Official Definition:
Heroes of the Storm™ is a raucous online team brawler starring your favorite Blizzard characters. Build and customize heroes from across every Blizzard universe to suit your play style. Team up with your friends and engage in fast-paced mayhem across varied battlegrounds that impact strategy and change the way you play the game.
Alternate Definition:
Heroes is a MOBA-lite Team Brawler game in which you play as many characters from different Blizzard universes in 5v5 objective based team combat. The emphasis is on "objective based." There are currently 7 maps with more to come. Each features a unique map objective that is typically the key to victory. The team that manages to win the objectives is usuallythe team that wins. Heroes shares many gameplay elements in the MOBA genre with popular games like DotA2 and League of Legends, but it also drops a lot of the common trappings of the genre and has simplified down to a core game of action and fun.
Heroes, in a nutshell, is a game in which two teams are trying to destroy the Core of the opposing team. The Core is similar to the Ancient in DotA or the Nexus in League. Each team has a base with Forts, Towers, Gates, Healing Wells, and Walls to help them defend their core.
At regular intervals waves of NPC Minions spawn in each base and march down pre-defined lanes to attack the enemy. It is the job of the players to help attack down these lanes and destroy the enemy team's base and ultimately their Core. To help with this, each of the maps has a special map objective that gives a big bonus of some sort to the team that completes the objective. Generally each objective will be completed 3-5 times per match before the core is destroyed.
Just like the waves of NPC Minions who spawn and march towards each other in battle, so too do the player characters respawn when they die and continue to fight. The amount of time it takes to respawn is directly related to how long the game has been running. In a new game that is only minutes old, a player will respawn almost immediately. In games over 15 minutes in length the spawn timers will reach a full 60 seconds.
Core: The first team to destroy their opponent's Core wins the map. The Core has a recharging shield which is worth about 15% of the total health of the Core. This shield regenerates very quickly when the Core is out of combat for 8 seconds. The Core also shoots a lightning blast at a target that will also damage enemies near that target. It follows the same targeting rules as Forts and Towers (see below), but is immune to many effect that shut down structures.
Tower: The first line of defense in each base. Towers have limited ammo which regenerates over time. Towers prioritize minions and summoned units and will ignore player characters as long as there is a minion or summoned unit within range. Unlike other MOBAs, the Towers in Heroes will not target a player character if that character attacks an enemy hero while within range.
Forts: Each lane has one Fort, which is located behind a wall and two towers. These Forts have a lot of HP and attack with ammo just like Towers do, but they also slow enemy movement and attack speed which makes them a decent place to defend from. Destroying a Fort yields a considerable XP payout, making them primary targets in the early game.
Keeps: After a Fort, the last line of a lane's defense before the Core are Keeps. These function similarly to Forts, and will also pay out big XP if destroyed. If a keep is destroyed, the opposing lane will start spawning long-range, high-damage catapults alongside the usual minions. Therefore, it's very important protect your keeps while destroying your opponents'.
Healing Wells: If you have played Warcraft 3 then you are probably familiar with the Healing Wells, as they operate similarly to the Moon Wells of the Night Elves. They are on a timer, and restore Health and Mana when you click them. The Health and Mana provided by these Wells is not instant, as the restoration happens over time.
Spawn Point: Each team spawns behind their Core in the safety of their base. There is a magical shield barrier that prevents the enemy team from entering the spawn location, and this shield stops all spells and attacks. Spawn Points also have instant-mounting while you are inside, and you regenerate Health and Mana at a very fast rate while standing in the spawn.
Minions spawn down the lane like merry lemmings just waiting to die to a tower or hero. They are...
1. Soldiers: Dudes with swords, they lead the minion waves. Tend to have higher-than-average HP and a weak melee attack.
2. Archers: Dudes with, get this, bows. They're in the back of the wave, boasting lower HP but a decent ranged attack.
3. Mages: Wizards that coast in the middle of the pack. They deal ranged damage, but the more important thing is that they drop a green orb on death that will give you and nearby teammates a little bit of HP and mana back. There's only one per minion wave, so try to get that orb!
