When I am using the Gmail or Google Inbox app on my android, I sometimes see little profile photos next to incoming emails.
For some, it's obviously their Google+ or Gmail profile photo. For others, how did they get it to show up? For example, for emails from Nintendo it's a little Mario face. Shopify notifications has a little Shopify shopping bag icon.
Specifically, I want to get my company logo to show up for email newsletters that get sent out, rather than the generic first letter of the email address (ie. "N")
I've tried creating a google account using the email address the newsletter is using to send out, then making a Google+ profile with it and setting that as my profile, but that didn't seem to do it. I also set up a Gravitar under that email. No dice.
Example showing generic icons, but more and more I see lately are showing company logos (like the Google Wallet logo on the right)
Any ideas?
Basically, you need a verified Google+ page under your domain (example.com) and then emails from mailinglist@example.com will pick up that logo.
However, apparently you need to send thousands a week before Google will bother even picking that up?
Thanks for that. Anything I Googled about "email" and "images" was just about attaching images to your email.
We do have a number of verified Google+ pages and send out thousands/week, but maybe the multiple pages thing is what's messing it up? I'll have to look further. Thanks!
Edit: And if I click the email address in my inbox from one of my company's newsletters, it does show the Google+ page plus logo... just not the icon in the inbox view.
The only criteria that you may or may not be meeting? "Make sure the domain is properly authenticated and set up via DKIM or SPF."
If there is a problem with that, it might not be sufficiently vouching the source of that email and Google doesn't want to reinforce your branding if it is potentially spam?