Hi! I'm looking for your stories about some new experiences you had at PAX. I note my age in the subject line because I'm coming to terms with the idea that people in their 20's think I'm old and likely many of the parties are aimed at that demo.
I religiously attend the HP Pubcraft Lovecrawl and Pre-Pax boardgame night, but otherwise I spend the rest of the time at the convention, with quiet evenings. My Friday and Sunday evenings will be open, and I feel like I want to do more to take advantage of the trip.
Is there something that goes on at or around the convention in the evening that is an interesting experience? At this point I was planning on just seeing if I could join a board game in the lobby of the hotel, because I'm staying on my own so I'll have to go meet people (yikes!). However I'm throwing the question out to the group for their stories and experiences I could perhaps draw inspiration from!
ETA: I'm 43, so well above 30.
One thing I'll point out is, if you like board games, and you like social activities, come to the Hyatt Olive 8 Hotel in the evenings. We'll have large, fun tournaments, like the Saturday Night Showdown - a casual board game tournament (using simple, easy to teach on-the-spot games) where you won't know what you're going to play until the event begins. We'll also have a Social Deduction/party game room, for games like Werewolf, The Resistance, and Two Rooms and a Boom.
HA! i'm almost 50 and for the past 7 years have gone to all the parties I can get my hands on. The parties don't really aim at a age demographic that I can tell just that you like their games.
Oh man I so want to do one of those but I think we are going to AFK Tavern that night.
Elmo: contact me AFTER Pax. There are still 3 more I haven't done here in Portland.
Meal/bar/barcade all great options as well - Seattle fish is some of the best - get your hands on a good salmon plate, you won't regret it.
But staying at PAX - there's definitely tons to do. Satellite theaters stay open late and the later activities are often a smaller crowd so more direct interaction if there's a presenter you like. And then of course the games - join a competition, even when you say to yourself, "I am a 30something, I'm just going to get t-bagged by a 12 year old" it's still a great experience and exposure to some great gaming moments.
PAX. PAX. PAX. Boom.
Link to event.