Beyond Earth is a spin off game of the famous Civilization series. In the future, the Earth is doomed. Rampart war, disease, pollution, and lack of resources have lead the leaders of 8 powerful factions to come to the same conclusion: Humanity must leave Earth to survive. Sadly however, not all can come along on the journey, and many will be left behind. Several promising planets have been selected, the ships built, the rockets fueled, the lucky few chosen.
The fate of humanity is in our hands. Humanity will conquer the unknown, or our story will end.
What is this:
This is a lets play of a Civ style game. However, instead of watching me play, the community will take the roles of the colonists and decide our future. You can be anything from a general and a mayor, to a lowly foot solider or storekeeper. Every one gets a vote and a voice, and although some players will be in more powerful positions I want every one to have a say.
All positions expect overall leader are open (that's my job!). If you can think of it, you can play it.
Some roles will control pieces of the game, while others will help flesh out our lore and write our story with their journals, blogs, and papers!
We're all in this together, let's not die!
Now, the first thing to do will be
!signup in the role you want, and then
!vote on who we are playing and what we are bringing with us on this incredible journey.
And now, to decide our nation....
The Sponsers:
These Eight leaders have all decided to leave the Earth and help forge the future of humanity. We must chose
People's African Union led by Samatar Jama Barre
-Bonus: +10% Food in growing cities when Healthy, All cities start with an Old Earth Relic
Avuncular, genial, affable, affecting an air of bonhomie, Samatar Jama Barre wished to be addressed as Kubwa Mjomba (“great uncle” in Swahili) by those he both commanded and protected. Despite his seeming benevolence and absent-minded demeanor, he was nonetheless an efficient and effective administrator, an able diplomat, and ruthless when necessary. Barre was amused and likely pleased when detractors likened him to the traditional African village chieftains of the past, claiming him to be a throwback and out-of-step with the new world in the wake of the Great Mistake. But the Peoples’ African Union made a wise choice when he was selected as one of their colony governors.
Early Life
Rising from the poverty and violence of the inundated streets of Hargeisa, Samatar joined the African Union’s resurgent military forces, eventually rising to the rank of Major. For three decades he served in a variety of increasingly important posts, military and civilian, rising steadily in both ability and influence. He was able to overcome lingering tribal tensions, dealing with the polyglot cultures of Africa with both reverence and common sense. Barre displayed those same diplomatic skills when negotiating with those outside the African Union, and brought to culmination several international agreements that helped propel the Union’s colonization effort before he was selected to command one of those colonies.
The Great Uncle
Barre proved to be just as efficient against any perceived threat to the well-being and safety of those under his protection. In dealing with nascent warlords, religious fanatics, and local dictators, he either brought about an equitable peace, or bludgeoned them into submission. Although never known as a military genius, his troops were extremely loyal to their “great uncle” and fought with abandon for his approval. Samatar Barre never lost a battle, although he took no credit for his victories and viewed them as lamentable necessities.
Verdict of History
Though not religious himself, he was tolerant and accepting of others' religious traditions. In the end, it was this tolerance, coupled with his intellect and personality that would shape the African Union’s colony on the new planet.
Colonists: who we bring with will determine what type of colony we will found. Engineers won.
+2 Production in every city
Spacecraft: what type of spaceship we take will give us strategic different options Tectonic Scanner was the winner.
-No technology is needed to see Petroleum, Geothermal and Titanium resources
Cargo: the science team says we have enough room to bring one important piece of cargo. Machinery was the winner.
Begin with a Worker unit
Planet Type: Random won. Look Terran though.
Terran World
A world with a few large landmasses separated by oceans and some smaller islands.
Terrain: Random won.
Note: Random is a acceptable choice for all. Size will be Standard (8 players, us and the other 7 Sponsors), with standard length and normal difficulty.
Also, if any one wants help choosing a role feel free to ask in the thread for help from me and your fellow colonists.
Now, with that said, Game on!
Update: The Affinities and Virtues:
This will go in the op but for those of you to lazy to look there, here it it. Also going up, roles.
1-Explorers Immune to Miasma
3-Units take 5 less damage while standing in Miasma.
6-Units heal by 5 points while standing in Miasma.
8-4 free Xenomass stockpiles.
11-Allow for the use of the "Worm Caller" Covert Operation, summoning three Siege Worms into the vicinity of a chosen enemy city.
13-Unlock Victory
1-Explorer Units are twice as strong when defending.
3-20% increase to both Ranged Strength and standard Strength when engaging or defending against wild Aliens.
6-2 extra tiles of Orbital Coverage to every city owned.
8-4 free Floatstone stockpiles.
11-Allows for the use of Dirty Bombs in Covert Operations, explosives that irradiate whatever they come in contact with which are dropped into densely packed civilian housing and wipe out half of an entire cities' population
13-Unlock Victory
1-Explorers can build one additional expedition before having to recharge the rover.
3-Magrails and Roads sustain themselves, requiring no Energy upkeep.
