ZeroZero wrote: » They killed my mom and raped my father
Rankenphile wrote: » I'm not really into pokemon.
The Far Side wrote: » Yuri's Revenge was so fucking awesome
Star_Colonel_Ian wrote: » What did EA ever do? Make alot of decisions that were good for their bottom line, but pissed off gamers.
ZeroZero wrote: » Haha, vista
ZeroFill wrote: » ZeroZero wrote: » Haha, vista yeah I had to reinstall and I thought: well I can't find my xp cd since I moved might as well get the upgrade since I'll need it eventually anywayWrong
ZeroZero wrote: » ZeroFill wrote: » ZeroZero wrote: » Haha, vista yeah I had to reinstall and I thought: well I can't find my xp cd since I moved might as well get the upgrade since I'll need it eventually anywayWrong Mully's laptop has vista on it. We were making fun of her, and it was awesome.
commie wrote: » Star_Colonel_Ian wrote: » What did EA ever do? Make alot of decisions that were good for their bottom line, but pissed off gamers.
HappylilElf wrote: » commie wrote: » Star_Colonel_Ian wrote: » What did EA ever do? Make alot of decisions that were good for their bottom line, but pissed off gamers. Renegade was a fun game that was plauged with bad netcode. Why are your panties in a wad? Although there is a very good reason to hate EA over the Command & Conquer series, the answer is Rendgade thoughGenerals. The answer we were looking for was Generals.Actually Generals was a decent game, it just had nothing to do with C&C and probably should have been it's own thing and not associated with C&C
FreddyD wrote: » C&C is like the McDonald's of RTS games.
Make alot of decisions that were good for their bottom line, but pissed off gamers.
We seem to be in the minority around here.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
then thank fucking god that it keeps fucking crashing on my god damn computer 30 seconds into the first gdi map
fuck you, microsoft vista. fuck you.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
yeah I had to reinstall and I thought:
well I can't find my xp cd since I moved
might as well get the upgrade since I'll need it eventually anyway
theres no dongers in the grinder
my laptop doesnt have vista on it and I think it makes fun of me
I'm going linux, dudes
I do kind of want an xbox, though
Renegade was a fun game that was plauged with bad netcode. Why are your panties in a wad?
Although there is a very good reason to hate EA over the Command & Conquer series, the answer isn't Renegade though,
I like the insulting chinese accents
and that the pc version is slightly dragged down by said console-friendly interface
Renegade singleplayer was acceptable if nothing else. The multiplayer is what kept me coming back to the game.
Mostly because when my roommate and I play he is like scrin scrin lol and they seem ridiculously unbeatable