Forum Name - Live Name
Accualt - The Accualt
darleysam - DustAndEchoes77
Ranced - Default Fiasco
YodaTuna - YodaTuna CTU
Epyon9283 - xeno9283
043 - s043
liquidlogan - liquidlogan360
bbaj - bajinator
SpikedFreak - LocoJaymz
mrflippy - mrflippy
Evangir - Evangir
Citrus - StoneKeeper88
Eight Rooks - Eight Rooks
fragglefart - fragglefart
DameonBrass- IvanYu
Nocren - Nocren v2
Iriah - Iriah
Monoxide - Le Mono
Why - Wakhon
Walrus Pete - Tonlogna
TheGreat2nd - TheGreat2nd
themightypuck – themightypuck
ginguskahn – ginguskahn360
Studioaudience - studaud
squirly - verisa
EZ – Fueler325
Zimarooski – Zimarooski
DesertBox – spomeone
LA: - LA2two
Bouncing_Soul – Umlauf
Kaosu Reido – Crow Reido
sir_michael7 – Collie C
atf487 – atf360
VoodoV - FragrantJuggler
[img] Atlus Parker – Tuxedoed Ninja[/img]
syndalis – Wyrmslayre
senor_x – Senor10
Sharp101 - Sharp1011
LordNibbler - JP Browncoat
chrpnk - charpunk
SkatDarkstar – ACFBobbySoxx0r
Malvient - syrairc
Evigilant – Evigilant
TheMarshall - Marshall W
PolaGo - Polago
Sig - Sin Twister
epburn - tack UT
powersurge - powersurge07
Putnum - Putnum
Kylka - Kylka
emutheelf - Emu the Elf
Lezta - Lezta
ben0207 - OhTwoOhSeven
homargoodness - homarg00dness
Zilla360 - Skidzilla360
The_Spaniard - SpanWolf
Napoleon - Napoleon 1796
Varega - Varega
APZonerunner - APZonerunner
Bigdess - Beetlewings
PepperSinclaire - PepperSinclaire
Incendius - Incendius
Coreo - MrCorey24
Arcas - Hyougen
arcath - Arcath
Handkor - Handkor
Samphis - Samphis
SolidXtreme - SolidXtreme
Verbena - Verbena
TheGreat2nd - TheGreat2nd
Willeth - Willeth
Jon 118 - Jon 118 Mk2
LaPuzza - Azzupal
jclast - jclast
sabyul - gogosebiel
Scotty - SculptorScotty
Backlash - Absoludacrous
Gahmrious - kumaboi
Ginger Mijango - Ginger Mijango
Jelloblimp - Jelloblimp
Shamus - Barracoon
vinhj - vinhj
SpazMuffin - SpazMuffin
Paradox Control - Chernobyl Wang
Bartholamue - SteveBartz
thej3w - J4ku
Faulty - Faulty46
Pooch - Pooch 516
Turkey - Turkey Fried
Lehman - LehmanCM
Dashui - Varcorsis
SpikedFreak - LocoJaymz
Wezoin - Utinlaar
The Listener - The Ratling
Invisible - Cylon13
arcath - Arcath
Nikolis - Nklus
Evander - The Evander
stranger678 - Stranger678
Omeks - Omeks
YardGnome - ChainsawMeatwad
Squirminator2k - squirminator
Dr_Keenbean - Dr Keenbean
Spar - SparSV
Pent - Scorpent
cctex823 - jackpt
Nackmatholn - Nackma
MrOletta - MrOletta
ToyD - ToyDolls
bslinger - Ten0101
Crazyfool - Floyd86
Senor Fish-S8 Fish
SacredCow - SacredCowJebus
Iceman2343 - Iceman2343
stranger678 - Stranger678
Klyka - Klyka
Aim - AlMra (the l is an L)
Pig Destroyer - GodlessEndeavor
Mr Bubbles - The Twag MSB
Kahnindustries - Kahnindustries
Kosmo Gsus - Kosmo Gsus
AngelHedgie - Nox Aeternum
Poormojo - P00RMOJO
Threepio - Threepio
RocketMan - RocketMan10404
suadeo - Valseki
Namel3ss - Utop1a
mspencer - Michael Spencer
PiRaTe!!! - PiRaTe001
temperature! - Temperature MD
templewulf - TempleWulf
Frosted Butts - Frozen Foodz
i'm not on much at the moment, but i'll try to be on more in the future. Also, i'm not emo, i was just really into Halo when i signed up..
Won't be playing anything till next week, currently studying for finals.
Read my book. (It has a robot in it.)
The fact that I just bought a 360 kinda helps the fact. Need to fill up that friends list fast!
Hey ho lets go.
Recoil42x, but don't add me yet, I'm not back on XBL until a couple weeks from now.
TheGreat2nd - TheGreat2nd
I'm Jacob Wilson. | facebook | thegreat2nd | [url="aim:goim?screenname=TheGreatSecond&message=Hello+from+the+Penny+Arcade+Forums!"]aim[/url]
― Marcus Aurelius
Path of Exile: themightypuck
Studioaudience - studaud
GFWL: studaud (for SF4)
Just renewed my Gold sub. for another year, so that also means that I've had my 360 for 1 year. time flies. ^___^
Steam ID:
Zimarooski everywhere.
Seriously, just Google it. It's my lifes work.
Buy some useless stuff at my Cafepress site!
Bam, gonna add you guys when I get on later.
Steam: abunchofdaftpunk | PSN: noautomobilesgo | Lastfm: sjchszeppelin | Backloggery: colincummings | 3DS FC: 1392-6019-0219 |
Enlist in Star Citizen! Citizenship must be earned!
The Sixth Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament Part 1 |
Pokecrawl Episode 4: The Power Of One!
Pokemon X: Atlus | 3539-8807-3813
Let's play Mario Kart or something...