4. Catapults: Beefy siege units that assault bases with a long-range attack. They only spawn when the enemy's final fort in that lane has fallen, giving you incentive to keep that damn fort alive. They can easily outrange towers/forts/cores, meaning they will slowly whittle down a base unless stopped.
Each map also contains a scattering of Mercenary Camps in the "jungle" area between the lanes. These Merc Camps are neutral NPCs that can be defeated by players and hired to fight for the team that captures them. To capture a Mercenary Camp, the players must defeat them in combat (or bribe them) and then stand within a capture circle for a few seconds to gain control of the camp. It is possible for the enemy team to steal the camps if they push you out of the circle or kill you before you can claim it.
1. Siege Camps: These camps contain two giant siege monsters which hurl large rocks at their enemies. They have long range and can out-range towers and forts, which make them very advantageous for lane pushing. These are the easiest camps to defeat and can be solo'd by most heroes by level 10.
2. Bruiser Camps: Formerly known as the "Knight Camps," these are squads of 4 soldiers (3 melee and 1 spellcaster) who possess a lot of HP and decent damage damage. These camps are more difficult to take and typically require 1-2 people to capture.
3. Boss Camps: These camps generally require 3+ heroes to kill, depending on team levels and what heroes are present. These are high HP / high Damage monsters that can do devastating amounts of damage in a lane. They ignore minions and other mercenaries and will only target enemy structures. They cast a Pound skill that can be avoided by moving out of the telegraphed smash circle. They also cast a targeted root spell on occasion against enemy heroes, telegraphed by a smaller circle.
4. Map-Specific Creeps: From pirates on Blackheart Bay to the plant monsters in the Garden of Terror, these mercs will NOT join your side, but instead drop objective-relevant items that help you win the game like skulls, coins, and so on. Difficulty and rewards vary by map.
So what else? There is no item shop.
No in-game gold. No items to be bought. No shoes or rods of whatever. "Blasphemy!" you might say, but Heroes is feeling pretty heretical. Instead of items, you get talents roughly every 3-4 levels. These are anywhere from 2-5 choices that change how your character functions. It might be "killing minions gives you more damage" or "your auto-attacks now slow enemies." At level 10 you unlock your Heroic Ability (aka your ult), and even that has choices! Every character has two heroic abilities, so pick the one most suited for the current game.
If you have played other MOBAs and are accustomed to buying boots, this game doesn't have them. Instead it has Mounts (default Z key). Attacking or taking damage dismounts you, and re-mounting does have a brief cooldown. Not all characters can mount up, but instead have mobility skills that in most cases let them get to an area REALLY FAST but has a much longer cooldown.
As you play games in Heroes, you will level up two different things: your Player Level and a Hero Level. Experience you earn from playing game is applied to both kinds of levels. There are also three kinds of XP boosts one can get: playing with people on your friends list, Holiday bonuses that occur throughout the year, and Stimpacks which are boosts you buy from the shop. Also, there's a cap on experience gained from bot matches: roughly 2.25 Million experience a day.
Player Level is just an account rank. You get various features and goodies unlocked as you play. These are as follows:
- Level2: 1,000 Gold
- Level 4: 1,000 Gold
- Level 5: Unlocks an additional slot in the free hero rotation
- Level 6: Unlocks Daily Quests
- Level 7: Unlocks an additional slot in the free hero rotation
- Levels 8: 2,000 Gold
- Level 10: A Seven-Day Stim Pack (+100% XP and Gold from games); 2,000 Gold
- Level 12: Unlocks an additional slot in the free hero rotation
- Level 15: Unlocks an additional slot in the free hero rotation
- Level 20: 2,000 Gold
- Level 25: 2,000 Gold
- Level 30: 2,000 Gold
- Level 35: 2,000 Gold
- Level 40: 2,000 Gold
Daily Quests are small tasks the game gives you each day, and upon completion you get 200-800 gold (depending on the quest) for your effort (as an aside, you also get 30 gold for each win, and 20 for each loss). There are currently 4 categories of Daily Quests: play 2 games with a specific franchise hero, play 3 games as a specific role, win 3 games, and play 8 games in any mode. Note that the Retro and Overwatch universes are currently not used for the franchise daily quests.
