@Cobell - Just be forewarned that while Sidious is amazing at first, he tailors off and becomes no threat at all later on in the game, unless the opposing teams is all Jedi. His unique ability grants him a ton of evasion against Jedi. Even then, I just kill everyone else before targeting Sidious.
Having palpatine lead makes sidious a lot more useful. If you can have a good palp leader it increases the potency enough for sid to land both of his dot stacks reliably and then combine it with vader doing the same thing you can slather enormous amounts of damage on opponent teams. But sid without palp is not worth raising above 70. You hit that point and his dots just won't land any more and there are others who can apply heal immunity while doing more consistent damage like IG-88.
To tie into the comments about buying the ship pack with crystals, and the fuckery with ships, I made the mistake of buying the 2500 crystal ship pack. I've been playing this for nearly a year, I *KNEW* it was probably a bad idea, but I decided to use some spare crystals and do it all the same.
This is what I got;
It's worthless to me. Maul needs crystals to enhance, and fuck that noise, so his ship is something I couldn't give less of a shit about (I have him at 4 stars, where he has been since the early days I picked up the game and bought a few character packs). TIE Pilot/Fighter/Resistance X-Wing shards are okay, but the former is way behind, and the latter I already have the guy himself at 7 stars. Fett; same deal, the shards are a drop in the bucket, and the character is already at 7 stars.
It was a waste. Basically saved me maybe 2000 GW points on 2 ships, and another 2000 on ships I won't be farming up anytime soon in the first place.
I walked into it knowing I'd regret it, and yes I did it all the same, so consider this a warning to others. Their "5-100 shards!" thing is the biggest crock of shit. Sure, I didn't get 5 anywhere, but 10/50 or 10/80 is nothing to be excited over.
I'm pointedly just buying shards for mostly the starter ships and a few others as I build them higher to unlock higher star capital ships. JC, Biggs, Wedge, GS, Resistance X-Wing, and FO TIE, 2 of which are already 3 stars.
But hey, at least they made the Jedi Consular relevant again.
hehe I am liking that I had leveled my jedi consular as a healer for a long time. His ship is pretty solid support ship and nice that it is one of my stronger ones.
Having palpatine lead makes sidious a lot more useful.
Well yeah, but first one would need Palpatine, which they've said will be a 'rare event', whatever that means, and considering the Rebel team required to get him (five 5* Rebels with the punch to clear the event just to unlock him), that's a bit of a tall order.
I don't disagree that he'd make them more reliable/useful, but we are also talking about his viability for a starting character. He was a workhorse for me for months, I've even kept him levelled up and use him for GW sometimes in a 'tear off their protection, maybe kill someone' team on harder nodes, but he does have diminishing returns for a new player.
Honestly, right now I'd say the most valuable thing to build up are Scoundrels to start. The ability to get into the higher credit heist tiers is pretty clutch for having the cash on hand to use all those training droids and shards that will accrue in the weeks and months to come. Without said credits, it's just a bunch of characters you want to improve but can't.
As for Jawas, I hear that, and am working on them, but aside from Dathcha and the Engineer, they're a work in progress. The Scavenger and Nebit are about 50 shards apiece from 7 stars, but they're only level 40 or so. My regular Jawa is level 63, but only 5 stars and maybe 2/3 of the way to 6, but with the limit on attempts per day, it's a long climb. I know I could put cantina energy into him, but that's being used for the B2 Super Battle Droid to buff up the droid squad, only another 280 shards to go!
First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
Sid is good to about level 70. After that baring having somebody like palp to prop him up is simply not worth advancing further. His potency is low so after that level he just never lands his consistently enough to bother with. He is decent until that point though the heal immunity on a pretty easy to farm character is handy and makes early GW nice.
I would also concur on leveling scroundrels. With how many training drones and cash they supply if somebody is starting fresh really focusing hard on leveling things like storm trooper han and IG-88/chewie/lando is super useful. I had to stop some stuff I was building to work on mine because cash is becoming such a bottle neck anything you can do to increase credit income is worth focusing on.
ObiFettUse the ForceAs You WishRegistered Userregular
Is there a list somewhere that explains where F2P players should be focusing their farming? I still only have 3 Dark Side characters and don't see a quick way to get a full squad.
Is there a list somewhere that explains where F2P players should be focusing their farming? I still only have 3 Dark Side characters and don't see a quick way to get a full squad.
