In this [chat] we will learn about Fire Emblem: Fates, the newest entry into the Fire Emblem series for 3DS. What is Fire Emblem? Well, I could tell you. Or you could watch this, which basically sums it all up.
In Fire Emblem: Fates, you flirt with many male and female prospects in order to build a relationship, choose your lifelong mate, then have awkwardly implied sexual encounters in your Private Quarters. Sometimes, the game will ask you to rouse your sleeping spouse from their slumber by gently touching their charming anime faces with your stylus (aka Phallus), or blow on their faces by blowing gently into the mic (because...they're...warm?). The unions you choose will result in offspring who will be appropriately aged up by some not-at-all groanworthy plot device to join your army and become unstoppable forces of destruction on the battlefield.
The game does allow you to marry your royal Brothers and Sisters. Some of us (me) find this a bridge too far. Albeit, only for Birthright, in which you fight with the innocent and obviously good Hoshido. Maybe in Conquest, the dark and brooding kingdom that's more like Westeros, incest will fly. Xander-chan....
Oh and sometimes you play a tactical RPG on a map with your units in between matching up your anime dolls and your units can die forever and there is no shame in save scumming or playing on Normal mode,
Work has been boring today
saussure wept
and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin
its more my speed
fuck up once and you break your thumb / if you're happy at all then you're god damn dumb
that's right we're on a fucked up cruise / God is dead but at least we have booze
bad things happen, no one knows why / the sun burns out and everyone dies
Dennis... my my god god
NNID: Hakkekage
Huh, if we continued to marry similar to the 1950's across economic lines would of reduced economic inequality by ~20%. I want to read this study.
I guess government match making shall be required.
Line up meat bags.
"Yah! Wah! Woohoo!"
stardew valley has waifus too.
i saw it on a strim
I can't wait to get to it, this is the second post like this about it
I live to serve
NNID: Hakkekage
specifically while wayne lapierre is speaking even
One time I was listening to a reliable mezzo soprano (I think Jennifer Larmore) and suddenly realized the song was in English and I could understand everything she was saying
And the spell was broken and she was no longer a bird molded in lifelong service to older beauties and I was just some guy who was going to die someday
Mac's pretty great in it, too.
I am prepared to accept my governmentally mandated rich wife.
This one is in person!
..they arlready have this
they even sell shirts for it
way to get a leg up on the competition!
Also, the right to arm bears.
what about the right to babe arms
what about the right to baby farms