Hero Level is a series of unlocks for specific heroes. Each hero has their own level, and playing games with them will increase their level (alongside your player level). Here are hero unlocks:
- Level 5: 500 Gold
- Level 6: Hero Portrait; Mount Tint #1
- Level 7: Hero Tint #1
- Level 8: Hero Tint #2
- Level 9: Hero Master Portrait; Mount Tint #2; 750 Gold
- Level 10: Allows purchase of Master Skin (10,000 gold)
- Level 15: 1,000 Gold
- Level 20: 2,000 Gold
To unlock Ranked Modes, you must own at least 14 heroes that are level five or higher. Free rotation heroes count towards this total so long as they meet this level requirement.Recruit-a-Friend
Blizzard introduced the RAF program in their December update. With this program veteran players will earn rewards for recruiting new members. New members also get bonuses. It's a win-win for everyone!
Veteran RAF rewards:
- A Portrait when 1 friend reaches account level 10
- Vulture Mount when 4 friends reach account level 10
Recruit RAF rewards:
- A 5-day stimpack
- Jim Raynor as a free hero at account level 1
- Sylvanas as a free hero upon reaching account level 10
- A Portrait when reaching account level 10
What are some good newbie heroes?Assassin: Raynor,
Warrior: Muradin,
Support: Li Li, and
Specialist: Nazeebo. Avoid Abathur,
(Cho'gall, Rexxar, Murky, and the Lost Vikings as they have very atypical designs that are best played when you have more experience with the game.)
What's the best way to get experience?
Quick Match. Practice has an experience penalty, and cooperative games are (on average) shorter than Quick Match games. This means you spend more time in queues when doing co-op whereas QM you are in the game earning XP (it's time-based for xp earned per game). There's also the 50,000 xp win bonus you get from QM that you can't from co-op. Hero and Team League are probably worse xp because you have to spend time picking heroes. The only reason to play co-op is because you just can't win in QM for a daily.
What is the fastest way to get gold?
There is none. First, do the tutorials. They don't net you a ton of gold, but it's a decent amount and worth spending ~30-45 minutes to get. From there, the least slow way is to do your daily quest (the game saves up to three quests so you can miss a day or two) and then play with friends on heroes you have not gotten to level five or nine with yet. Start with heroes you don't own yet, and then switch to owned heroes if you manage to get all 10 free rotation heroes to level 5 or 9 within a week. That right there is about 5000 gold a week for the next month or so, not counting gold from account levels and games played. Once you hit 40 and have all heroes to level nine you can then do dailies (about 250 gold a day) and grind heroes to 15 and 20 for more gold, but the latter is a significantly longer process than getting a hero to level five or nine.
Do not buy stimpacks. They are not worth the money unless you can play around 10+ games a day for a month straight. The seven-day stimpacks are even worse.
Also, each week a hero is on sale for 25%-50% off real-world money prices, so that's another option if you're willing to lay down hard cash on the game.
When is the next patch?
Patches have been on a fairly consistent seven-week cycle since launch. Basically a patch will go up on PTR for a week, then it goes live with a new hero. Three weeks later, the second hero in that patch is released but there are no changes barring minor bugfixes or something. Then three weeks after that the next patch goes up on PTR, and the cycle begins anews.
How does the new hero pricing model work?
All new heroes are released at a starting cost of 15k. This price will be in place for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, the price drops to 10k. Beyond that, there is no set rule or guideline for when a hero will further drop in price. Blizzard has occasionally gone through and updated hero pricing on multiple heroes at once, (i.e. when they made Li Li a 2k hero and Arthas a 7k hero), but there's no hard rule for when older heroes get price drops.
Cross Promotional stuff?World of Warcraft
WoW Character Level 100: Wolf Mount (HotS)
HotS Account Level 20: Grave Golem Pet (WoW)
Legion Deluxe Edition: Felstalker Mount (HotS)
Diablo 3
Seasonal Character 70: Malthael's Phantom Mount (HotS)
HotS Account Level 12: Pennant and Player Border (D3)
Starcraft 2
Buy Legacy of the Void (any version): Unlock Artanis (HotS)
Buy Legacy of the Void Collector's Edition: Void Seeker Mount (HotS)
Win 100 Games: Hearthstone Card Mount (HotS)
HotS Account Level 12: HotS Themed Card Back (HS)
Buy Overwatch Origins OR Collector's Edition: Unlock Tracer (HotS)
How do I play with all of you fine people?
