Be Sure You're Getting Your Maximum PAX with the PAX East 2016 Prank!

zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
edited March 2016 in PAX East
Previously on PAX Prank:

Last time, on PAX Prank:
South 2016: PAXonDemand

On the next episode of PAX Prank:
East 2016: ???

The PAX Prank community tradition is back and once again we need your help! We need able individuals to help organize and be involved in this year’s prank.

Please read the PAX Prank Mission Statement:

The PAX Prank strives to be fun for everyone involved, be it the ones being pranked or the ones pranking. The PAX Prank will never act with malicious intent and will forever strive to avoid embarrassing its participants. It will be mindful of people who want no part in it, will not push the issue, and will always respect the authority figures of Penny Arcade Inc., PAX, and Greater Seattle/Boston/San Antonio. The PAX Prank will not cause any emotional, physical, or financial damage to anyone, whether they are involved directly or indirectly.

While each year's prank is kept under wraps from the general public, we do need interested volunteers! If you would like to join our organization, please complete our application linked below. Please do not respond if you cannot fit within the confines of the mission statement above or the criteria below.


You must not be opposed to Twitter, GroupMe, or Google Hangouts, and can potentially get SMS updates.

You must be over 18. Sorry folks.

You must be at least moderately outgoing. What we do will call a lot of attention to ourselves. We will be interacting with some of the celebrities that are at PAX. YOU WILL BE SEEN! If attention, social interaction, and having people probably laughing at/with you and/or wanting to praise you/shake your hand -- among other things -- upsets you, the prank may not be for you.*

*Note: If you would like to be involved in the creative aspects of the prank (content, design, planning, etc) rather than the actual presentation, please feel free to apply but specify that preference in your application.

You must be willing and able to keep up with prank communications on the prank forums and participate in threads on a regular basis.

You must be able to keep a secret. There will be mass emails, Skype/google hangout/tinychat calls, and other private conversations. We want to keep the reactions of our targets pure; surprise is the key here. Please don’t sign up if you know you are bad at keeping a secret.

You must be available either Thursday night or Friday morning before the show opens for an in person pre-PAX preparatory meeting. Most of us will be doing the Pre-PAX dinner, Pub Crawl, Board Game Night, and the like, so we know how cramped for time PAX can be. We will coordinate to fit everyone’s schedules as best we can, but if you can’t make yourself available on either day for about 15 to 30 minutes, please skip signing up.

So if you're ready to break out the abacus and crunch some numbers, come join us on the
PAX East 2016 Prank!

zerzhul on


  • InfiniteNuLLInfiniteNuLL Registered User regular
    This a lot of fun =)

    FF14 - Failia Zebonaiza, Behemoth Server, FC: 404 Guild Not Found
    PAX East Attendee - 2015, 2016
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I certainly hope so!

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Applications will close towards the end of the day on March 29th!

    Everyone who has applied so far should have received a response.

  • Jordman12Jordman12 Registered User regular
    I would totally do this if it wasn't for the Omegathon. For suggestions on who to prank, I wouldn't mind seeing you guys pranking some of the Omeganauts. :twisted:

    2015 PAX East Omeganaut
    2016 PAX East Omeganaut

    HAIL HATS !!!!!!!

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