So obviously this is super early, but I want to catch everyone visiting this sub for the just ended PAX AUS while their memories are fresh and their photos are handy and not hidden away on a DVD somewhere. After a week I'll let it gracefully slide off the first page until we need it again next year.
What the hell is a PAX Challenge Coin? Click here for details.Thread with more details.
Basically, in 9 months or so we're going to start work on designing the next PAX AUS challenge coin. Based on
@CuZZa 's
suggestion, I've decided to run a photo competition so we're not scrambling for images we can use for it.
So we need photos of 2 subjects:
- An aspect of gaming (something gaming related; video/board/tabletop/cosplay, up to you).
- An image representing the host city.
You can submit a picture for a single subject, or an image each for both subjects. You can submit multiple photos if you like, but I ask that you please try to self edit and choose the best. It will be based on quality not quantity. Please label what subject you feel the photo fits into if it's not otherwise obvious.
If your photo is chosen as a main part of next years design (based on community voting) I'll send 2 of that years coin (and perhaps 1 or 2 of this years coin, depending on availability) to the winner for free! In return you guarantee that you took the photo and own the rights to use it, and freely authorise us the use of it for the purposes of using on this coin and this coin only.
If you're a cop you have to tell me. I'll email and remind you when we begin work on the next coin if your photo is selected to be voted on.
Please submit your photos to with the title "
2016 Challenge Coin Photo" so my filters move it to the right folder.
If you have any questions please ask!
Because some of those scenes down on the Promenade by Polly Woodside would look amazing on a coin. Or a composite of the promenade with the giant flame towers by Crown by day to get the scenery and flames going at night.
Those towers would actually look pretty awesome! If anyone took any photos like that I'd love to see them!
Or pig Latin?!
"Nah, Yeaha"
Pinny Pals Lanyard