I unlocked the genosian soldier from the first cantina mission. And I have been slowly ranking him up, so hopefully that's a good idea.
Once I got high enough level, I got a tie fighter pilot through one of the early tier ship intro? mission things.
Is there a list somewhere that explains where F2P players should be focusing their farming? I still only have 3 Dark Side characters and don't see a quick way to get a full squad.
I unlocked the genosian soldier from the first cantina mission. And I have been slowly ranking him up, so hopefully that's a good idea. Once I got high enough level I got a tie fighter pilot through one of the early tier ship intro? mission things.
That fucking bug bastard can be a real asshole. He's like the assist IG where it seems like he's constantly having someone else shoot you.
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
Phasma is good for early levels, but like our recent discussion about Sidious, Phasma's power drops off fairly significantly once you break past level 70. She's a good starter character though.
Biggs is a top tier choice. He's currently one of my strongest dudes. Cad Bane is also a good choice because scoundrels are $$$.
Also, noob alert, I just now realized I need to slot the Leader ability I want in that first squad slot to get the benefit. Failure to understand/observe the squad menu for the win!
Also, noob alert, I just now realized I need to slot the Leader ability I want in that first squad slot to get the benefit. Failure to understand/observe the squad menu for the win!
To be fair its not really explained.
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
Is there a list somewhere that explains where F2P players should be focusing their farming? I still only have 3 Dark Side characters and don't see a quick way to get a full squad.
This doesn't really answer your question, but it's a very good site for exploring the potential of what is out there: https://swgoh.gg
While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
Doctor DetroitNot a doctorTree townRegistered Userregular
I sort of tunneled on getting Yoda, so my best characters are all Jedi.
I suppose I'll focus on the Scoundrels next. They're all around 4*/60, so it shouldn't be too hard...
When I started, I went wide instead of deep, so I have a lot of characters, but the weak ones are pretty weak.
Phasma is good for early levels, but like our recent discussion about Sidious, Phasma's power drops off fairly significantly once you break past level 70. She's a good starter character though.
I think she is still pretty decent. In higher levels, she can proc her assist call decently and also has the potential to add the DEF down debuff. Personally, I think there are better toons out there, but she still has value in GW later on. Plus, if you put some high damage toons (86, Rey, G. Soldier) with her as leader and hiding behind RG, it can work pretty well. Assist abilities + Phasma's assist unique = 3 powerful hits in one action.
While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
Or just run a Wedge/Biggs/Leia team and you'll win 85%+ of your GW's without having to change your squad. That's what I do.
My GW roster is: Wedge (L), Biggs, Leia, Rey, Fives
With that team I can usually clear the whole GW in one go. Sometimes I'll swap in Luminara if I need a direct, controlled heal. My roster is pretty deep, and I've got a strong First Order team I can run and a strong Jedi team I can run if my main team gets beat. But that happens very rarely.
I use that same team on the Rancor battle and generally pull about 1.2m damage against the T5 Rancor and about 800k against the T6 Rancor (per attack). The only substitution I make there is that against the Gamoreans I'll bring Ackbar instead of Fives.
Is there a list somewhere that explains where F2P players should be focusing their farming? I still only have 3 Dark Side characters and don't see a quick way to get a full squad.
I unlocked the genosian soldier from the first cantina mission. And I have been slowly ranking him up, so hopefully that's a good idea.
Once I got high enough level, I got a tie fighter pilot through one of the early tier ship intro? mission things.
Geo soldier is very solid. He hits pretty hard and has a reasonable amount of health. Also he is a pilot of one of the first ships you get access too so is is a really solid option at the moment. Tie fighter pilot also good in similar ways.
Phasma is good for early levels, but like our recent discussion about Sidious, Phasma's power drops off fairly significantly once you break past level 70. She's a good starter character though.
I think she is still pretty decent. In higher levels, she can proc her assist call decently and also has the potential to add the DEF down debuff. Personally, I think there are better toons out there, but she still has value in GW later on. Plus, if you put some high damage toons (86, Rey, G. Soldier) with her as leader and hiding behind RG, it can work pretty well. Assist abilities + Phasma's assist unique = 3 powerful hits in one action.
Phasma maintains power a lot better than sid. Her buffs for her team offset her power drop off and enemy slow on an AOE is always pretty strong and she is a solid leader pick with her bonus attacks.
