And after you watch this video, you'll hate him too. Just look at this scene from a modified version of Super Mario Bros., designed to bring even the most skilled players to their knees. Some of this crap is just sadistic... there's one section where you have to step on a moving girder, then keep it on the screen as you navigate through narrow tunnels at speeds that would make even Sonic jealous. This makes The Lost Levels look like Barney's Hide and Seek!
Same old site, great new look! Check out The Gameroom Blitz at:
"This is worse than reading Youtube comments" is his latest gem.
Currently playing: Infamous, Resident Evil 5
Need to play: Shadow Complex, Uncharted 2, Ratchet and Clank: ACIT, MW2, Alpha Protocol
There are no lame jokes involving ann coulter.
Lots of games back then were like that.
Nothing's forgotten, nothing is ever forgotten
Geeze man, let go of the hate.
Nothing's forgotten, nothing is ever forgotten
Normally I would agree with you 100%, but this guy managed. A feat which I guess should be commended.
"This is worse than the Da Vinci code, both the novel by Dan Brown and the film by the same name"
but ... but ... but ...
Can I hold you in its stead?
To this very day, people still come to that conclusion. Although usually it's due to the quality of the games, not their difficulty.
Same old site, great new look! Check out The Gameroom Blitz at:
I will not accept your subtle jab. All the genesis Sonics are great games.
No, you can't :P
Nothing's forgotten, nothing is ever forgotten
There is no way any man can find this fun or "inventive".
It's literally designed to have ONE solution and ONE correct "time" to jump, etc.
Fuck that.
Conclusion? Not only is the announcer an annoying douche, he completely fucks up making it look impossible.
Enjoy non-WoW players. It gets old.
Seriously, I can't be the only person that realizes this.
Interesting note: the founding members of Group X went to Etowah High School in Woodstock, GA. I jammed with them on several occassions, played on a few track.s
Do you have that thing where you just randomly blurt out swears?
The loss of those levels in a memory wipe of my calculator was quite tragic.
Also, I loved when he glitches through a section in the second level and jumps up and down on the other side in a "Yeah fuck you!" manner and then proceeds to hit another invisible block. I was saying to myself "No you fool! There will be an invisible block! Don't fall for it!". Then he fell for it.
Doesn't sound like that guy at all. And the comments are rather amusing.
Let 'em eat fucking pineapples!
PSN: Wstfgl | GamerTag: An Evil Plan | FallenIdle#1970
Hit me up on BoardGameArena! User: Loaded D1
Goddamn it.
Eh, oh well. I enjoyed the video.
But he loves everyone.
I want to see the TAS guys have a crack at it.