Created in the vein of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, the action-buddy comedy centers on two women living as bandits in a futuristic, post-apocalyptic America. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia's Kaitlin Olson will lead the voice cast as Ordwood Cassius, a hard-drinking, quick-thinking, fast-talking bullshitter who has more debts than sense. Lake Bell (Childrens Hospital) will voice Shopcarter Clay, the fastest gun in the post-apocalyptic South who doesn't go looking for trouble but shares a station wagon with it. Susan Sarandon (Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe) is set as Connie Mack, the ruthless and cutthroat owner of Wilke's only saloon and brothel. Mack runs the booze, the girls and effectively the whole town. The trio will serve as series regulars.
The comedy also boats an impressive group of guest voices including JB Smoove as Doc Benz, the town's only doctor, locked in a dysfunctional, co-dependent relationship with Smiffy (who carts the Doc's ornery, legless ass around). Kevin Michael Richardson (The Cleveland Show) will voice Smiffy, the enormous blacksmith, a gentle giant who can fix anything so long as Doc says it's OK. Jeffrey Tambor (Transparent) will voice Waitstill Weeks, the utterly powerless and disregarded mayor of Wilke, who's barely in charge of his own newspaper, which only he reads. Stephen Root (King of the Hill) will play Preacher, a chubby, good-natured man of God. Katy Mixon (Mike & Molly) will play "sister-whores" Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey. Robert Patrick (Scorpion) will play Reever Grint, the terrifying tax-collector from Richway — he's the most crooked of all the crooked sheriffs.
Cassius and Clay's 10-episode first season will debut in 2016.
Theodore Flooseveltproud parent of eight beautiful girls and shalmelodorne (which is currently being ruled by a woman (awesome role model for my daughters)) #dornedadRegistered Userregular
i just watched the first couple eps of banshee and it is fairly enjoyable! also, the music for this show makes the pennsylvania dutch characters seem positively contemporary by comparison!
AtomicTofuShe's a straight-up supervillain, yoRegistered Userregular
Oh rad, Cassius and Clay is co-created by Megan Ganz
Within its four minutes, “Jane” escalates insanely. This is particularly admirable because all the singers are yelling the whole time. If you could describe a guitar as yelling, this is the moment. Yet! It still has places to go. It starts at a 10 and makes up higher numbers as it goes along. (In fairness, “Jane” does slow its roll about two minutes into the piece to quietly introduce what sound like maracas for exactly fifteen seconds.) "Jane" is all excess on excess; it’s all the cherry on top. It’s so many cherries on top.
There is a deep laziness in the writing, which is saved because there is zero laziness in the performance. Everyone is trying their gosh darn hardest with this song. And PHEW GLORY, don't get me started on the keyboard. The whole thing is like someone told a high school garage band that they would play the last song ever heard before the world ends. The stakes are laughably high, but there is an abandonment as if there were no stakes at all.
I too like to believe Paul Rudd ends every conversation by repeating the last thing he said multiple times while walking off into the distance, regardless of what he has to walk through
I still don't understand it and it will one day be the end of me
MalReynoldsThe Hunter S Thompson of incredibly mild medicinesRegistered Userregular
It's easy, Mr. G!
snap snap snap
Hear it?
"A new take on the epic fantasy genre... Darkly comic, relatable characters... twisted storyline."
"Readers who prefer tension and romance, Maledictions: The Offering, delivers... As serious YA fiction, I’ll give it five stars out of five. As a novel? Four and a half." - Liz Ellor My new novel: Maledictions: The Offering. Now in Paperback!
yo, can I get her number?
The president of Arby's did a John Stewart sucks bit!
Just the best show
Good Banshee is sooooo good
Bad Banshee is soooooooooooooooooooooo bad
It's a very frustrating show
Satans..... hints.....
but not enough
Just gonna leave that here for your viewing enjoyment
Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky
Looking forward to it even more now
Yeah I'll watch a show about these two characters
D3 Steam #TeamTangent STO
And they alone raised 2.2 million dollars for the nonprofit foundation New York Collaborates For Autism
Who beefed
Yup, once I figured out what it was I was immediately ready to introduce it to everyone I know.
SNAPS is the name of the game.
Just listen
snap snap snap snap
hearing it?
How about now?
Missed it?
Too bad I don't have nearly a big enough social group to actually put it into play...
Catch it?
Snap snap snap snap snap
Got it
Snap snap snap snap
Snap snap snap snap
Doubting yourself?
Snap snap snap
Not yet?
Go for it.
snap snap snap
Hear it?
"Readers who prefer tension and romance, Maledictions: The Offering, delivers... As serious YA fiction, I’ll give it five stars out of five. As a novel? Four and a half." - Liz Ellor
My new novel: Maledictions: The Offering. Now in Paperback!
No, wait!
Hold up gang
snap snap snap
Because I think I got it figured out!
snap snap snap
snap snap snap!