On the question of starting off in GW store for new players while I hate to say it because I don't care for him a ton cad bane is a solid pick. As has been mentioned having a solid scoundrel team is super important cashflow wise currently and he is one of the easier scoundrels to level up currently and reasonably good attacker with a decent leader skill and a strong targeted stun which helps a lot on the scoundrel missions.
On the question of starting off in GW store for new players while I hate to say it because I don't care for him a ton cad bane is a solid pick. As has been mentioned having a solid scoundrel team is super important cashflow wise currently and he is one of the easier scoundrels to level up currently and reasonably good attacker with a decent leader skill and a strong targeted stun which helps a lot on the scoundrel missions.
For the Pit Raid, Teebo is also a solid choice, provided that you add Elder to the group. Scout adds a good mix in as well, as they have good synergy.
While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
On the question of starting off in GW store for new players while I hate to say it because I don't care for him a ton cad bane is a solid pick. As has been mentioned having a solid scoundrel team is super important cashflow wise currently and he is one of the easier scoundrels to level up currently and reasonably good attacker with a decent leader skill and a strong targeted stun which helps a lot on the scoundrel missions.
For the Pit Raid, Teebo is also a solid choice, provided that you add Elder to the group. Scout adds a good mix in as well, as they have good synergy.
Teebo is pretty solid now. He is also amusing in arena as a leader if you don't have a good tank. His random stealth procs can hide your high damaging people from attack to let them tee off on people in relative safety. Ewok elder is honestly one of the best pure healers in the game but he and the other ewoks other than teebo are a pain in the ass to farm shards for. I really can't recommend going to crazy on a pure ewok team early but Teebo is a solid pick. His leader power is good he has a ton of health and his ability to strip buffs helps you to murder opposing DPS hiding behind a tank. Him and qui gon jin are really good for neutering tanks usefulness.
On the question of starting off in GW store for new players while I hate to say it because I don't care for him a ton cad bane is a solid pick. As has been mentioned having a solid scoundrel team is super important cashflow wise currently and he is one of the easier scoundrels to level up currently and reasonably good attacker with a decent leader skill and a strong targeted stun which helps a lot on the scoundrel missions.
For the Pit Raid, Teebo is also a solid choice, provided that you add Elder to the group. Scout adds a good mix in as well, as they have good synergy.
Teebo is pretty solid now. He is also amusing in arena as a leader if you don't have a good tank. His random stealth procs can hide your high damaging people from attack to let them tee off on people in relative safety. Ewok elder is honestly one of the best pure healers in the game but he and the other ewoks other than teebo are a pain in the ass to farm shards for. I really can't recommend going to crazy on a pure ewok team early but Teebo is a solid pick. His leader power is good he has a ton of health and his ability to strip buffs helps you to murder opposing DPS hiding behind a tank. Him and qui gon jin are really good for neutering tanks usefulness.
True. The Ewoks are a pain in the ass to farm. I got lucky with having a strong droid team when the Endor event came around, which gave me a massive boost for Ewok shards.
One thing I would also recommend to brand new players is try to work up old daka when you can. She is the best of the dark side healers I have tried and her main attack chance to stun two different targets makes her super amazing when working your way through the darkside campaigns to unlock stuff. If you have her and royal guard on the same team it is not uncommon to have 3 of your opponents stun locked the entire fight.
Finally got around to quitting my guild and joining a real one with scheduled raid times and stuff. I was trying to stick with my old crew, but we lost some folks and actually moved back from T5 to T4. Now I'm in a 3x per week T7 guild with fixed kill times and damage limits, all the stuff real guilds kind of have.
Finally got around to quitting my guild and joining a real one with scheduled raid times and stuff. I was trying to stick with my old crew, but we lost some folks and actually moved back from T5 to T4. Now I'm in a 3x per week T7 guild with fixed kill times and damage limits, all the stuff real guilds kind of have.
I need to find one of those myself. I've been basically soloing a tier 5 rancor raid for about a month and a half at this point, and as soon as I finish this bullshit I'm out.
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
I'm trying to think of targets on my "kill first" list.
Rey, Dakka, f'ing Qui Gon depending on the team, Lando, Anakin apparently (did he get a buff or something? I've been blown away by him in pvp and it stuns me) biggs, especially if Wedge is on the team, Leia if the rest of the team is crap, IG-88 especially if its a droid team akbar if you have a dot team. Man I didn't realize I had so many kill order things in my head.
So what team do you avoid like the plague? I avoid any Palpatine lead team or all droid crew, if only because generally those spank me.
