**Note: Meant to post this in D&D but I am an idiot and put it in SE++ by mistake. Mod gave permission to move it over here.**
Just curious how many O&A (thats Opie and Anthony to the rest of you) fans there are on the forums. I have talked to one or two who I suspected were pests, and turned out to be right, so I suspect there are more than a few lurking out there. This would be a great place to make yourself known and talk about the show a bit.
I do NOT want this thread to become a O&A vs. Howard (hoohoo) bash fest. If you hate the boys, I really couldn't care less. This thread is also not about Imus, though I do have some pretty strong feelings about it, there is already another thread for that.
I have been a fan for years. I started listening in Boston (where I used to live), followed them to NYC, and have been an Audible subscriber to their show since it started up again on XM. Some have said the show has changed for the worse, but I couldn't disagree more. I think it has never been better, especially with the way they have handled themselves lately.
So, stand and be recognized!
A Player Of The Unplayables.