you have your own, we'd love for you to bring it and use that one.
I never would have guessed shortages were an issue because I had only ever seen those bins with gigantic piles, but that makes sense. I always come prepared with my own lanyard so there will be at least one spare for someone!
Sounds like perhaps having bins full of lanyards is giving the impression that there's a near unlimited supply of them. Might be a better idea to hand them out individually if the supplies start to get low.
Lanyard are stupidly plentiful at every PAX I have attended thus far. Gigantic bins overflowing with them, massive piles at the swag line, roll for diversity lounge has a metric shitton, and every other booth hands them out as well. I have more lanyards than I could ever reasonably be expected to use in my lifetime thanks to PAX, and I'm sure that count will increase further next weekend!
It may seem we have a ton, but one of those full bins will last 1-2 hours during the morning rush before it needs to be refilled. We often get nervous we will run out, and having people with no lanyard is a real pain and slows down badge checking. Sometimes the messaging "if they already have one, ask if they really want one" gets mangled when it gets passed to enforcers handing them out. Basically if you need\want one, by all means take one. But if you have your own, we'd love for you to bring it and use that one.
That does not surprise me especially the numbers that this convention brings in.
Also, is it fairly normal to wear a backpack inside the convention building? I am planning on doing so.
About as common as it is to breath air and drink water.
Seriously, pretty much everyone has a bag of some sort with them...except maybe some of the cosplayers (who usuall have someone with them, carrying a bag).
Pro tip: If you have a backpack, USE BOTH STRAPS! Don't sling it over only one shoulder. You'll likely end up with a stiff shoulder/neck, especially if you're not used to carrying a bag with you all day.
I have something similar to this.
I like it cause it has straps on both sides so it does not twist.
Also it has a little zipper pouch on back to hold money, credit cards or ID's .. things like that.
It's been super reliable since the second PAX East.
Trade me pins! -
Attended: East 14, 15 and West 16
Attending West 2019
Ouch, was your lanyard similar to the one they were giving out? I usually grab a lanyard or two at each convention, usually under the watchful eye of an enforcer. Try the swag bag line next time? Usually a pile there.
The lanyard i was using was from 2013. Same company, different color. It's the only time I've been miffed at an Enforcer, but I just kept walking. I took off the lanyard and picked one up from the next lanyard caddy I saw so no harm. This particular Enforcer was denying lanyards to anyone with a lanyard, no matter where it was from. In the end it didn't matter, nor did it effect my enjoyment of PAX in any way.
It may seem we have a ton, but one of those full bins will last 1-2 hours during the morning rush before it needs to be refilled. We often get nervous we will run out, and having people with no lanyard is a real pain and slows down badge checking. Sometimes the messaging "if they already have one, ask if they really want one" gets mangled when it gets passed to enforcers handing them out. Basically if you need\want one, by all means take one. But if you have your own, we'd love for you to bring it and use that one.
I never would have guessed shortages were an issue because I had only ever seen those bins with gigantic piles, but that makes sense. I always come prepared with my own lanyard so there will be at least one spare for someone!
That does not surprise me especially the numbers that this convention brings in.
You'd look out of place without one!
If they don't wear a backpack, where you put your free swag?
Seriously, pretty much everyone has a bag of some sort with them...except maybe some of the cosplayers (who usuall have someone with them, carrying a bag).
Pro tip: If you have a backpack, USE BOTH STRAPS! Don't sling it over only one shoulder. You'll likely end up with a stiff shoulder/neck, especially if you're not used to carrying a bag with you all day.
I like it cause it has straps on both sides so it does not twist.
Also it has a little zipper pouch on back to hold money, credit cards or ID's .. things like that.
It's been super reliable since the second PAX East.