Welcome to
AustraliaThe sunny country!
Wildlife that wants to kill you!
Summers that want to kill you!
Food that wants to kill you!
Lead by:
This rather unpopular suit as Prime Minister:
Opposed by this marginally less unpopular suit:
There are also these suits who pipe up from time to time:
Welcome to 'Straya!
New Zealand
That other country!
Wildlife that doesn't want to kill you!
Summers that don't want to kill you!
Food that doesn't want to kill you!
Lead by:
This rather unpopular suit as Prime Minister:
Opposed by this marginally less unpopular suit:
There are also these suits who pipe up from time to time:
Welcome to New Zealand!
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
However, somewhat interestingly, it appears MP pay has again become an issue here, with the Remuneration authority deciding to up it much above inflation. It appears that Key has decided to finally follow through on his years of "Thats not very good looking", and use urgency to address this. Quite why he needs to use urgency powers in Parliament again, I'm not sure.
In other news that will surprise absolutely no one, a review of leaked documents relating to the TPP concludes it's likely to push up Medicine costs in Australia, which leads me to wonder how Pharmac could possibly fare under such an agreement.
Article here. I do wonder how such analysis will stack up to final text of the agreement, if anyone ever gets to see it
Steam / Origin & Wii U: Heatwave111 / FC: 4227-1965-3206 / Battle.net: Heatwave#11356
Haha no it's actually terrible We get the government we deserve, I guess.
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
And Palmer just told Abbott outright to commit suicide. Classy.
Edit: The intergenerational report is going to include blocked budget measures. What a farce.
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
So even that'll be "blame labor".
Well shit.
I really, really hope this doesn't pass.
They already have a process for getting access to these things if they need it.
It’s not a very important country most of the time
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
oh noes, not again
It’s not a very important country most of the time
So long, Labor. I tried to have faith in you.
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
I held out a faint hope that they would change their minds and represent their constituents instead of grabbing for power.
Which is, admittedly, a pretty silly thought.
Oh yeah and science is about to be skullfucked thanks to Pyne holding research funding hostage for his higher education reforms.
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
like howard was a huge jerk but at least he was pragmatic, right?
Actually, while not surprised, what interests me most is the seeming implication that the GCSB here in NZ is not really for NZ's interests. and is instead basically a collector for the US / 5 Eyes group.
he was a cunning bastard and a right stinker, but he wasn't a complete fucking moron
or at least that was the impression I got
Watching the John Oliver series on gun control, he does appear to be able to have some sort of principles that were not immediately electorally advantageous, though that may be slightly generous.
I mean, I didn't exactly watch Australian politics with quite the same vigour I do now, but he also seemed to be able to work with people who didn't always agree with him on everything, which really shouldn't be a surprise in a politician, yet here we are.
Meh, gun control was very popular amongst the greater population after Port Arthur. The only people who really whinged about it were the Australian Shooters Party (from back before they became the Shooters and Fishers Party). Pretty much everybody else was on board, so it's more likely that the proposal of the gun control legislation gained Howard votes.
Abbott is essentially Howard but just without any of the finesse. The Abbott playbook is essentially the Howard playbook but played by rote and brute force. It's the difference between a sort of good salesperson and someone following a script - the latter is just obviously forced and so loses its effect.
Well, except one of the things Howard did that seemed to garner him some support was Howard at least pretended to listen. He would do his own thing in the end, but it at least appeared he was considering both sides.
Abbott will just say buttlabour and generate some insultingly false report and then try to pass some legislation that no one in his party even knew about because fuck you, I'm the king of Australia.
Words come out and the question is still there.
And he thinks he's answered it, and looks triumphant.
And then he looks like a complete moron.
The thing that really gets me is he is tall and not completely ugly. Being tall gets you points. It just does. Ditto for having a strong jawline and all that. It gets ya points, straight up. Smart people, stupid people, it don't matter, it affects decisions.
He's managed to be such a complete cockup that now I associate those things with idiocy.
Good job there.
They seriously are trying to remake the entire fucking country into their own image.
It isn't just that they are moronic. They don't actually care about the good of the country. At all!
I was under the impression that a couple of people buying up all the new housing stock, was the reason for our housing crisis in the first place.
It’s not a very important country most of the time
Guess whose idea it is!
Prime Minister Peta strikes again.
Go to know at least SOME of the LNP realise how dumb this idea is.
To steal one of Chris Berg's lines, it'll all come out when the next government holds a royal commission into this government.
from being declared 'in danger'.
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
As someone who has been through their job being outsourced to the Phillipines twice, that's a load of horseshit. The only consultation with existing staff will be 'train these people or we'll make you redundant early'.
Steam / Origin & Wii U: Heatwave111 / FC: 4227-1965-3206 / Battle.net: Heatwave#11356
Lets be honest here.
you nearly had me sur
i was just about to be a little optimistic