Type "/join heroes of the wang" in game to join our PA chat channel. Great for finding games! Also, check out the
Battle Tag list
She's pretty fun!
We had a Hammer that thought he had to E every single engagement. Kusanku
I feel like maybe Blizzard's information distribution model is flawed. I fully appreciate being told sometimes as many as 3-4 months worth of content in one batch. That part is great. Keep doing that. The issue is when we get to the end of a batch and then there's just this lull where the playerbase is literally in the dark about what's coming next, before the next batch of information rolls out.
What I propose is a rolling batch system, in which a new batch of future content info is dropped sometime in the back quarter of the previous batch. So like when we had the Blizzcon announcement, and we knew of 4 upcoming heroes - Cho'gall, Lunara, Greymane, and Artanis, maybe during that period of time between hero 3 and hero 4, they should drop another information batch.
In a situation like the last one, where they only told us two upcoming heroes, they should have released another preview in between Li Ming and Xul.
i am curious about what is coming next as well, and in vent a few of us were talking about it last night. however to be honest, i am not sure i care enough. they clearly are something in the pipeline and they have been on a pretty regular schedule for content so it isn't that big of a deal. as i mentioned last night i would be perfectly fine if they took the next 6+ months off and not make any new content (skins, maps, heroes, whatever) and just address the existing stuff. that will never happen though for a variety of reasons.
WoWtcg and general gaming podcast
WoWtcg and gaming website
I just think it would be healthy for the game to take some time every now and again to fix what they've got without adding anything new.
WoWtcg and general gaming podcast
WoWtcg and gaming website
-- Anub'arak needs more survivability. 16 extra shields or whatever they gave him was pathetic and negligible and he needs more. Obviously with Anub it's a very fine line because he's such a disruptive tank. But right now he's very under-represented and definitely on the weak side. Maybe another shield boost along with maybe like 3% more health or something would put him where he needs to be.
-- Kerrigan is another character who walks a fine line. But right now she's way out of the meta. I cannot even remember the last time I saw Kerrigan in a match (outside of free week of course). Nobody picks her when there are other way better melee options available. I think her shield talents need some work. She's an all-commit type of character. And because of that, she needs some help in the staying alive department. When you compare her to nearly every other melee, her toughness and survivability are near the bottom. Thrall has lots of self-sustain from his trait. Wolf-form Greymane has the ability to backflip out (and also potentially stealth). Butcher can keep himself on a target for a long time with Butcher's Brand. And even Illidan, who is also not in a great place right now, at least can keep himself going with his cooldown reduction on his trait and being able to pop evasion a time or two in combat. Kerrigan has none of that. Building up her shield requires direct melee combat, and all the while she's trying to build up a shield, someone else is trying to knock it off. Her entire shielding mechanic is fundamentally flawed. Also, it falls off much too quickly.
-- Illidan needs a bit of love. He's a very high skill cap hero, and I don't want to see him in every game. Or even in every 10th game. I'm ok with him being rare and only appearing in the upper tiers of play where good people exist. But I think we can all agree that he needs some love right now. He's just really weak compared to recent additions to the game.
-- Rexxar is a very niche pick, and he doesn't work with every team. But even on the teams he works with, he's still a liability because of how fragile Rexxar is and how useless he is. Everything is in the bear. Without the bear, Rexxar is nothing. And yet people can just bypass the bear, kill the man, and eliminate both of them very easily. Especially in the current meta where the TTK is so low. Rexxar simply cannot survive having a Greymane pounce him. Or Artanis. Or even Chen. Rexxar (the man) needs some love. The bear is actually pretty ok.
-- Gazlowe is a hero we all love to hate. We are pretty much all guilty of exaggerating how bad he is. He's not really terrible. He's just not great. But I've seen some really good Gazlowe's carry hard, so I know the potential is there for him to be good. But his kit is broken and wonky, he has some of the worst talents in the game. And his Scrap trait is utter garbage. We have been promised for months a rework on him, and I'm beginning to think Blizzard has either forgotten about the rework, or else they gave up on it. Because where is it? Seriously.