Preacher on
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
Finally got around to quitting my guild and joining a real one with scheduled raid times and stuff. I was trying to stick with my old crew, but we lost some folks and actually moved back from T5 to T4. Now I'm in a 3x per week T7 guild with fixed kill times and damage limits, all the stuff real guilds kind of have.
I need to find one of those myself. I've been basically soloing a tier 5 rancor raid for about a month and a half at this point, and as soon as I finish this bullshit I'm out.
I joined Happyness after being recruited on the ea guild forums. They're at 50/50, but they kicked someone for me so maybe they have a few slowboaters they'll kick for folks.
I'm trying to think of targets on my "kill first" list.
Rey, Dakka, f'ing Qui Gon depending on the team, Lando, Anakin apparently (did he get a buff or something? I've been blown away by him in pvp and it stuns me) biggs, especially if Wedge is on the team, Leia if the rest of the team is crap, IG-88 especially if its a droid team akbar if you have a dot team. Man I didn't realize I had so many kill order things in my head.
So what team do you avoid like the plague? I avoid any Palpatine lead team or all droid crew, if only because generally those spank me.
A well geared/leveled palp team I hate fighting against. You almost need a 7 star yoda on your team to avoid getting slobbered up by dots/and the AOE team stun badness. I tend to just aboid them. All droid crews can be pretty mitigated if you level up a datcha and use him as a leader. That gives everybody a pretty strong anti droid capability.
The best use of crystals is on stamina refreshes and buying gear packs and mods packs. Those specific packs generally have a lot of value. Especially the mods one. The gear one can be good, but there's also a chance of getting more of the stuff you already have 500+ of.
I'm avoiding the gear one entirely. I just know it'll be full of shit I already have piles of.
I bought one mod pack, got 8, and some of them weren't shitty, consider that a win and am leaving it alone for now.
Early on when you don't have many characters, if you buy a couple of the '100 crystals per day' things, buying the Chromium packs for 2,520 can yield some rewarding draws, but can also (as always) yield a pile of bullshit on worthless characters or even good ones you can't farm (which can be as bad or worse). It's very much a gamble, I'm not saying it's a great idea, but when you have minimal characters, getting a couple can be really nice. The more you have, the more likely you are to get a duplicate of one you already own, vastly diminishing their value.
Which is a roundabout way of saying that stamina refreshes are generally where it's at, but I don't buy into them super constantly either. There's nothing wrong with building up a stockpile of a thousand crystals and just having them on hand for when something good/big does drop, or you decide you really just want to refresh the cantina 3 times regardless of the increased cost.
First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
Having palpatine lead makes sidious a lot more useful. If you can have a good palp leader it increases the potency enough for sid to land both of his dot stacks reliably and then combine it with vader doing the same thing you can slather enormous amounts of damage on opponent teams. But sid without palp is not worth raising above 70. You hit that point and his dots just won't land any more and there are others who can apply heal immunity while doing more consistent damage like IG-88.
hehe I am liking that I had leveled my jedi consular as a healer for a long time. His ship is pretty solid support ship and nice that it is one of my stronger ones.
Yeah. And some day I'll have one. :P
Well yeah, but first one would need Palpatine, which they've said will be a 'rare event', whatever that means, and considering the Rebel team required to get him (five 5* Rebels with the punch to clear the event just to unlock him), that's a bit of a tall order.
I don't disagree that he'd make them more reliable/useful, but we are also talking about his viability for a starting character. He was a workhorse for me for months, I've even kept him levelled up and use him for GW sometimes in a 'tear off their protection, maybe kill someone' team on harder nodes, but he does have diminishing returns for a new player.
Honestly, right now I'd say the most valuable thing to build up are Scoundrels to start. The ability to get into the higher credit heist tiers is pretty clutch for having the cash on hand to use all those training droids and shards that will accrue in the weeks and months to come. Without said credits, it's just a bunch of characters you want to improve but can't.
As for Jawas, I hear that, and am working on them, but aside from Dathcha and the Engineer, they're a work in progress. The Scavenger and Nebit are about 50 shards apiece from 7 stars, but they're only level 40 or so. My regular Jawa is level 63, but only 5 stars and maybe 2/3 of the way to 6, but with the limit on attempts per day, it's a long climb. I know I could put cantina energy into him, but that's being used for the B2 Super Battle Droid to buff up the droid squad, only another 280 shards to go!
