Disclaimer: I am not the person who organizes pre-pax gaming (I leave that to people like
@LexiconGrrl *smiles*), however I have, over the past few years, brought up a collection of games that people have been able to borrower and utilize throughout the night, to varying degrees of success.
As I am working on my packing and travel plans, I need to see how much interest there is in me continuing to bring these, as it is a time/cost factor to bring them up to Seattle. Don't get me wrong as I love to do it (My volunteer work is helping run non profit cons in Portland), but if there isn't as huge of need, I can trim back how much if any I bring.
This is just a question in general to people who attended it in the past: how much use/interest is there in these being available again, and should I focus on shorter, light games or would you want some games with some heft to them (sorry I won't bring descent or Talisman)
Thanks everyone.
Understood. I've brought everything from One night warewolf and Zombie dice, up to and including Various Deckbuilders, pandemic, stoneage, etc..:) (as a note this is independant of my Steve Jackson games, which I always have with me)