6-Orbital intelligence and coverage of all Firaxite planet wide.
8-Four Firaxite stockpiles.
11-The Sabotage Covert Operation is unlocked for use allowing Supremacy operatives to detonate an electromagnetic bomb within a city in order to destroy the electronics of improvements within three tiles of the city.
13-Unlock Victory
Victories (spoilers)
Harmony-Allows for Harmony to construct the Mind Flower and its Mind Stems in order to prepare for ascension.
Purity-Unlocks the secrets of Warp Gate construction and finally begins the Purity task of saving the world.
Supremacy-The secrets of Space-Time warping are unlocked, allowing for the construction of the Emancipation Gate and the eventual enlightening of all mankind.
Width Synergy (per any virtue of any tree)
Tier 1-
6 Virtues: 1 free Virtue
10 Virtues: +10% Growth, Production and Energy in the Capital
15 Virtues: 1 free Technology
Tier 2-
8 Virtues: Choose 1 free Virtue, Recruit 1 new Covert Agent
12 Virtues: Choose 1 Free Affinity Level
Tier 3-
10 Virtues: +10% Growth, Production, Science, Culture and Energy in every City.
Synergy Bonuses-
5 Might Virtues: +5% combat strength and +5% ranged strength for all units
10 Might Virtues: +5% combat strength and +5% ranged strength for all units
15 Might Virtues: 1 free Affinity level
Tier 1-
Adaptive Tactics: +50% XP from combat.
Survivalism: +25% Strength and Ranged Strength against alien life forms.
Liberation Army: After conquering an enemy Outpost, automatically found an Outpost of your own in its place.
Military-Industrial Complex: +15% Production towards military units
Public Security: +0.25 Health for every Military Unit under your command
Tier 2-
Scavenging: Earn 100% of an alien lifeform's strength as Science after killing it Earn 30 Sciencefrom destroying alien nests
Adaptive Sciences: +20% Affinity earned from researching technologies
Special Service: +40% Intrigue from Covert Operations
Army Engineering Corps: +1 Production, +1 Energy from every Strategic Resource
Martial Meditations: Choose 1 Free Affinity Level
Teir 3-
Brutal Efficiency: +50% quantity from sources of strategic resources
Integrated Arms: +10% Production towards a Unit for each upgrade it has
Joint Operations: +3 Orbital coverage by stations you trade with
Democratized Quartering: -50% maintenance for Units
Channel Wrath: +10% Strength and ranged strength for all units
Synergy Bonuses-
5 Prosperity Virtues: +10% Growth in all cities
10 Prosperity Virtues: +1 Health in every city
15 Prosperity Virtues: +50% Orbital Coverage radius from Cities
Teir 1-
Frugality: 10% Food retained after a City grows
Helping Hands: +15% tile improvement rate.
Homesteading: +30% faster development for Outposts
Workforce Initiative: Gain a free Worker Unit.
Colony Initiative: Gain a free Colonist Unit.
Teir 2-
Pathfinders: Explorer units can build 3 additional Expeditions.
Pioneer Spirit: -25% Culture needed for border expansions
Gift Economy: +3 Energy from your Trade Routes to foreign cities.
Settler Clans: +2 Population for newly founded Cities
Mind Over Matter: +7 Health
Teir 3-
Nature's Bounty: +1 Production from every Basic Resource
Joy From Variety: +1 Health from every type of Basic Resource that is improved
Hands Never Idle: +2 Energy from any Population acting as a Specialist
Ecoscaping: +1 Food, +1 Production, +1 Culture from every Terrascape Improvement
Eudaimonia: 15% less negative Health
Synergy Bonuses-
5 Knowledge Virtues: +10% Culture in every city
10 Knowledge Virtues: +10% Science in every city
15 Knowledge Virtues: 1 Free Technology
Tier 1-
Foresight: +10% Science when healthy.
Social Mores: +0.25 Culture per population.
Field Research: Earn 50 Science from finishing expeditions.
Social Mores: Each city tile generates +0.25 Culture per population.
Laboratory Apprenticeship: Each city tile generates +0.25 Science per population.
Tier 2-
Creative Class: Earn extra Culture up to 30% of positive Health
Cohesive Values: -10% Culture needed for new virtues
Applied Aesthetics: Earn extra Energy equal to 30% of the Culture you generate.
Networked Datalinks: -40% Science penalty from number of Cities for new technologies.
Community Medicine: +1 Health for every 6 Population in a City
Memeweb: -40% Culture penalty from number of Cities for new Virtues.
Tier 3-
Information Warfare: Recruit 1 new Covert Agent.
Learning Centers: +1 Science from Academy Improvement
Technoartisans: Earn extra Science equal to 15% of the Culture you generate.
Metaresearch Methods: Leaf Technologies cost 10% less Science
Monomyth: +7 Culture for every Great Wonder
Synergy Bonuses-
5 Industry Virtues: +10% Energy in all cities
10 Industry Virtues: +10% production in every city
15 Industry Virtues: earn 1% of stockpiled Energy amount every turn, up to 100 Energy
Tier 1-
Labor Logistics: +10% Production towards Buildings
Central Planning: +5 Energy in your capital.
