Any Fireside Gathering organizers attending?

deathheaddeathhead Registered User new member

My wife and I have been hosting monthly Fireside Gatherings for 8 months now in Ottawa, Canada. I'm wondering if there is anyone else that hosts regular Fireside's that would be interested in meeting up to talk about how you/we keep people engaged and coming back.

So far we probably have about 5-10 people that come out fairly regularly and the rest are people that are either completely new or have come a couple times.

We've been trying very hard to keep these events free and the way we figure it is we'd spend $X amount going out for dinner and a movie or whatever so we just spend it on the Gathering instead. We've been trying to reach out to some local businesses for sponsorship/prizes but haven't had very good return on this, so that would also be something that might be useful to talk about for organizers?

I'm not sure on the rule for posting personal information, but you can get in touch with me here or at :)



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