That isn't my full list. That's just my list of worst-offenders. Characters I personally feel are in the worst place right now and in need of some love.
nah, I was asleeps. last game i played was ~1am.
also i just realized we never got that arthas legendary skin did we. only thing that was announced so far that hasn't come out isn't it? i bet we get an in development next week.
def agree with anub and kerrigan needing some help. anub has been iffy for ages, but kerrigan just got slaughtered by the scaling changes. i had played a ton of her in the months before that and she wasn't the best but was viable enough and was super fun. but her early game power that tailed off means that now she's just kinda crap the whole game.
if i were to list heroes that needed attention it would probably be (no particular order):
sgt hammer
maybe brightwing, TLV, and azmodan as well.
those i feel all need attention in one form or another. pretty much every single other hero could also get tweaks in one form or another but they are all going to be very interdependent as well as heavily dependent on any game-wide changes.
WoWtcg and general gaming podcast
WoWtcg and gaming website
Murky is the top of all orders.
SALAMI somethingorother
that's all you need to know
that's all you need to BRRRAAAAAAP-BO Tag: Dibby#1582
They can do all that stuff at the same time. In fact, from a tweet from DB yesterday or the day before, they are.
And new heroes/maps is one of the most exciting things this game has going for it imo. That's why everyone wants to know what's next after all.
There's just little reason to stop releasing new stuff when it's not actually getting in the way of adding other things or fixing stuff in the game.
And frankly, a lack of new content for many months would do alot of work towards killing the game.
But don't get me wrong, I also do like when they straight up announce "here's our next two/three/howevermany planned Heroes".
I dunno, it's not like they're not planning on telling us. It'll happen. Tag: Dibby#1582
The thing that interview with some pros pointed out about BW is true imo. There is no choice at lvl 7 for her. That shield is just too important to making BW work. That's probably the biggest thing that needs to be looked at imo.
I think they should probably just bake the shield into her base kit at a much lower number and/or duration or something. Then buff some alternate non-shield/shift based paths through her tree.
we gotta hit it big with the kids these days and their memes
Zagara pops Maw into VP, hitting no one and wasting Maw.
Virtus Pro starts channeling Shrine when Fnatic only has 3 members up, decides to ABANDON THE SHRINE and get a Fort instead? And it cost them the entire game!
Dudes. You're pro players. 4 vs 5 damage DOESN'T MATTER when your opponents only have 8 Core health to begin with.
Fuck dude I'm so salty over this terrible play.
Edit: And then earlier Fnatic gets nearly a full team wipe, has opportunity to escort Sappers down a lane. Instead they waffle a whole bunch, split up, and get nothing really done...? Tag: Dibby#1582
Wait, you think Tyrael is weak? He felt fine when I was playing him, and I thought he was still seeing a decent amount of pro play (mostly for sanct but still).
Surprised Arthas wasn't included on that list either. He definitely needs some help (and is apparently getting some, anyway, so). Tag: Dibby#1582
Yeah, there's several heroes that aren't weak but definitely could use some love in terms of making their kit more interesting or cohesive. Tyrael may be a main one. I think Lunara and Rexxar and Morales also belong somewhere on that list, though lower down then Tyrael. None of them are weak but all I think could use something a little more interesting.
And the number of heroes that could use a talent pass to shape their tree up is fucking large.
And yeah, Arthas man. He needs some love in basically all aspects. I wonder if perhaps they are holding off his legendary skin for a later patch when they do a rework on him. Maybe I'm just hoping.
I usually play with the sound off, as a courtesy to my wife while she studies. In my first game as Nazeebo in which I could hear everything, I routinely shot blanks to make sure the sounds coming out of Nazeebo were what I thought I had heard.
It was mostly for Toads; Wall of Zombies was fine until I came to know Carbot.
Steam: TimIsOnSteam TimIsOnBnet#1745
Switch: SW-7012-4788-7410
PSN: TimIsOnTheNet
But actually I think Tyrael's talents are fine, he has a lot of interesting options. What he actually needs is a noticeable attack damage buff so AA Tyrael can actually be a thing, he has a ton of cool talents to support that, alongside his normal survivability/regen build.