I unlocked the genosian soldier from the first cantina mission. And I have been slowly ranking him up, so hopefully that's a good idea.
Once I got high enough level, I got a tie fighter pilot through one of the early tier ship intro? mission things.
That fucking bug bastard can be a real asshole. He's like the assist IG where it seems like he's constantly having someone else shoot you.
Everything about it feels like its designed to get me to put money in while getting even less gameplay than the normal game.
Biggs is a top tier choice. He's currently one of my strongest dudes. Cad Bane is also a good choice because scoundrels are $$$.
To be fair its not really explained.
I suppose I'll focus on the Scoundrels next. They're all around 4*/60, so it shouldn't be too hard...
When I started, I went wide instead of deep, so I have a lot of characters, but the weak ones are pretty weak.
My GW roster is: Wedge (L), Biggs, Leia, Rey, Fives
With that team I can usually clear the whole GW in one go. Sometimes I'll swap in Luminara if I need a direct, controlled heal. My roster is pretty deep, and I've got a strong First Order team I can run and a strong Jedi team I can run if my main team gets beat. But that happens very rarely.
I use that same team on the Rancor battle and generally pull about 1.2m damage against the T5 Rancor and about 800k against the T6 Rancor (per attack). The only substitution I make there is that against the Gamoreans I'll bring Ackbar instead of Fives.
Geo soldier is very solid. He hits pretty hard and has a reasonable amount of health. Also he is a pilot of one of the first ships you get access too so is is a really solid option at the moment. Tie fighter pilot also good in similar ways.
Phasma maintains power a lot better than sid. Her buffs for her team offset her power drop off and enemy slow on an AOE is always pretty strong and she is a solid leader pick with her bonus attacks.
- Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter: Cantina 7-F
- Jedi Consular's Starfighter: Dark Side Battles 8-B Hard
I haven't begun working on Stage 8 Cantina or Stage 9 Light/Dark Battles, so there could be more in there as well.Teebo is pretty solid now. He is also amusing in arena as a leader if you don't have a good tank. His random stealth procs can hide your high damaging people from attack to let them tee off on people in relative safety. Ewok elder is honestly one of the best pure healers in the game but he and the other ewoks other than teebo are a pain in the ass to farm shards for. I really can't recommend going to crazy on a pure ewok team early but Teebo is a solid pick. His leader power is good he has a ton of health and his ability to strip buffs helps you to murder opposing DPS hiding behind a tank. Him and qui gon jin are really good for neutering tanks usefulness.
It could be a good addition to the OP to get a list like this going.
I need to find one of those myself. I've been basically soloing a tier 5 rancor raid for about a month and a half at this point, and as soon as I finish this bullshit I'm out.
Rey, Dakka, f'ing Qui Gon depending on the team, Lando, Anakin apparently (did he get a buff or something? I've been blown away by him in pvp and it stuns me) biggs, especially if Wedge is on the team, Leia if the rest of the team is crap, IG-88 especially if its a droid team akbar if you have a dot team. Man I didn't realize I had so many kill order things in my head.
So what team do you avoid like the plague? I avoid any Palpatine lead team or all droid crew, if only because generally those spank me.
I joined Happyness after being recruited on the ea guild forums. They're at 50/50, but they kicked someone for me so maybe they have a few slowboaters they'll kick for folks.
A well geared/leveled palp team I hate fighting against. You almost need a 7 star yoda on your team to avoid getting slobbered up by dots/and the AOE team stun badness. I tend to just aboid them. All droid crews can be pretty mitigated if you level up a datcha and use him as a leader. That gives everybody a pretty strong anti droid capability.
I bought one mod pack, got 8, and some of them weren't shitty, consider that a win and am leaving it alone for now.
Early on when you don't have many characters, if you buy a couple of the '100 crystals per day' things, buying the Chromium packs for 2,520 can yield some rewarding draws, but can also (as always) yield a pile of bullshit on worthless characters or even good ones you can't farm (which can be as bad or worse). It's very much a gamble, I'm not saying it's a great idea, but when you have minimal characters, getting a couple can be really nice. The more you have, the more likely you are to get a duplicate of one you already own, vastly diminishing their value.
Which is a roundabout way of saying that stamina refreshes are generally where it's at, but I don't buy into them super constantly either. There's nothing wrong with building up a stockpile of a thousand crystals and just having them on hand for when something good/big does drop, or you decide you really just want to refresh the cantina 3 times regardless of the increased cost.