Standardized Architecture: +25% Production towards Buildings which have already been built in the Capital.
Commoditization: +1 Energy from every Basic Resource
Scalable Infrastructure: +15% Production towards Wonders
Tier 2-
Investment: Earn 1% of stockpiled Energy amount every turn, up to 100 Energy.
Entrepreneurial Spaceflight: +25% Production towards Orbital Units
Profiteering: +0.5 Health for every trade unit under your command.
Alternative Markets: Trade Routes with Stations grant +6 Energy per Station tier.
Interdependence Network: +25% yield from Trade Routes with your own Cities
Tier 3-
Social Investment: +2 Production from Manufactory improvements.
Liquidity: -20% Energy cost to purchase Units
Civic Duty: Each City tile generates +0.5 Production for every Population
Magnasanti: Each City generates +0.2 Health for every Building
Superior Engineering: Orbital Units stay in orbit 50% longer before de-orbiting
Our Bold Colonists and their roles:
Discrider-Bontanist (+1 when voting of research orders)
Preda-Architect (+1 vote when determining city build orders)
Farangu-Head of State/Press Sectary (+1 vote on foregin affair votes)
El Skid-Minister of Science (+1 science when voting of research orders.)
Delmain-Director of Urban Planning (+1 vote when determining city build orders)
Sir Fab-Supreme Court Justice (+1 vote on internal affairs votes)
Vertroue-Military Director (Overall command of armed forces)
Jdark- Vice Director of the Armed Forces (Second in command of armed forces)
Pinfeldorf-Explorer (Controls an explorer unit)
Egos-Intelligence Director (Command of
Gizzy-Mayor (+1 vote when determining build orders, until granted their own city)
Lord_Aamodeus-Cult Leader (+1 vote on internal affairs votes)
We shall not repeat the mistakes of Earth.
Sponsored by the African Union, bringing with us Scientists, Hydroponics and a lifeform sensor
Random world type.
The only way we'll succeed is to acquire better technology than our rivals!
Sponsored by Kavithan Protectorate, bringing with us scientists, coastal surveyors and machinery, and Lush terrain type, I guess?
I vote we accompany the Pan-Asian Federation, find an Atlantean World, and load our ship up with a corps of Engineers, a load of Raw Materials, and a Continental Surveyor Unit
Brasilia led by Rejinaldo de Alencar
Tectonic Scanner
Weapon Arsenal
Random world
Random terrian.
From the Desk of Darth Vertroue Diplomat to the USA.
I believe we have been sponsored by the Pan-Asian Cooperative, or colonists are mostly Engineers, our ship was equipped with a Tectonic Scanner, and our ship brought some important Machinery with us.
This Atlantean, Fungal world is unlike anything we've ever seen before.
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
Do not care about sponsor, prefer FUNGAL for world type.
Brasilia led by Rejinaldo de Alencar
Tectonic Scanner
People's African Union;
Retrograde Thrusters;
Random for planet.
I will be considerably less on Pc for the next week, so If I slow things down bypass me.
Polystralia / Engineers / Retrograde Thrusters / Machinery / Random / Random
African union / engineers / retrograde thrusters/ raw materials / program / fungal
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
Following SirFab because why notPan-Asian Cooperative, Engineers, equipped with aTectonic Scanner, brought with Machinery
Fungal, hopefully my allergies won't go crazy.
I vote for Kavithan Protectorate, Refugees, Tectonic Scanner, Weapon Arsenal, and Random on the planet.
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
enlightenedbum did this with Civ IV, and I tried it with Rome total war 2 before my computer decided a third of the way through the thing would be a prime time to shit itself
It's fun times.
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
Island Name: Felinefine
Island Name: Felinefine
Island Name: Felinefine
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
We have no way of knowing what awaits us on this alien planet. What we can prepare for are our own shortcomings, and our human biology. Therefore, I recommend we begin production on a Clinic immediately. This is in no way is related to this strange rash I developed last night. I'm not panicking.
No, you shut up.
That is all for now, fellow African Unionists. Remember: Let our powers combine!
Edit: An addition to Pluto's brief city write-up: The orange hex nut is the symbol for production, and the yellow circular symbol is energy. Everything else for the immediate future is fairly similar to prior Civ games, at least until we start running into miasma and needing to decide an affinity. But that last part won't be for a while yet.
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
However, believe that instead of a Clinic, which provides only paltry benefits that we don't need, we should be building Soldiers. We don't know what's here with us on this planet, but we don't want to be caught with our pants down.
I am also officially starting a petition to rename our fair city either Harmless or, if there is enough room (I don't know how long a name can be), Mostly Harmless.
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
Island Name: Felinefine
Pioneering should help us record what we're getting right, and a Clinic should help us when we we get it wrong.