Jackbox stage instead of rockband...thoughts?

FunnelKing27FunnelKing27 Registered User regular
I personnaly liked to watch people make fools of themselves on the Rock Band stage after the expo hall closes...sometimes you get your good ones.


  • newfoundcontrolnewfoundcontrol Registered User regular
    Seems to be a hit. Always a lot of people around it. Also Rock Band is on Expo floor so it has a larger audience.

  • FunnelKing27FunnelKing27 Registered User regular
    Yea i have noticed it always has a large crowd. I guess it is a pretty big hit. Thats cool. Rock band on the expo floor is not the same. Cant sit and relax while enjoying the performances.

  • TopherRocksTopherRocks Rockstar Beard Grower Kent, OH or Long Island, NYRegistered User regular
    I'd much rather Rock Band back and move jackbox to maybe one of the other areas. Dance Central seemed pretty dead this year, maybe swap it out?

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