In 1946, Laurence Michael Dillon published a medical ethics book. Self: A Study in Ethics and Endocrinology. It presented a rather radical idea at the time. The idea that people could have a sense of gender that differed from the sex they were assigned at birth. The radical part being that this was something that should be treated as a physical medical issue rather then a psychological issue. That it could not even be treated as a psychological issue with any benefit. At the time this was fairly unheard of. Plastic surgery was still a very rare specialization. Hormones weren't well understood. But Michael Dillon had a better understanding of the situation then most.
In 1938, Laurence Michael Dillon became the first transman to be recorded taking hormones for the purpose of changing their sex. But the physician involved insisted on Laurence seeing a psychologist. Unfortunately the psychologist was a gossipy little shit and Laurence fled Gloucestershire and a research job to Bristol where he got a job in a garage. During a treatment for hypoglycemia and a related fall, he encountered a physician trained by Sir Harold Gillies. The physician preformed a double mastectomy, and gave him the paperwork needed to change his birth certificate. With a renewed sense of self-confidence, Laurence Michael Dillon enrolled at Trinity College as a medical student. With some assistance from the Oxford administration who altered records to indicate Laurence Michael Dillon had been a man at Oxford and had been in the Men's, not the Women's college.
The surgeon who had done the Mastectomy had studied under Sir Harold Gillies, the father of plastic surgery. At this point, Gillies had a great deal of experience preforming phalloplasty on soldiers who had been injured during the war and on intersexed patients. But Michael Dillon presented new challenges. In 1946, the same year Self was published, the pair began a series of 13 surgeries. Strips of skin were removed from various parts of his body, leaving him limping and with oozing wounds during the recovery. It was unpleasant but ultimately successful. And it removed a source of terror from his life. Transfolk face all kinds of stigma in life, but Michael's brother was a baronet. He was afraid that if he was ever discovered with female genitals, it would become a front page scandal.
The publishing of Self brought him to the attention of Roberta Cowell, who would become the first British transwoman to receive sex reassignment surgery under Harold Gillies. Unfortunately his happiness didn't last. He managed to get Debrett's Peerage to change his listing to a male one but Burke's Peerage failed to follow suit. It was this discrepancy that outed him. He left Britian for India where he studied Buddhism until poor health claimed him at age 47. But he radically changed the options available for transfolk. Creating the idea that transfolks could have an exterior that reflected their interior rather then trying to change who they were.
The emoticon that will never, ever be put into the stock PA ones.
fuck up once and you break your thumb / if you're happy at all then you're god damn dumb
that's right we're on a fucked up cruise / God is dead but at least we have booze
bad things happen, no one knows why / the sun burns out and everyone dies
-Indiana Solo, runner of blades
I finished Jessica Jones
-Indiana Solo, runner of blades
Everything about dealing with outsourced labor is terrible
That is all, good night
Me: "Hey I have a problem. Help? I tried X, Y, and Z."
Dude: "Did you do X, Y, and Z?"
Me: "Did you even read my post?"
(he literally called me a doofus. wtf?)
I mean, I get it, don't bite the hand that feeds you, but what the fucking fuck you can't read 4 lines before responding? His post asking me if I did X, Y, and Z is literally bigger than my introductory post where I already said I did all those things.
Yeah I had seen bits of Hibike before and figured it was just another K-On. So it was cool that instead it was basically all the things that I had wished K-On was about.
And Nozaki-kun is incredible. Like so much commentary on romance and gender roles, and yet it's also all just hilarious on its own merits as well. Such a great show.
-Indiana Solo, runner of blades
Starts a bit slow
Gets quite good
Especially if you're a former band nerd
(Quotes post to check)
-Indiana Solo, runner of blades
civil war trailer
I am not a band nerd, since my musical stuff was playing baritone in primary school and learning guitar in high school so I could be a part of Australia's first wizard rock band
But I'll give it the ol' whirl
Ultron's marketing didn't inspire me to see the film, I haven't seen it yet.
But this looks guuuuuuuuuud
Actually, I think I like the Captain America movies the best.
This also looks great.
Black Panther looks slick in that trailer.
streaming places need to do a thing
I bet there are [chat] people with the movies and refreshments.
The only downside is that they smell bad.
Ultron was pretty meh
Like not bad but
I really can't think of a single scene that I particularly want to rewatch or anything
Instead he became Onslaught, and was such a dick whenever he got his legs the universe would bend over backwards to cripple him or kill him to remind him not be a dick. Oh, and also Friend Zoned Jennifer Lawrence Mystique.
yeah but that would require flying out to them and i mean come on
sriously though: the fact that the most recent movies aren't available on platforms I actually use is why I haven't seen a marvel film in theaters since Guardians
Nobody uses laserdisc anymore Elldren get with the times
-Indiana Solo, runner of blades
get on the floor
everybody walk the dinosaur
I should probably go ahead and watch agents of shield but I dunno
physical media is for homps
I feel like Tennant is just the perfect actor for that Kilgrave role. Like he's not the actor for a Marvel Movie villain, but for this role where you spend a lot of time with him he is just electrifying. You just get such a feel for his fucked up worldview, but it's also a worldview that is internally consistent and you can sort of start to understand why he got it. Every time he says something he seems to entirely 100% earnest in his conviction, even when he just did something entirely different 10 minutes ago.
I've found your problem
You're on gamefaqs
The dude is probably 11