Also that game was so dumb. We were 4 melee + Greymane vs. Xul/Gazlowe/Nova/Tassadar/Johanna. We couldn't win a teamfight to save anything, even when I was like "fuck it" and went hard trying to kill their most vulnerable member (Gazlowe) I'd get him to 10% and then he gets another Tass shield and sprints away. But we were way ahead on buildings going into the midgame just through better map control, getting turn ins and taking buildings when we could, to the point where one turn in for us would end the game.
Cue the dicktrickle of our Greymane needlessly diving in for no reason on an exposed Nova and getting ambushed by the rest of their team. However, after he said "let's just turn in pls" I responded with "let's just not die first" and then he started playing smarter. Like 7 goddamn minutes go by of losing fights over and over as they defend the turn in while they get 2-3 turn ins themselves (I think we were down to our bottom keep being up vs. no keeps for them), me holding 12 coins all the way and greymane having 7 for the last 3 minutes when we needed 18. So... we walk up to the turn in just after their last bombardment happens, half our team having just respawned. We start to turn in.
Boss gets capped. We finish turning in.
Mistakes were made.
I don't get why they keep drafting Cho'gall given what happened in the NA tournament. Like, good teams didn't even have to draft against him to win against him. He's super gimmicky. The Murky pick wasn't even a counter, but it just makes Cho'gall weaker because he can be anywhere on the map and frees up the rest of the team to rotate.
As if there was any other possible outcome!
Witty signature comment goes here...
Wait, what? Cho'gall won a majority of games played in the NA tournament. I think Cho'gall only lost like, twice? Otherwise he was incredibly successful, to the point where he had a pretty damn high banrate. Tag: Dibby#1582
I think he showed up in like 4 games, and even then only by Blaze and TempoStorm (maybe Cog used him once?). A couple of those games were turnaround wins where they were being dominated and then managed to get a late-game wipe to rush core. The bans were just because the other team didn't want to have to deal with a bullshit draft where they have to worry about Cho'gall showing up at the end.
His losses were against teams that didn't even draft against him. I remember one of them had Zeratul and Li-Ming (e.g. no Leoric/Raynor/Kharazim/etc.), and the other was Cloud9, who drafted Rehgar themselves (who is nearly mandatory for CG to be viable in a pro game) and then proceeded to stomp his lack of lane presence across the map with a pretty standard comp. To be fair, this is Cloud9 we're talking about, but the Cho'gall drafts felt super gimmicky to me, and a couple of his wins were purely because of getting Level 20 Shadowbolts to wipe the other team for a core rush. Which I guess is a viable strategy, but just feels cheap because he's not strong enough for the first 19 levels so his team is losing the whole game up to that point.
I dunno, I didn't watch all the matches, and my memory could be totally off here. It's just one of those things where it'd be awesome if they balanced the hero so he would actually be viable instead of making him this weird gimmick where everyone knows he's underpowered for the vast majority of the game but then he gets this ridiculous ult later that can wipe a whole team. It was pretty clear to me that the drafts in the NA tournament were basically "LOL nobody plays against Cho'gall they won't be prepared!" kind of things, and then the later drafts were just like "fuck well this is our gimmick so let's see what happens" and they just lose the game horribly.
WoWtcg and general gaming podcast
WoWtcg and gaming website
the other team was absolutely terrible Kusanku
I assume this was Towers?
It's been months and people STILL don't know how to play the map right.
Jeez louise. Once you hit 16, the amount of single target damage you can put out is obscene. Those skellypants do work, man.
Anyway, our game was really weird. Similar-ish comp... Morales/Stitches/Xul all mirrored, really passive play all game, hard to get anything actually done. Damage was kind of non-existent for us, the majority of the game. Wasn't until late game when things really started rolling our way. Couple of key factors enabled us to win over the enemy team, though:
- I picked Shade, enemy Xul didn't. Thrall got on me? Lol not anymore.
- Our Stitches picked up Gorge, enemy Stitches picked Bile. Hook -> Gorge onto key targets like Thrall or Morales would win us fights.
- Sylvanas. Wailing Arrow alone won us many, many fights.
Fun stuff though. Tag: Dibby#1582