Anyone have any favorite PAX Prime traditions, particularly with groups of friends?
Looking to try something new this year, and want to get a head start planning.
I'll start with my group's favorite ones:
- walk down to the crumpet shop at pike place market for breakfast before PAX opens
- run a custom d&d campaign in the common area of our hotel lobby/room
- if we can get a large enough group together, book the private room for dinner at Gordon Biersch
1. Thursday night, my son and I have supper at the Cheesecake Factory and he has the Four Cheese Pasta. There isn't a CF in Wichita (and in fact, it's kind of a local joke that we're obviously the next to get one), and we arrived late enough that we wanted to just eat and get to Pre-PAX Tabletop Night. He absolutely loved it and now it's canon.
2. On the train ride in from the airport, the light rail runs along Martin Luther King Blvd. At the first site of a street sign for it, I text my best friend Cris, "On Martin Luther King. The set looks kinda dead.". This is, of course, a lyric from " Posse on Broadway" by Seattle's own Sir Mix-A-Lot. Without fail, morning, noon, or night, he immediately texts back the next line, "We need a new street. So posse move ahead."
My son actually isn't coming with me this year, (he wants to go to East and I told him he can't miss school for two PAXen in one school year) so I may skip the first one out of respect for him.
"Brilliant! Oh wait, if we were meant to fly, we would have been born with little bags of nuts."
One thing I am going to try and do again if it's a thing is the social board game meetup each night in the TT area. I did it for the first time last year so not sure if this is an annual thing or just something from last year.
Trade me pins, yo:
That's not 100% accurate (maybe only 95%). We just have to deep fry the fish we get here first.
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
Pre-PAX Domino's Pizza at my home (I am a local to Massachusetts)
Set Up a Counter-Strike LAN with other PAXers first thing in the morning on Friday
so far, again its really early and we wont be really discussing it that much August/September
1. Tri-wizard drinking tournament.. soon to be called something else I assume
2. Staying in a hotel one night. I'm local so I can easily go home each night, but some friends and I like to stay downtown at least once just to feel in the middle of it all
How does Juicy feel about that?
1) she wants one ride on the monorail. its simple and fun
2) Dicks Burgers. *shrugs*
2. Fruitlessly searching for Mike and Jerry (or let them find me, as Mike did one day in Pathfinderland! Well, not me, but the room itself, so...*shrugs*).
3. Saying Hi to Reaper Brian cuz he's awesome, as well as the whole Reaper Crew!
4. Visiting SJ Games to play with the staff! Gotta love them!
5. Hanging out in Pathfinderland (and being careful NOT to say "All Hail Mike Brock!", which you should totally do, but only if he's a bit drunk XD ).
6. Have a decent dinner Thursday before the con, cuz we'll be on budgeted con fare till Monday.
7. Do a swag run 1st day (though that's become a lot less fruitful now that they want you in the Lines of DOOM to try their games first. Isn't as bad if you don't have a place to be at a certain time...or need to pee).
8. Find the Jesus cosplayers and try to get a picture. ...What? You mean you don't do it? It's fun! Like Where's Waldo, only with more of them.
That's all the "traditions" that I can count on this year anyway. They took out the one where we get in line and enjoy hitting the beach balls and watching the silly videos on the screen. I miss those...but the Big Line is just TOO BIG now!
Things I need to learn: To properly knit, speak Klingon, and speak/read Japanese so I can play Final Fantasy games in their original language.
"S.o.o.n." : "'Severe Obligation to Observe' Neurosis". This Neurosis impels the subject to constantly observe an object, waiting for a change they are certain must come "Soon".
Hotel [x] Pax Badgers Fri [x] Sat [ ] Sun [x] Mon [x] Just need 2 Saturdays, and then our sets will be complete! And then...waiting for Pax.....F5F5F5F5F5F5F5....
- Yes I know it's a busy as fuck tourist trap.
- Yes I know it's not the best sushi you can get in downtown Seattle.
I don't fucking care. It's still better than 90% of the sushi I can get back home, and I like the novelty of the place.That being said, @LexiconGrrl I need to go back to the Japanese place you took us to one previous PAX. That was amazing.
I never finish anyth
Twitch: akThera
Steam: Thera
I've found a better one. If you want to go, send me a PM and I'll drive. It's not downtown.
That said, you're thinking of Kushibar, where we all went before. I was kinda drunk and don't remember the conversation, but that I had a great time with everybody!!
1) Play the PAX Attendee Game - This is where me and my fellow travelling companions try to spot PAX attendees at Heathrow Airport. It doesn't matter which PAX it is, as this always works from the same airport. Seeing as they are extremely rare we have to see if anyone is giving off the PAX vibe. Signs vary from playing a 3DS, wearing a pin or some other attire that's gaming related. Points vary depending on where you spot them and everyone in the group must acknowledge and agree that it's a valid spot. 10 points for the terminal, 5 points after security and 1 point at the gate. Winner gains kudos and the right to look smug while gloating throughout the long haul flight.
2) Drop off the Forum badges at the Pre-PAX Dinner and Pre-PAX Tabletop game night as well as the BYOC registration desk.
3) Eat breakfast at The Speciality as their breakfast buns they are amazing
Is that like a biscuit?
Going from the site, it appears to be cibatta(
Kill hangovers with a few bloody marys each morning
I usually see him for the TWTD and then randomly through the weekend. He is an awesome guy for sure. So I guess the TWDT would be my tradition at PAX. Not sure what I will do this year with it being gone
4 Year Pax West Attendee
Always looking for excellent sushi places. Do you have recommendations for carousel sushi places besides Blue C?
2. Find "The Spot" with a friend that is our go to drink place each PAX.
3. Hit up the PAX10/indie floor & Digipen booth the first day.
4. Give and receive the D...sticker on the last night of PAX.
5. Eat at Juicy Cafe for breakfast and lunch each day.
6. On the last day, take ALL the booth photos with props.
There's really nothing like a big bag of Dicks.
You're making some bold assumptions there sir.
Well I know that it is being replaced with something else, but since it will be is is still going to be the TWDT?? Or something else. Ill still go as long as it is the same group of people.
4 Year Pax West Attendee
Is this a public event? I'd love to go!
Okay, I want you to picture this...
Instead of going dressed like wizards, we can go looking like people from Road Warrior.
It still is a huge bar crawl with a bunch of PAXers and all donations go to charity. So it'll be fun. Still remember the year I went and tricked the Slytherins into selling me their house pin. It made sense to my drunken self but later I realized that meant I helped them beat Gryffindor.
It's such a simple thing, but it's small luxuries like that I love and look forward to.
Yeah saw the new theme and am already signed up and working on my costume :biggrin:
4 Year Pax West Attendee
What does TWDT stand for? I've seen it before but haven't been able to figure it out.