I know this might be considered spam, but I'm only advertising myself, not a product or service.
My Name is Taylor Mansfield, 20 years of age, I live in Reno, NV, and I need a job. I have some video editing experience, some C++ experience (still learning the language though), and some retail sales experience @ BestBuy. If you'd like to see my resume, please respond.
I've been out of work for 4 months now, and I'm getting close to the end of my rope. I go to school, so that prohibits me from taking full-time employment, but I'd like the opportunity to switch to full-time when school's out in June.
I'm funny, and witty, and I love to think outside the box, even if that means I sometimes miss out on whats in said box. Think Einstein, but single.
Thanks to all of you for your time, and I hope that I can finally get back on the Green Horse again.
Find a local company and call them up. Most places are easy as hell to get into, and all you have to do is buy a uniform usually.
The work is hard at times, and not too many breaks, but the pay is good, and it's better than nothing.
Hand it out everywhere. (use websites, community papers, ask people, ask the person serving you, etc)
Note down those places.
Wait 2-3 days, call each palce.
Accept interview.
Dress nicely.
Go to interview.
Accept frist job offered.
Keep looking for a better job.
I don't believe it - I'm on my THIRD PS3, and my FIRST XBOX360. What the heck?
Why do you think I'm here?