Season 4 of PA: The Series Broken

McGooglemac123McGooglemac123 Registered User new member
I never got to see season four because 2014 was my graduating year and first semester of college. When I found out about the fact a season 4 was released I got excited. I went to the shows page on the website and none of the videos are loading for season 4 all other seasons videos still work. I was wondering if someone could look into it or inform me of any other ways to watch the show. I cannot find it online. Thank you. -McGooglemac123


  • McGooglemac123McGooglemac123 Registered User new member
    I just realized someone else made a post about this about 15 days ago you can close this post if you need to. I will just look at the other post for updates. Thank you. -Mcgooglemac123

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